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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - tansytansey - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:I think BS's should only be given out after a Special Roleplay request tbh..Not a lul wutter grinding for a week and then buying 1 and saying:


Personally I disagree with that. Restrictions on ships hinder legitimate Roleplayers just as much, if not more than 'lulwutters'. So why should we make rules to accommodate them if it harms the people behaving appropriately? Doesn't seem fair, does it? You can be an ass in anything from a Light Fighter to a Battleship.
The only difference is a Battleship is easier to kill. They only give the illusion of 'space superiority.'

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - farmerman - 07-03-2009

I can really see things going either way. On the one hand, if Battleships were less restricted and priced the same as Cruisers are now, it would be chaos. The reason being the tons of Cruisers around.

On the other hand, there are certainly people who would be great RPing a Battleship who aren't right now because they're still trading to get the money to even buy one.

The only solution I can think of to deal with both is have a system where they're actually more expensive than they are now, but allow people to request them for a significantly less price if they prove they are able to RP well with them. Make a copy of the Battleship License called a Battleship Permit, perhaps, and put those on them. Then if there are any problems with those ships related to the rules or whatnot, they'd lose the ship.

That trades cost for responsibility. It could be taken the wrong way, but if the logic is you're paying to avoid the paperwork, it may be feasible.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Jacob S. - 07-03-2009

I'm all for maybe a slight reduction in price, but some type of middleman, either Special RP or Faction Registration. Cap Armor prices aught to drop though, regardless of the other factors.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:I think BS's should only be given out after a Special Roleplay request tbh..Not a lul wutter grinding for a week and then buying 1 and saying:

Of course, what's MUCH more fun is when that person goes out and gets his big ship - and then comes in on a raid and meets up with 3 quality constructed bombers. It takes a while, and you're liable to lose one or more of the bombers - but then the next thing you see is:


There's a reason why THIS is true....

(That's also the reason why the wet navies now have no battleships, either.)

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - reavengitair - 07-03-2009

Seeing as in weaponary, cruisers are really just smaller bs, why don't we make cruisers the new Battleships and have the proper battleships admin only or something?

Then again, not many like this idea.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - DiscoveryAccount - 07-03-2009

Ktayn.. I think your idea isn't bad but... Imagine how much trouble it would be for admins or anyone taking care of this to actually prove that those people got good rp and to actually take the time to sell them this particular license. AND THEN! They would have to make sure they stay good rpers so they can keep their special license.

The only thing I could think to find a simply way to reward roleplaying characters, would be in more or less rare events made my admins who are willing to make them. For each of those events, a player who deserves it because he was a good asset in the rp event would be granted a battleship, commander of his faction fleet, etc. I think you get the idea.

And then, they could probably simply remove battleships from the market and make it so that they can only be earned this way (but the guns, armor, any equipment except licenses would still be sold). No more "NOOBZOR battleship OWNXOR" everywhere.

And while were at it, those overpowered special guns and missile and whatever should be removed from the game. I think they unbalance the game and provide those not so rp players with super weapons that are in my opinion too strong. Then maybe battleships would be a bit more worth it to be owned as the bombers wouldn't have so many crazy guns that bows p everything on their path without necessarily making the battleships invincible. But it wouldn't matter if they were strong since there would only be a few on the server. Therefore making them even more epic than they are already instead of becoming lame and common while it should be the opposite.

That's my idea huh.. What do you think about it?

I know some players will go like huuh I want a battleship too.. but well .. you can still get those gunboats, etc that aren't so bad at all and not so far from those battleships... and if you really want that battleship, participate to those events. That'd be simple.

Maybe the idea can be improved some more if people are interested.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Birdtalon - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:...uh...mate...the misspelling was part of the insult.

And if you expect me to get a better trade route, let me shove this up:

There are no better trade routes for liners.

My liner gets 100 less cargo than your Firefly, on a GOOD day. With armor? Naaaah. And human cargo? Not as profitable as other normal cargo. Not to mention, one of the TWO routes we have (one of which I expect to disappear, because it's a back and forth that pays about the same as the other one) goes through California. Rogues. Efficiency? No such thing. Can't use the tradelanes. Have to go above the plane. Oh, and that vaunted firepower and survivability the liners are supposed to have to justify their 200 million pricetag? Got nerfed off. So! Crappy cargo, big targets for bombers and Ptranses. Sounds to me like sticking to my RP is making my trading experience pretty miserable as far as buying things goes.
The prices are still ridiculous, considering that three bombers can take down a Battleship. If you use that logic, a Battleship should cost 120 million, because that's what it takes to blow it up.

It is taking time. It is taking too much time. I have a life. I want to RP, and I think I've traded enough to justify being able to do that with the ship I want to and with the confidence that it's not going to get destroyed the minute some yahoo lolcap shows up.

We used to be able to buy a Battleship in three days. The armor? Three hours. Two weeks is plenty, I think. Plenty.
Mate, I have bought a Bretonian Battleship, a Liberty Dreadnought, a Bounty Hunter Battleship, an Outcast Battleship, and an Outcast Dreadnought. Count five. Those are the Battleships (and associated Cap Armor MK VII/VIIIs) that I have PERSONALLY paid for. Believe me, mate, I have done this before, and it is SICKENING, and when you're done, it is NOT this great epiphany. It sits there gathering dust waiting to get yanked out for a defensive operation and provide burst damage for five minutes before sitting on the shelf for a week again. No epiphany. No 'great feeling.' Just another ship. Caps are hard to RP, and if somebody wants to take on the challenge of doing it, they should be able to.

I really don't understand why mispelling Moron is an insult, just made me laugh.

Anyway, why so angry if you have bought bretonian battleship, Liberty dread and all those others?

Caps become easy to RP in the Order:laugh:
There is alot of contrast between the carrier that says: Hi guys, anyone want missions
and one that says Alan: Greetings Pilots, our weaponary is fully powered and ready to do some assignments

I enjoy RPing caps.

Anyway, don't get a Liner if you want a good route.

- Birdtalon

EDIT: This really brings out the worst in him doesn't it

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - El Nino - 07-03-2009

Meh, cap prices are about right, so are armor prices (probably it would be worthwile saying that i've placed them there...)

for some 100mil you can get an armor that without much drama will preform about as well as a cap8, that costs 900mil, basicly most fights you either win by a lot or loose by a lot. If you are the better captain you don't need cap8 and if you are not, cap8 won't help you.

Personaly I'd like to see caps at the same price they are right now, but with far more hulls, say another 3x more hull,... they would be totaly restricted by factions, so only factions could ever fly one or special RP premission..... Then their prices would be more justifiable...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - farmerman - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:Ktayn.. I think your idea isn't bad but... Imagine how much trouble it would be for admins or anyone taking care of this to actually prove that those people got good rp and to actually take the time to sell them this particular license. AND THEN! They would have to make sure they stay good rpers so they can keep their special license.

Well, that is the problem. It's the only solution I can really see, and it's not entirely feasible. But if the problem had an issue solution, we'd know it already, wouldn't we? :laugh:

Though my thought was more along the lines of if the ship came across the sanction desk, they'd be hit with a ship loss. It would also work well with my idea to allow official factions the right to start an inquiry into questionable RP situations. But that has all sorts of problems itself, too.

Unless, of course, there was some way to make RPing well pay as well as trading. Or at least mining.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 07-03-2009

Holy crap Yes & no are even.

I think it would not make much of a difference in price, It would be faster to powertrade, But those who powertrade to get them, Would get them anyways. Just as many id's dont do jobs that they are supposed to.
Guard ID's were supposed to "Cut Down" on caps. Well? What happened? I think this would be a great measure to instill... Perhaps instead of 750 mil, 650 mil?