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Changes to piracy - Dusty Lens - 11-02-2009

To be honest I'm confused about this new argument.

That isn't Bretonian gold. It's Kusari gold. Haven't you been following the news?


Lulz aside: Kusari is exploiting conquested or nearly conquested natural resources to help sustain their war effort. The Leeds Niobium field is, tbh, all but theirs already. The gold field is a snatch as snatch can. Bretonia still has the homecourt advantage but, well...

Enjoy the competition and try to have fun shooting one another, yeah?

Changes to piracy - Zelot - 11-02-2009

' Wrote:so,....... Get blown to hell by Bretonian bombers, or raped by Kusarian bombers. Nice way to make it like that.

Hard to stay neutral in the middle of a war zone isn't it? Ask the Swiss in World War II. They made all sorts of secret, shady deals with countries and individuals on both sides of the war to keep themselves out of it. Neutrality is hard, you dont get to just say, "We are neutral. All you other factions have to abide by that." It takes working both sides of the conflict to keep that neutrality in a war zone, not saying, "Well we would rather piss off this side than that side." Neutrality takes a bit more thought and a bit more subtlety.

Changes to piracy - Sprolf - 11-02-2009

' Wrote:Enjoy the competition and try to have fun shooting one another, yeah?

It's just hard to enjoy it when they dock on the Hood while being shot.

Changes to piracy - ugliestmoose - 11-02-2009

I think it boils down to the fact that if one corporation (in this case, Kishiro) mines the field of another corporation (the IMG is a guild but whatever) and then decides to land on one of their bases for protection...that's a headscratcher. The IMG won't really care whether you're friendly or not with so and so, but they will care that you just mined their field without premission - and then tried to use their own base to cover your skins, no less!

And if the Kusari players decide to bring out an armada to counterattack the IMG for it, go right ahead please...our Defense division is rusting away in dry dock just itching for target practice:)

Quote:The gold field is a snatch as snatch can.
I disagree. If the Independent Gold Field was up for grabs all this time then Bretonia would have taken it from the IMG a long time ago. (I'm assuming this is about the Independent gold field?)

Changes to piracy - Seth Karlo - 11-02-2009

Meh, insomnia strikes again.

So a kishiro ship goes missing? Who's going to tell the Kusarians what happened to it? And even if they do:

Kusari official enters Holman directors office.

"The battleship Hood has destroyed a kishiro transport, tell them to cease doing it or we take action against you."

"Ah yes, sorry about that, but each station is... Ya know, independent, hence the name. I could send them a communication, but with all the jamming on either side of no mans land, I mean, I doubt it would get through... And I could send a ship, but the KNF keep shooting down our ships before checking that they're not Bretonian... So I really have no way of telling them... Sorry about that!"

Yes, we do shady deals, yes we've already done shady deals, and i'm getting sick of shady deals to be honest, but certain bigots won't allow me to do anything else, and no, it's noone who's posted in this thread.

But whatever, if Kusari want to take it like that, fine. The BAF understand that the BMM and the IMG arn't buddies, and that we won't openly attack the BMM (Nor Kishiro) but we'll be damned if we let them steal our ore and then hide on our base.

Also, the Hood is far too badly damaged to ever be used in combat again, which is why the BAF haven't tried to retake it via force or credits.


Changes to piracy - Zelot - 11-02-2009

' Wrote:Yes, we do shady deals, yes we've already done shady deals, and i'm getting sick of shady deals to be honest, but certain bigots won't allow me to do anything else, and no, it's noone who's posted in this thread.


Shady deals with just one side of the conflict doesnt really do the trick in staying neutral.

Changes to piracy - Navycross28 - 11-02-2009

I wish we had more pirates like OPG Ivan, than freaks like The Joker you enjoy killing passengers.
Pirating cargo from miners and selling them to junkers is genius.
Anyone wise enough to keep a transport near there loot will earn more than his or her compeditors....

As for pirating changing? I doubt it. The new cruise energy seems to help the pirates more than the traders. Being blown to bits twice is all the proof I need.

Changes to piracy - pipboy - 11-02-2009

' Wrote:The Kusarians don't give a damn about the IMG. they've damaged Holman, and done absolutely nothing to help us. The bretonians are in place to take control of our bases and arrest our people in a heartbeat, cut off the tau areas from the omegas for us, and destroy our livelihood. In a debate over who to piss off less, bretonia comes out on top.
Kusari damaged Holman? When, when they stepped in and placed a battleship there just to protect the station from Bretonia? Holman was hit accidentally, and a little fire from a battleship in a nearby fight defending the station is better than what Bretonia had in store for you. Hell, Bretonia launched a direct attack on the IMG prior to the start of the war. I'm sorry, how is Kusari doing anything but helping you?

Piss off Kusari and you loose all of your territory in all of the Taus. Just as big of a loss as your territory in Bretonian space. So frankly I'm a little confused why IMG is siding with Bretonia to such an extent, or are you? Like I said, I'm a little confused about your diplomacy in this.

Changes to piracy - Seth Karlo - 11-02-2009

' Wrote:Shady deals with just one side of the conflict doesnt really do the trick in staying neutral.

Which is why we haven't only done shady deals with one side...

' Wrote:Kusari damaged Holman? When, when they stepped in and placed a battleship there just to protect the station from Bretonia? Holman was hit accidentally, and a little fire from a battleship in a nearby fight defending the station is better than what Bretonia had in store for you. Hell, Bretonia launched a direct attack on the IMG prior to the start of the war. I'm sorry, how is Kusari doing anything but helping you?

Piss off Kusari and you loose all of your territory in all of the Taus. Just as big of a loss as your territory in Bretonian space. So frankly I'm a little confused why IMG is siding with Bretonia to such an extent, or are you? Like I said, I'm a little confused about your diplomacy in this.

To protect Holman from the Bretonians? HAHAHAHAHAA. What utter rubbish. Kusari put a battleship there to protect the system from the Bretonians, check the news articles on IMG bases mate. They don't give a damn about us.

Bretonia launched a direct attack on the IMG? Care to show proof of that please?

Piss off Kusari and we really loose nothing. Big battleships + Asteroid fields = Not moving battleships. They're not going to push deep into the Tau's just to take out our bases which arn't in their way.

Piss off Bretonia and we loose 4 stations, 5 systems of mining, and can no longer fly through them, taking away our best trade routes.

In RP? We're staying neutral, as much as humanly possible, as I said, we have no choice about this... but really, we're snuggling more up to Bretonia than we are to Kusari, because it makes more sense.

I'm done here.


Changes to piracy - Exsiled_one - 11-02-2009

Hood shouldn't be letting Kishiro dock there. But I'll tell you what, Hood should be smarter than saying "no".
But you can say no. We'll move our roleplay from there. I'm actually confused Zelot decided to talk this much about what would his actions as an Emperor be after you denied us entrance there.

It's a pity when you have to be neutral to someone and then situation arises like this. Your choice on what to do. I'll stop docking on Hood when a roleplay message about denying docking comes.