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where are the pirates? - Printable Version

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where are the pirates? - globalplayer-svk - 11-23-2007

i am not saying is it so hard,i only say that most of traders when is pirate in system or on scanners quickly dock and waiting.when i was trading in container i was always trying to destroy pirate.but not only waiting on base until the pirate leave.
and making that so when i kill someone and 10% of his money come to me,is not good.because why then i go pirating when i can find some police or enemy pirates in fighters (when i am in gb ) and destroy them?
and making licence that is away when you are destroyed sound good but is little diferent collect 10 milions (for example) for trader in behemont with 2000 cargo and with advanced train with 5000 cargo. i mean that this make only bigger differences between traders.
i think this need only bigger pirate activity,when traders understant thats only way is to try rp playing with pirates(try to escaping,hire mercs for protection etc) then is this problem gone.

where are the pirates? - McNeo - 11-23-2007

Honestly, it isn't worth my time to pirate anymore unless there is a very high concentration of traders. I have way too many instances of "Just kill me" or "Im Nvr gonna pay U" and to be honest, I am not gonna deal with it anymore. If I see a trader, and im bored, i'll try, but i'm not gonna chase you if you go in some random direction.

And now I see traders complaining about this? It's your fault! If you want us to pirate you, then we need some incentive to do it. If I get paid when I disable a trader, which is easy enough in a Titan (CT, Train, whatever else) then I expect to get paid. Not that person saying the above.

The traders have brought it on themselves. Don't expect me to be concentrating on pirating any time soon, because I got better things to do with my time, to be honest.

Also, Unseelie, I have given out a general advisement on TBH forums that you wont be pirated, simply because I don't want to have to kill 10 mercs every day...

I like you as a person, but I do disagree. You want fun, then sure, by all means. But traders make it hard for us to earn a living, and those campaigning for better traders with CMs, and uber liners just make me wonder why I tried in the first place.

where are the pirates? - UnknownObject - 11-23-2007

I hate to say this but the ratio of transport shields to fighter guns/missiles is all wrong if you actively want people to pirate.

Generally, you need to use a CD to stop the transport just cruising away. Which means you don't have room for a torp or mini razor and only have regular guns to take down their rather good shields.
(I know bombers have a better layout, and actually are much better to pirate in as a result. Not sure that was the intention with bombers as I think they should naturally be used against cap ships).

Having said that their really is nothing (other than RP) to gain from paying. Personally I'd instigate a 24 hour cool off for killed traders, during which time they are not allowed to trade at all. That way they could balance the potential lost revenue against the pirates demands.

where are the pirates? - Stoat - 11-23-2007

Quote: Honestly, it isn't worth my time to pirate anymore unless there is a very high concentration of traders. I have way too many instances of "Just kill me" or "Im Nvr gonna pay U" and to be honest, I am not gonna deal with it anymore.

I can feel your pain. In a fighter on my own I can CD a transport easy enough, but I sure can't put a big enough dent in his hull to make him/her pay before they're off cruising again with comments of "How rude" (that one made me laugh!) or "I'd rather die". Not all pirates are wolves hunting in packs, but that seems the only way to go now. :(

where are the pirates? - globalplayer-svk - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:I hate to say this but the ratio of transport shields to fighter guns/missiles is all wrong if you actively want people to pirate.

Generally, you need to use a CD to stop the transport just cruising away. Which means you don't have room for a torp or mini razor and only have regular guns to take down their rather good shields.
(I know bombers have a better layout, and actually are much better to pirate in as a result. Not sure that was the intention with bombers as I think they should naturally be used against cap ships).

Having said that their really is nothing (other than RP) to gain from paying. Personally I'd instigate a 24 hour cool off for killed traders, during which time they are not allowed to trade at all. That way they could balance the potential lost revenue against the pirates demands.

and who will guard if the trader is down 24 hours or no?

where are the pirates? - Fellow Hoodlum - 11-23-2007

Quote:Also, Unseelie, I have given out a general advisement on TBH forums that you wont be pirated,
simply because I don't want to have to kill 10 mercs every day...
Well Unselie, seems you are your own worst enemy when it comes to all those bounties ... Balance is the
key to everything here. You cannot have it both ways.
And everytime this debate comes up, the answer is to Pirate in pairs or groups. One with the CD, and the
others with the damage dealing weapons. Teamwork Ladies and Gents, if you fly solo, life's hard.


where are the pirates? - McNeo - 11-23-2007

Pirating in pairs or groups is the easy part. Getting the traders to actually pay over dieing is the much harder part, regardless of whether you've swarmed him or not. Running the risk of having your whole faction bountied is the part that I don't want to go through again.

Last time, it didn't end too well. And none of us will take the risk of it happening again... so it does appear that you are, as Fellow Hoodlum says, your own worst enemy, unselie:sleep:.

where are the pirates? - globalplayer-svk - 11-23-2007

unselie i say,when you make only private bounty when i try to tax you and i tax you,i have nothing again.i can live with that.

where are the pirates? - bluntpencil2001 - 11-23-2007

Also, traders don't realise that even should they successfully run from the pirate, they still make less money than they would if they paid, since they would have got there sooner!

Pay the pirates, or get mercenaries to fight them!

where are the pirates? - Unseelie - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:@ unselie

I would be more than happy to pirate you. The Problem? All of my ships that are allowed to pirate are outcast aligned/allies. That cuts out your GC (allies), your SU (friendly) and you TAZ (nuetral). Whats the alignment of the 4rth one?


Blunt is right....and, currently, I trade on very tight timetables to keep my profit ratios right.
Before I posted this, I had worked out an idea, of buying a few credit cards, and jettisoning them, without leaving cruise...but then I thought: "wait....where are the pirates?"

seems I don't have to worry about them.

I've run into a problem.
my trader, in character, hates pirates.
I like them.....
what to do?