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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 01-06-2010

///no problems jims a Marine anyway

"hmm,a G2 in a troopers bar... dangrous for her ,i should know im a lsf transfer myself" jim thought as he slipped from his friends senseing somebody enter the bar he sat beside her" Barkeep,give her whatever she wants ,shes a Friend" he stated clearly showing his Specforce Sholder Patch,to the rather anooyed ensign as he turned to the women" your either crazy,of hope your rank will save you,names jimmy,captian jimmy patterson CB-19 CO i run that ship" he said pointing to the Fort Louisbourg" the LNS Fort Louisbourg,anyway anybody asks you tell them your a friend of mine,your rank wont matter in this joint you check your bars at the door ,unless somebody goes to hit you" the drinks arived and he took a swig" so,whats your Story commander

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Marcus Lindberg - 01-06-2010

Finally letting out a sigh of relief, Jordan had her drink first before mumbling on. She hadn't had a drink in a while and felt a lot more relaxed now.

"Well nice to meet you Captain Patterson, I've heard lots of things about you. I doubt no one in the Navy or Security Force hasn't heard about your ship." She raised her drink to the Captain and continued. "I was Navy before, led my own squadron in the Mississippi. I managed to get out of the Battle for New Hampshire alive along with the rest of my squadron, got a few promotions here and there after that. LSF's been chasing after me for my experience to." She went on talking about how she joined the BAF at 16 before joining the Navy at 18 (due to Liberty Law restrictions). "High Command finally gave me my own cruiser, had to wait 8 months for this baby to finish construction." She mentioned as she pointed to her ship, the LSFC Port Royal. "As soon as I got the ship, I get transferred to the LSF." She then sighed with slight sadness, being reminded of all her friends she left in the Navy, as well of her squadron pilots. She was half drunk by this point."Don't get me wrong though, theres still more Navy than there is Security Force beneath this uniform." She looked at her watch, and realized she had been going on for nearly 20 minutes nonstop. "Whoa, 20 minutes!" She laughed a little, and turned to Patterson. "Now its your turn buddy, what your story?" She grinned looking interested.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 01-06-2010

jimmy sighed inside he wished he could get as drunk as half the people here but his 1st augmentations delayed the process considerably " well,i was a miner on colorado and i was in JROTC,lost my parents 4 years ago i has statred colledge so i was transfered to ROTC i later droped at age 21 to enlist in the Army,then i Transfered to the Marines after a failed atempt at LSF Boot." he paused and sipped his drink" my first command was a Escourt gunboat ,Montana class "gunboat leader", The LNS Niagra Falls under the 106th colors under Genenral Isabelle Kaitlyn.that lasted 6 months till they finished up my original battlecruiser that also was called the Fort Louisbourg,she was retired when that new "fortres class" hull was made,the older NEvada was made a musuem to her class and her sistership that was lost in the eight-oh-one war,when she fatally wounded charged a " he wispered" nomad battleship as her reactors breached takeing out her target ,3 squadrons of fighters and 2 escourting gunboats.crippleing one that the fort who was disabled from the battleship managed to pull oiff a light morter salvo on before she lost power"he paused and hung his head" CB-17 Nevada was lost with all hands,it was those two battlecruisers and the missippi that held houston." he smiled "enough about the past,as you can see im not just a naval captian,im FORCOM,ex 1st SFOD,when they deactivated,the fort was my A-teams Mobile base along with a battallion of joint Navy and Marine and even Army Specforce personell,shes being refit to more of a station seiger though" he sat back carefully eyeing some of the more Rivel intense captians eyeing a women they clearly knew was LSF "so yeah some career huh and im only 25, hated specops anyway could never meet anybody was to busy training for missions Liberty apprently dosent see as viable"

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Jeremy Hunter - 03-04-2010

Zack slouched into the bar, his unform given way to the only his jacket with the Task Force Iota patch on the shoulder. He walked up to the bar and ordered a soda. He couldnt get drunk, not what he had to deal with. He sat down at a table and sighed. Another day where he gets to go to a grill and his old friend gets to go to a freaking luxury lounge. Oh well.
Zack leaned back and eyed everyone. Pretty much everyone there was a stranger by all but name.
He saw a woman in LSF uniform. Not that he cared. He dated an LSF agent. He saw a Marine. Zack really didnt care. If they protected Liberty, they where friends.
Zack tipped the rest of his soda back and ordered another. He twirled a set of keys passed down from his family for generations. The clinking let him relax. He rarely got that with his life.

Zack surveyed the bar again, seeing everyone's conversations but partaking in none for now.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 04-03-2010

Captain Dimitrov enters the bar and everybody looks at him atm because he is new to the bar. He was dress whit his uniform whit the LNS-Pacific patch on the Left arm on the uniform. He went to the Bartender and ordered him self a cup of coffee. After 2 min his coffee was ready and he sit down on a table and started reading reports from the Engineer abut the ship status and what does it need. He looks at every body is talking abut some thing. He sits and drinks his coffee and he waits somebody to start a conversation whit.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Korolia - 04-12-2010

Audrey stretched her body a bit as she stepped in the bar, enjoying the large space available around. It also felt good to be in just simple PT clothes - always got to have some fun at the gym before taking a beer. The young officer entered, only wearing dog tag grey T-shirt and shorts bearing the emblems of the LMC, no rank distinguishable. No hierarchy in bars was fine, it was even better if folks quit shining their bars and stars...

She stepped right toward the automated bartender like a veteran of the establishment, knowing where to find what.
"Well, this makes a change from cabins..."
She contemplated her mechanical arms quietly, smiling a bit. What a mess. She'd miss taking a cold beer with real, flesh hands after a long day. Accidents happen, she signed up for the risk... and at least, she could still enjoy that beer she was ordering, right?

She looked around quietly. Not many other marines with whom she served... she only recently took back service after having been in comma and she could only see new faces around. Somewhat puzzled, she leaned against the bar, sipping her liquor.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 04-12-2010

-Jimmy sipped a drink shoving his paperwork aside,he sighed missing the grunt work and missing his bridge even more he had his tags on and his Lt colonels bars ,the latter simply because he was to lazy to remove his officers shirt.

-sensing a new arrival he looked and saw the young officer, he knew she was an officer because of the way she carried herself. he walked over and sat down getting a refill as he did so" hi,your new round here. he sipped his drink,whiskey as usual" names jimmy,jimmy Patterson,whats your name,marine?" -he waited as he lit a cigarette-

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Korolia - 04-13-2010

Audrey nodded a bit, smiling. Well, that wasn't too bad, someone to start the conversation with at least.
"Audrey McKnight. Yes, Marine Corps."
She waved around, drinking a deep gulp,
"I'm not exactly new around... just been in the hospital bed for some time, plus getting these fixed" she added as she tapped both her gloved hands together, as a dull metallic sound came out.

"Lot of new faces for me... people come and go, I don't recognize anyone no more..."
She finished her drink,
"Hoorah. So where are you stationed? I just came off the LNS Skyhawk, and it's damn good to be back on a planet with plenty of space..."

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 04-13-2010

- the lighter he had was metallic and square a naval ships battle crest was on it which he proudly showed- "CBC-22 LNS Iwo Jima,im her Captain, shes a battle cruiser with the 3rd marine expeditionary fleet" he exhaled clearly away from the lady" 3rd battalion "wolf" regiment CO im one of the even fewer Marines to hold one of the navy's toys as my men's base of operations"

he whispered" shes ex black ops i was put in charge of her back when i was in the stuff the government cant acknowledge." he sipped his drink and smiled showing his Spec-ops tattoo on his shoulder "what happened to your hands? if your wondering why im wincing its because of a training injury,an injury that doesn't allow me to take a ground role to often or fly snub craft, he paused takeing another pull from his whiskey and drag on his smoke " im still debating as to risk the surgery to remove the iridium flachtte slug in my back,they screw up im discharged as disabled and i love the Corps"

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Korolia - 04-13-2010

Audrey shrugged, smiling a bit.
"My hands got blown off during an accident. I used to be a test pilot. The thing didn't start that the entire console exploded and took fire. I was trapped in, and when medical managed to save me, I didn't have hands no more and was gone in a comma for, well, the time it took me to be here again."

"Personally, I would try that surgery... you've no idea what you are missing, staying the a bridge." she chuckled a bit, watching the cityscape outside.