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Order| and All Zoners - Tommeh - 11-02-2009

Great kudos to EVERYONE who took part in this, this was probably one of best events since I got here.
The battle in Minor and 100 was hell of fun.
Splitted our forces.
We had in group chat all the time yelling like:

need backup in 100 NOW,
No, in Minor
No, in 100 is more of them
argh, we are gonna die!!!

I tried to keep caps of you Keepers in Minor, was exhausting, huh :wacko:
and someone called the Corsairs, but they weren't needed, then some of them started shoting on you, was trying to keep them of aswell, much things to mention and say, it was hell of fun and I hope we will have more events like this.

Order| and All Zoners - Ice-H - 11-02-2009

I was way too tired, especially in the end, anyway a successful event in my opinion. The end-fight showed me that having more fighter shooting at a single moving target can mean actually less shots actually hitting the target.

Some screens:

Order| and All Zoners - Panzer - 11-02-2009

It was phun, even at the "peaceful" part - the Taus. As usual, there were some party cashers, but they got whacked. All in all, PHUN!

Order| and All Zoners - Araul - 11-02-2009

Was good

Order| and All Zoners - Barrier - 11-02-2009

Here are the screenies. (There were no Order Pilots!!!)

Note to self: Take more next time.

Order| and All Zoners - Tovig - 11-02-2009

Very fun indeed (except some things at the end with some Keepers but it's another discuss)

Me want moar.

Order| and All Zoners - BlueSpawn - 11-02-2009

On behal of ZTC, I want to thank everybody who came! Thank you for making this event one heck of a thrill ride.

Didn't expect to see the Keepers there after they turned down our first proposal to have them ambush us.

Order| and All Zoners - Mounteblanc - 11-02-2009

' Wrote:Didn't expect to see the Keepers there after they turned down our first proposal to have them ambush us.

Heh, you expected the Keepers to let you know that they were ambushing you? It was a trap, of course!

Anyway, I kinda showed up. I was on my Sabre, and felt like cruising around in the Sigmas, so I jumped to Sigma 19, and found a massive Nomad battlegroup. It was pretty cool, I fought some Order fighters with Taran and that one ESS gunship, and then ran away when I was almost dead. Although I technically only encountered part of a wing, it was very fun. The Order| guy who I was fighting kept saying things about the overall plan. It was great.

Order| and All Zoners - BlueSpawn - 11-02-2009

' Wrote:Heh, you expected the Keepers to let you know that they were ambushing you? It was a trap, of course!

Well, there's a difference knowing in-RP and knowing out-of-RP. We knew the Keepers were going to participate the moment we saw them in Iota via chatroom window.

I'm really glad you had fun though!

We have the following Keeper and Wilde player names on record:



Can anyone confirm others?

Order| and All Zoners - aceraptor - 11-02-2009

The event was great! It was quite hectic during the battles with the Keepers. I couldnt believe i made it through with my bomber intact (mostly, had some hafty repair bill though) I have to thank Duct_Tape for giving me hundreds of bots and bats during the battle to keep me alive.