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Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Printable Version

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Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - jakub963 - 01-16-2011

◄Incoming file cluster►
◄ID: Phasma►
◄Encription: Chaotic►

[color=#993399][font=Garamond]Greetings to all Virulians...
As per request, i shall submit report of my first assigment...

I was sent to learn more about possible Gallic invasion...

I started my search in the Orkney system... I succesfuly located Reunion station and in the distance, jumpgate to Languedoc system... However, there was an obstacle... Minefield...

I, somehow, managed to make my way trough and reached the jumpgate. The word that would roughly describe my feelings at that time would be "scared". I had to move. I jumped.
The other side was surprisingly peacefull but i... i felt something nearby. It was a ship, no, there were two... One battleship sized and one cruiser sized. Both were disabled.
I tried to hail them...Several times even but no response came back. There were several instalations in the system... However instructions forbiden any contact with local authorities.
Sadly... Later i learned that instalations belonged not to GRN, but to Council... The group i should have made contact with...

I moved on... To another jumpgate in the system. There.. there was another battleship, this one was alive tough... I tried to hail them while i was aproaching but with no result...
But as i came closer they... they opened fire on me. And it was not just a warning shot... I took some distance and while waitim for my shields to recharge i tried to think of a plan.
Well... this was my first assigment, i -had- to comlete it. History says that the strongest survive... Often the stronges is also the most primitive... I, well, charged at the jumpgate while evading the incoming fire.
Given my ship, it was not exactly easy but i managed to engage the docking sequence and then the clamps of jumpgate shielded me from incoming fire. I let out a sight of relief, thining that i am safe now.
Grave mistake. On the other side there was another battleship and a couple of weapons platforms...To hell with hails, i had to run for it... Tss, Galia, just what the hell is that place? I moved on, ther was no other choice...

I noticed something in the distance... At first i tought that it is just a extremly big planet but i was wrong... It was actualy a planetary cluster. How can something like that even exist in the first place... Just thinking about it... i tought that my head will explode...
Away from this place, fast...
Another jumpgate and ,not so surprisingly, another battleship... Again, trying to evade incoming fire i rushed toward the jumpgate. Just as i left the gate on the other side i decided to run again...
Oh, right... This system was called Burgundy and the previous was Languedoc. Well it took me a while to realize that there isnt a battleship guarding the jumpgate. Mostly because i took some hits. I mean, my ship did but it was basicaly the same. The pain was almost unbearable.
However there -was- a battleship nearby but i had the option to go around at big enough distance so i did so...

My motivation was weakening and the objective was changing to "just survive". But i couldnt possibly return just with that... But at that time was was not sure if i ever will be able to return at all...
Flying to next jumphole... i realized that there was no battleship guarding it either...At least not so closely. The battleship -was- there but at a safe distance. I jumped to next system, named Champagne...
Aparently this was from the more peace loving system... Well it might be a trap. I did a quick sweep trough system and tried to move on...
I knew i cant be that lucky... A battleship was guarding the jumpgate but for some reason, it was not fireing on me. Well, i didnt stayed to know the reason... Jumped...
And again... *sighs* i was wecomed in the system. With fire, of course. This time it was at least fighters... Three wings tough so it didnt made any diference.

I felt a jumpgate in the distance so while trying to avoid enemy fire i headed in general direction of that gate... I managed to shake off the fighters so i stoped evading. At that moment an antimatter bolt took down my shields. Well, looks like there was not only fighters...
As i aproached the jumpgate... Well i tought that i will just start crying...Well, honestly, i cried for a while... A minefield was between me and the jump gate... It took me several hours to find a way trough...
I ended up in omicron-80 system, an outcast territory so i had this system mapped...

My body was numb, my mind was clouded... I dont even know if the mission was succesful. Hell, back then i couldnt even remember what my mission was.

Addinational files incoming.

◄End of file►

◄Atempting to edit file►

[color=#993399][font=Garamond]I wanted to add... Some days ago i was finaly able to contact the council. Conversation record folows.
Dialogue (1/2)
Dialogue (2/2)

◄File saved►

Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - nephandus - 01-19-2011

---Incoming Transmission---
---Transmission source: N/A---
---Comms ID: 111---
---Encryption level: Wery High---

>>Constituo unit reporting in<<

Unit status: Functional and inactive

Resources garthered: None
Usable devices found: N/A
Personnal note: None
Primary Controller: a' 111
secondry controller: a' 111b res.

--Shutting down systems.....................................................--
--Systems deactivated--

>>Unit Constituo report over<<

--estabilizing personal voice message on High prio leadership channels.........

Praise the Creator. Good morning brothers.
a111s duty is over. the Legion project is fully functional, and the Virulian forces are growing stronger each day. There is no need for my supporting prayers, since the improved nanyte towers are shielded and working properly and the improved transreceivers are functional aswell. With these mentioned upgrades the core planet channels ~13.32189456 percent stronger signal than a111 alone. I have transferred my body 1,2,3,4 to a non-definied location until further assistance needed. My mind will move back to G1-as Ork3, where I will continue the information gathering about pre-definied projects and technologies.
special assignment information package received. Will work on the stated priorities.

agent 111 is going back to hidden and silent mode.
Mode ref number 24116z33.

a111 out.

---Transmission Terminated---
---Ports closed and un-accessible---

Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Serpentis - 02-02-2011

[Image: comimageoverlordzhane.png]
< Transmission signal >
<] STRONG [>
<] Virulian signal frequency [>
<] To: Transmitted trough all Virulian Frequencies [>
<] Identification : Overlord Zhane [>

  • Hear me!
    For I am Overlord Zhane, commander and chief of the Corporis caste.

    I harbor the hope that we, the Virulian people, will one day belong among the many great civilizations of this galaxy.
    That we one day, have proven ourselves as the Creator had wanted us to, as he has shown us trough his voices.
    That we the men and women, the forms and artificial life forms of the Virulian Faith have grown to become something close to his vision.

    We have struggled to reach the place we are today!

    Not only by the means of blood, but by tears and sweat of our labours!

    We have built a colony big enough to support our people, and we of the Corporis protect that with our very lives!

    We struggle each day to insure that you! The people of the Virulian Faith can live in peace..

    We protect our transports, our allies supply ships and our own priests and clerics of the Animus.

    But we need you all now to hear my words and listen..

    The Corporis caste needs those of you that want to show our Creator that you have what it takes to protect your homes, your friends and loved ones..

    Head to the nearest Corporis office, or speak to one of the soldiers securing the streets of your city.

    We need you, as you need us!

    In his faith, we are strong

    -Overlord Zhane

Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Magoo! - 02-03-2011

{| Oh! Hello! |}

{| We are Oculus! We have many words to report! |}

{| - |}
We were flying.

We were learning.

We found Kuyu-motion friend. We spoke.

Then we found blue-friends. They have less-than-threes.
{| - |}

{| Love! |}

{-- Oculus --}

Audio Attachment

Addendum: {| Our file is large. You must install it. You will hear. |}

Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Serpentis - 02-06-2011

[Image: comimageoverlordzhane.png]

][-Incoming Transmission-][
][-Secure Transmission-][
][-From EDF C&C-][

  • Interesting audio logs Oculus..

    This can prove to be both... Informative for us and also beneficial.

    If we can begin some, investigation around the 'Nomads' or 'Slomon K'Hara' perhaps to learn more about them.

    As proved, all forms of communication must be made trough a Human mind, perhaps one unaltered by Virulian standards. As in cybernetics and so on.

    We may need to look to our younger and newly found brothers and sisters that just recently joined, to make the expedition into the space where it is rumored the Nomad's dwell.

    How ever, to begin I recommend all vessels to keep an eye out for Nomad activity and report EVERY single situation where you have come in contact with one.

    For now, no orders stand for an expedition. But if people wish to volunteer for a possible expedition, then do inform us in the council of that.

    Excellent done!

    May the creator guide our steps

[font=Arial Black]
[color=#FFFFFF]][-End of transmission-][

Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Magoo! - 02-06-2011

{| Oh! Hello! |}

{| We have words to report! |}

{| We have heard of things which may interest the Council. |}

{| We will show you. |}

{-- Oculus --}

Audio Attachment

Addendum: {| You must install the file. You will hear. |} Adendum

Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Coldzero - 02-10-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Encryption Level: High***

Sender ID: Agent Catotigernos
Location: Planet Gran Canaria
To: Enclave Defence Force Headquarters

***Playing Message***

Greetings your Graces.

I was sent on patrol in Dublin and didn't find anything completely spectacular. Pardon my attitude towards this. After a while, I found an independent pirate and gave him the message of the Creator..and dealt with him swiftly.

It wasn't much of a fight. I will continue to hunt these... infidels.. and make them see the Light who is the Creator.

Ambrosius, signing off.

***Message End***
***Transmission Terminated***

Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Coldzero - 02-10-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Encryption Level: High***

Comm ID: Agent Catotigernos
Location: Planet Gran Canaria

***Playing Message***

Greetings your Grace.

I ask permission to volunteer for the expedition into the... Nomad's Space.

As for orders.. In patrolling the Dublin system, I will keep an eye out for Nomads and report anything. However.. I did find one before but it only flew past me. Its vessel was identified to be.. Keepers.. however the name of the vessel escapes me.

This is all I have for now.

Ambrosius, signing off.

***Message End***
***Transmission Terminated***

Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Serpentis - 02-11-2011

[Image: endezcom.png]

  • Overlord sir, I wish to be a part of the group that will head and investigate and try to contact the Nomads.

    It would be an honor to be a part of the Defense group that will defend the Animus members.



Virulian Enclave Transmission Matrix (AO) - Seh'ect - 02-22-2011

**Incoming Data Feed**
**Uploading Data To Console**
**Message Begins**

Blessing of the Creator upon you.

This is Acolyte Trevathan, Captain of the transport "Creators.Blessing".

***Molly, I am Molly. I am AI.***

Yes, yes of course you are. Anyway as you can hear the New AI is up and running all be it a little quirky.
I collected so....

***We, we collected.***

*Sighs* Yes "we" collected some much needed supply's from the Zoner's in exchange for shipping Deuterium to Freeport XV for processing, see attachment below for a full inventory of the supply's."


***The message Barry, do not forget the Message.***

Would you not call me that? Please it is Acolyte Trevathan.

***But according to the records held within my database, You are Barry Trevathan, Acolyte is the title you have been given within the Virulians***

Ok. Can I get on with this now?

***Yes Barry, we must pass on the message.***

Yes, so we had an encounter with so far unidentified ships, the radiation with the system was playing havoc with are scanners, Again refer to the attachment below for a recording of the encounter.

Warning Message

As you can see these ships although not outright hostile are not friendly toward the Zoner's and in turn ourselves. I leave it in you hand to pass on this news to the Zoners maybe they can enlighten us.

This is Acolyte Trevathan signing off. Blessings of th...

***And Molly, It is Acolyte Trevathan and Molly signing off, Barry***

Would you just cut the transmission please Molly.

***Message Ends***
***Channel Closed***