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Nomad healing - Fellow Hoodlum - 03-20-2010

Ench, we all know what the ID says ... If they choose to get involved in offensive combat, then they choose
the limits of that ID, and the landing restrictions if they get damaged. Bit like The Keepers and The Wild do with their rather limited base lists, every time they go out.

Nomad healing - schlurbi - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:I'm almost afraid to ask, but why?
Because you can just head to the Sun, and we have in almost every System at least one Sun. So while you fly silently towards a Sun, I have to fly to my Base, even risking being found while doing that and have to pay for my repairs.

That makes it possible to heal Nomads everywhere. Meaning you could also fly into Systems where you arent supposed to be such as in Bretonia (forget Newcastle here, because it is just a silly System) or Gallia.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Because you can just head to the Sun, and we have in almost every System at least one Sun. So while you fly silently towards a Sun, I have to fly to my Base, even risking being found while doing that and have to pay for my repairs.

That makes it possible to heal Nomads everywhere. Meaning you could also fly into Systems where you arent supposed to be such as in Bretonia (forget Newcastle here, because it is just a silly System) or Gallia.

Nomads can get stopped while flying to the sun as well, and additionally, they'd have to remain there for several minutes. Someone looking for said nomad could find it and attack it, while you are safe in a base.

Nomad healing - Altaris - 03-20-2010

Even though i am member of Keepers faction, i'm against this idea. Maybe they were supposed to be able to heal, but nomads were also supposed to not have nomad shields, yet they have. Its called balance. If we make nomad ship so much different than human ships by adding regeneration, there will be no balance anymore. And in fact... there is already enough lolwhut about nomad tech being overpowered.

Morphs were never supposed to prosper in battle. They have to show their in game RP capabilities. Not to show us their PvP skills.

Once again, No.

Nomad healing - Fellow Hoodlum - 03-20-2010

Just no ... If one group gets it, everyone will be looking for an excuse for their particular faction to be in the
same position. You have chosen to play with the limitations of that ID, please live with it.

Nomad healing - Dusty Lens - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:I'm almost afraid to ask, but why?

It's kinda like jazz.

If you have to ask you'll never know.

Nomad healing - Boss - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Missiles and Mines and CDs that'd use no ammo? Dandy.
Radiation immunity? Dandy.
Regeneration = infinite HP in theory?
Not so dandy

I too would love no-ammo missiles, mines, and CDs, but funny, we don't have those either. >.>

' Wrote:If it's supposed to be regeneration outside of combat then...

Wait a second.

They got that.

Totally do.

I mean GUYS, WAIT!


It's called farming Nanobots and Shield Batteries off NPCs. /troll

Does not work very well for a gunboat. Believe me, it's a pain in the arse trying to refill when NPCs drop three bots at a time.

Nomad healing - stardust47 - 03-20-2010

Forget Nomad healing, a Liberty equivalent of Chester.
Call it New Jersey.

Nomad healing - Coin - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:This is some fine constructive discussion here.:)

Bob, you're hogging all the pop corn!

repairing ships by the power of the sun? what happens when you pass through a neutron star? super healzors?

Bats and Bots are FL canon. If you want to RP w/o gankage, fly above the sun for a while, and then chat away.

Nomad healing - Lance_Uppercut - 03-21-2010

' Wrote:That's all I ask for, it sucks fighting people, especially capships, in your own systems... and being worn down by radiation which you should be immune to -_-
