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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-06-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]
CommID: Lloyd Sienar
Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Shipment Manifests
The crew and I decided we'd fill some of the Enclave's order. Travel was fairly quite though I did have the honor of meeting Mrs. Holliday and traveling with her until Tau-31.

[color=#FFCC33]Virulian Enclave Cargo Scans
Total: 21,596

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-06-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya
Location: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Virulian Enclave Contract Report


Today I completed the Optronics shipment part of Virulian Enclave conract. Here are the trade manifest. Afterwards I decided to haul some Deuterium to Yanagi Station but on my way back to Lanzarote Base with nuclear devices, I was assaulted by a BAF bomber vessel call-signed HMS-Drax. He demanded a bribe from me, saying that I was carrying contrabands but without warning dropped out my ship's shields and launched a torpedo into my hull. Luckily, my crew and I managed to initiate an emergency landing on Planet Gran Canaria and no one was severely harmed.

Optronics Shipment

#1: Dropoff
#2: Dropoff

Until next time, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - alphadog - 12-06-2010

:: Incoming transmission :: Source: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 :: ID: Nathan Hunt, OSI-Atlantis ::
[Image: huntw.png]

I just returned from a few trips for the Virulian Enclave Contract. I included the delivery papers with this transmission.

Shipment #1: 3580 units of Quantum Multiplexors ::

Shipment #2: 3578 units of Plutonium ::

Hunt out.

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-07-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya
Location: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Virulian Enclave Contract Report


Today I made some deliveries for the Virulian Enclave, here are the trade manifest.

Niobium Shipment 1: Dropoff
Niobium Shipment 2: Dropoff
Quantum Multiplexor Shipment: Dropoff

Until next time, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - SigCorps - 12-07-2010

**Incoming Transmission**

CommID: Captain Daren Cumberland, OSI-Coleridge

Message reads:

Well here are the logs from the last few days

Yesterday's Nuclear device delivery 1800 units

Pick up Delivery

and today's Plutonium 3598 units

pick up delivery

Well got to hose down the hold, some of that last cargo melted through a container and need to get rid of the radiation.

Daren Cumberland out

**End of Transmission**

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-07-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Enigma
Location: Corfu Base, Omicron Theta
Subject: Corsair Supply


Not much to report, made three deliveries of food rations to Crete using the Enigma. Here are the manifest.

Food Ration Dropoff #1
Food Ration Dropoff #2
Food Ration Dropoff #3
Food Ration Dropoff #4
Food Ration Dropoff #5

Oh and here is a trade manifest for synth paste to Freeport 5.

Pickup, Delivery

Until next time, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 12-11-2010

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Freeport 14, Yukon--
--Subject: General Announcement--
Greetings everyone.

It is my pleasure to announce that my predecessor, Victor Cross, has returned safely from his voyage into unknown space. And we welcome him back to OSI with open arms.

Which leads me to my next announcement. We are restructuring the leadership of the company. Due to increasing demands from internal matters we feel that OSI needs more than one voice. So, as of 3:00AM SMT, Mr Cross has agreed to join me as Co CEO of OSI. Everyday operations will remain the same.

I would also like to commend our pilots for their dedication in filling our recent contracts. Thank you for helping our company grow and prosper.
[Image: gabesig2-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-12-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya
Location: Aomori Station, Honshu
Subject: Freeport XV & Freeport 5 Contract Report


I am happy to report that the supply contract for Freeport XV we just recently received has been successfully completed through the combined efforts of OSI-Srivijaya and OSI-Enigma. Here are the trade manifest. Also included is a report on H-Fuel and Food Ration shipment to Freeport 5.

Freeport XV Manifest:

Food Ration Shipment

Pickup, Delivery

Water Shipment

Pickup, Delivery

Oxygen Shipment

Pickup, Delivery

Consumer Goods Shipment

Batch 1: Pickup, Delivery
Batch 2: Pickup, Delivery
Batch 3: Pickup, Delivery
Batch 4: Pickup, Delivery

Fertilizers Shipment

Batch 1: Pickup, Delivery
Batch 2: Pickup, Delivery
Batch 3: Pickup, Delivery

Contract Status: Complete

Freeport 5 Manifest:

H-Fuel Shipment

Batch 1: Pickup, Delivery
Batch 2: Pickup, Delivery
Batch 3: Pickup, Delivery
Batch 4: Pickup, Delivery

Food Ration Shipment

Batch 1: Pickup, Delivery

Contract Status: Complete

Until next time, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-15-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]
CommID: Lloyd Sienar
Location: Ames RS, Kepler
Subject: Shipment Manifests
Finished off the pharmaceuticals for Ames after I ran some wine to the GMG. I'll try to get some of the Enclave's order filled. Good day.

[color=#FFCC33]Ames Research Station Scans
Shipment Totals: 3600

Virulian Enclave Scans Shipment Totals: 3600

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 12-16-2010

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Freeport 14, Yukon--
--Recipients: Board of Directors--
--Subject: Meeting--

I require all members of the Board of Directors to make their way to the Boardroom for an emergency meeting.
[Image: gabesig2-1.png]