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Memorial thread - mwerte - 10-28-2010

' Wrote:Majkp... i remember his maniaco flying with us... i am in touch with him from time to time... but he is not playing:(
Tru dat

Also Gronath.

Memorial thread - Blodo - 10-31-2010

Aside from the majority of the people mentioned, I miss chopper and fpsdoug. Both were insane fun to fly with, chopper with his tactical thinking and doug with the mini razor aim. I would definitely love to fly with them again.

Memorial thread - Grumblesaur - 10-31-2010

Kuraine, Orin, Zeinstruktor.

Memorial thread - Diabolicus - 10-31-2010

I miss Ktayn a lot, personally.

Memorial thread - Shagohad - 11-01-2010

I know I'd get crucified for it...but I miss BulldogNK. He was one of the first people I met and I wasn't there to see his downfall. I'm kinda' glad, because that would have changed my opinion of him.

So curse me for saying his name, but I enjoyed talking with him.

Memorial thread - Exile - 11-01-2010

' Wrote:I know I'd get crucified for it...but I miss BulldogNK. He was one of the first people I met and I wasn't there to see his downfall. I'm kinda' glad, because that would have changed my opinion of him.

So curse me for saying his name, but I enjoyed talking with him.

Memorial thread - DAnvilFan - 11-01-2010

Vladimir Tinkerbell

Who held my hand during my first few days of Discovery and gave me millions of credits right off the bat.

Great roleplayer. VERY patient, very polite. Was always extremely casual about roleplay and never got onto people if they went OORP in system chat.

Never judged people for having screwed up ID/IFF/Ship combos (for example, a Gaian IDed pilot in an Order ship with Military IFF) and never called anyone a "lolwut."

Thank you Tinkerbell for all of your help and support.

Memorial thread - GhostFace - 11-01-2010

' Wrote:I miss YODA mostly, he's not the one who introduced me with freelancer but he helped me really really REALLY allot in ingame. He had anwser to all my questions, always ready to quick loan me some cash... fly over 30 systems with me to show me where I can buy I ship that I want and etc.

Same here..though I only met him once in game, I always remember him trading around on only one character, Yoda always maxing his rank out at 90.

Memorial thread - Daerune - 11-01-2010

' Wrote:Yue Fei, Xing

Not even gone a year but missed greatly.

SwissScortch(if I messed your name up bro I'm sorry)

The soul reason the 122nd Order Guard game to be and once he left.
It went with him....

You didn't spell SwissScortch's name wrong and Yue is missed yea,


and some of the golden oldies of the Black Squadron.

Memorial thread - Aphil - 11-01-2010

Reisiger and Victor Cross. Both of them were good friends and good leaders. I'll miss them both:(