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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Printable Version

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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Jamez - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:"Member No.: 667" That's an old member. (I figured out what I just said, it's funny xD)

And what the hell I'm gonna do today??
Oh look at that, seems I still have a family

I like my member number because it has something to do with Pokemon. I think it's the initial amount of Pokemon there was in the beginning, or something. Moving on.. I also remember when we hit the 30-player mark on the server, Wolfpack made an announcement in universe chat :laugh:

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Tommeh - 05-25-2009

I have few unfinished games that I neglected when I installed Freelancer so...guess I will finish them.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Othman - 05-25-2009

Eh.. Just bleedin woke up and this, great. I seriously hope the attackers, whoever they are, can be convicted of their crimes soon.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - uLtImAtE - 05-25-2009

Maybe it's better so, now I can relaxed learn for my latin exams ;)

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Fletcher - 05-25-2009

So, we're under attack? Are we that popular? Also, are our characters safe? Or as long as we have FLAM we'll be safe? Or am I a paranoid fool?

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - teschy - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:am I a paranoid fool?

*slowly walks away*

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - McNeo - 05-25-2009

At least I managed to fly my Kusari destroyer and do something with it before this happened. Too bad the server can't be started up in safe, no-pvp mode for powertrading. I need moneyz:(

Jokes aside, I hope the evidence is conclusive enough to prosecute these criminals legally. I also hope that they have no damaged any of your hardware or software, majkp.

Backups are also made every server restart for character data, I think.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Apex - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:Hmmmm......curios coincidence!

.......anyone seen Tenacity today?
Only kidding :DGood luck getting it sorted. I'm sure everything is being done to rectify situation

Tenacity hacking ? bagh, he's too busy usually spamming the forums, where would he have the time.. rofl

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Baltar - 05-25-2009

Think its time to move this thread from Server Announcements to Flood ...

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Ocampo - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:Tenacity hacking ? bagh, he's too busy usually spamming the forums, where would he have the time.. rofl

I think he would do that myself. He does seem to have the " know-how" and things.