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pirate demands? - Printable Version

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pirate demands? - GHOSTbielars - 10-11-2009

the high reward is getting through riskier space to sell your cargo for 6 mil credits. the high risk is the pirates catching you and forcing you to drop cargo and/or demand credits.

i mean a trader makes runs and continually makes cash. i know ive done it. running into a pirate who forces that run to be not only a wasted run, but to also make you LOSE money isnt so terrible. anyone in the situation would be glad to be alive and just go find another route and make the money back

pirate demands? - Pinko - 10-11-2009

' Wrote:the high reward is getting through riskier space to sell your cargo for 6 mil credits. the high risk is the pirates catching you and forcing you to drop cargo and/or demand credits.

i mean a trader makes runs and continually makes cash. i know ive done it. running into a pirate who forces that run to be not only a wasted run, but to also make you LOSE money isnt so terrible. anyone in the situation would be glad to be alive and just go find another route and make the money back

Some people just can't trade. They hate to trade. When you take away 4 million, it's enough to anger them away. With 4 million, I can keep a fighter working for a week.

pirate demands? - GHOSTbielars - 10-11-2009

yea but think about how much your ship and guns cost. you couldnt have bought them all on a pirates "salary".

idk i dont mean to sound mad at anyone or anything like that, its just i try to rp it out and actually have fun and make money as a pirate and every day it gets harder

pirate demands? - Elsdragon - 10-11-2009

well, you simply wont make omey pirating. I would rather pay twice in bounties, than have my cash be forcibly removed. And yes, I CAN! I buy gunboats on what my pirate makes, not that hard.

pirate demands? - GHOSTbielars - 10-11-2009

bounties? after they kill you, you come back from the grave to place bounties on the pirate that killed you bc you stood up for what was right and good?

its not like im even one of those guys that demands a lot. in fact, sometimes i dont make demands at all. ill just tell them to give me money, and ill leave. idk i just mix it up it depends on the situation. but the point is they STILL like to just keep drifting, or cruising, or shooting at me. i mean dont tell me traders only run when you go "10milor die". ive literally said give me what you got, he gave me idk 100k and i left. really.

traders just dont wanna rp, they wanna make bank. and there are no penalties for dying so there is no incentive

pirate demands? - Ayem - 10-11-2009

I've made a lot of money in piracy.

Well over a hundred mill. Sure, that doesn't put me in the hall of fame (Jure, Ivan, Phate are up there), but it's still a nice chunk.

Think about it this way.

Pirate blows you up. Pirate's faction sends a transport to pick up the goods. Goods are transported to a neutral/friendly base. Pirates made all the money you -would- have made.

Feel free to not pay up.

pirate demands? - reavengitair - 10-11-2009

what is the problem. 5 m is average for what people tax me for!

pirate demands? - Kyte_ - 10-11-2009

' Wrote:@ Mordrom: There is no upper limit to piracy demands ... nor should there be. I don't see anybody complaining about the bounty a trader is willing to pay a bounty hunter to go after a pirate ... do you? If a trader can afford 10 mil for a pirate's head ... that trader can surely afford to pay the pirate that very 10 mil. So unless there's a call for limits on a bounty that a trader can place on a pirate ... I see no reason for there to be a limit to what a pirate can demand of the trader.

@ Riley Mackenzie: Fair enough ... then we should never see you posting a bounty for a pirate more than 2 mil ... right?

I think the point Mordrom was trying to make, SIR... was that the whole cash cow greed thing is stupid. That it behooves the trader to go OORP and say just kill me. Since it costs them less. That such amounts of greed are really helping to kill RP not foster it. Make your argument as you will, Sir... but I think you totally missed the point.



pirate demands? - Quorg - 10-11-2009

' Wrote:And I demand more from traders that refuse to role play. Any trader that would "rather die than pay" or gives me any other ridiculous OORP statement like that will get pirated every time I see him ... and will get the highest demands. I typically only demand 500k ... but when I come across non-RP traders, I demand 100% of their cargo (ie: no money this trip for you).

Try reading my post again, bro. I don't go OORP; neither do I pay lolwut pirates. I run and fight the second I see that the pirate is not going to RP. Nine times out of ten, the lolwut 2mordai pirates are too stupid to figure out how to catch up.

If a pirate RP's well, I might, might pay him well for his performance. But a lolwutter is not going to squeeze a dime out of me. Try me some time, amigo. Midnight_Express is my usual trader.

And yes, a pirate who demands 5+ million credits should not expect most traders to cough it up as it is obvious that he is in it for the 1337 creds. I know I wouldn't.

pirate demands? - Ayem - 10-11-2009

There are much more interesting things to do than just say "kill me, lol".

Why not command your gunners to fire on the pirate?

Try to escape.

Ram the pirate.

Call for back up.

Keep the pirate talking.


There is -no- need to go ooc with it. And no excuse, either.