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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - Zelot - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Secondly, lets not over exaggerate the numbers in this system until an admin can/wants to provide those figures.

I was on the server last night after this happened. When I looked there were 12 people in Conn out of 60 on the server. Thats 20% of the server. 1/5 of a server dedicated to rp were in an oorp system. Doesnt seem right to me.

posible limit in Conn - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 12-08-2010

Why this isn't in flood?

You are joking right?

posible limit in Conn - dodike - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:I was on the server last night after this happened. When I looked there were 12 people in Conn out of 60 on the server. Thats 20% of the server. 1/5 of a server dedicated to rp were in an oorp system. Doesnt seem right to me.
You are right, we should do something to keep player count around 150 all the time so people don't resolve to Connecticut.
Any ideas?

posible limit in Conn - MaximoValeri - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:I was on the server last night after this happened. When I looked there were 12 people in Conn out of 60 on the server. Thats 20% of the server. 1/5 of a server dedicated to rp were in an oorp system. Doesnt seem right to me.

Ok so we can say a couple of things here.

#1 - Could be temporary
#2 - It's only 60 players on the server, how is 12 players harming anybody's experience?
#3 - What you suggest is that they forcefully go out and Role-Play, we are supposed to be someone's play-doll now?

Here you will say we can find another server if we don't like it. What? Since when has this ever been a problem then now? Ok, so all those people in Gamma can go find another server as well, as well as those in Alpha, who just sit near their Planet Crete or Malta and shoot each other all day. That's just as much Role-Play as being in Connecticut and practicing.

#4 - So I guess you feel like shoving those 12 players out of combat-training to "RP systems"? Okay. Guess what the first thing they will do, find a reason to shoot somebody.

#5 - Unnecessary, unreasonable, non-logical restrictions that fix no problems and cause more problems to emerge. That's a wonderful solution if I ever heard one.

I said it once, and I say it again. If the situation was that +12 players clog the player slots in a 200 limit situation. Then I can understand this to a degree. But when there is currently 70 players online? How is this, a problem?

Yes, we have indeed reached a time, where we discuss if 12 players in a training system should not be allowed. This is by far the most stupid thing I have ever heard of all the restriction requests in my time here. This is by far, the tip of the iceberg.

posible limit in Conn - Zelot - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Ok so we can say a couple of things here.

#1 - Could be temporary
#2 - It's only 60 players on the server, how is 12 players harming anybody's experience?
#3 - What you suggest is that they forcefully go out and Role-Play, we are supposed to be someone's play-doll now?

Here you will say we can find another server if we don't like it. What? Since when has this ever been a problem then now? Ok, so all those people in Gamma can go find another server as well, as well as those in Alpha, who just sit near their Planet Crete or Malta and shoot each other all day. That's just as much Role-Play as being in Connecticut and practicing.

#4 - So I guess you feel like shoving those 12 players out of combat-training to "RP systems"? Okay. Guess what the first thing they will do, find a reason to shoot somebody.

#5 - Unnecessary, unreasonable, non-logical restrictions that fix no problems and cause more problems to emerge. That's a wonderful solution if I ever heard one.

I said it once, and I say it again. If the situation was that +12 players clog the player slots in a 200 limit situation. Then I can understand this to a degree. But when there is currently 70 players online? How is this, a problem?

Yes, we have indeed reached a time, where we discuss if 12 players in a training system should not be allowed. This is by far the most stupid thing I have ever heard of all the restriction requests in my time here. This is by far, the tip of the iceberg.

You have your opinion, I have mine.

posible limit in Conn - MaximoValeri - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:You have your opinion, I have mine.

Back in the days. We wouldn't even have these opinions, because this would have never been brought up.

posible limit in Conn - Veyron - 12-08-2010

Ok Zelot, granted, yesterdays event gives you a fairly good example of disparity between Conn. and the rest of the server, but it's just one example, my point was rather that we needed a more in-depth look at the player numbers as opposed to one fairly well documented event. Also, ''dedicated to RP''? What server have you been playing on? PvP is almost as ingrained into this server as RP, why take issue with people practicing and learning more about it in an easier environment?

As others have said, I -and I assume most if not all- play this game for enjoyment, the idea that we have to play specifically for the entertainment of others is crazy. I don't fault Bears reasoning entirely, given the situation however, it seemed excessive.

posible limit in Conn - Zelot - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Back in the days. We wouldn't even have these opinions, because this would have never been brought up.

Back in the days, back in the days... do you really think this server or community is the same as it was back in the days? I dont think so, neither do you, so why do you expect it to be that way?

posible limit in Conn - Evan_ - 12-08-2010

I'm subjective and biased. I've never been to Conn, but there were occasions when I couldn't log in, and people were there, taking up slots in an RP server. Did it bother me? Nope. But if my opinion is asked, off with it.

Onthe other hand, others pvp-fun should be a fair enough reason for me to tolerate some more login-clicks on peak-hours, and an occasional battleships who escapes with the excuse 'I'm going to Conn'.

' Wrote:By removing conn you just move the so called pvpwhores into the RP envoirment and you'll be happy to RP with them.
But... that sounds a certain improvement to me. It adds my immersion if someone shoots me down after saying 'Die [faction name] filth!', or even 'Engaging hostile'.

posible limit in Conn - Pingu! - 12-08-2010

Based on that logic, why is there not 'fix new york thread'. If you look it that way, same thing. 60 players online, 30 are in York. That is not harming RP? If you look into it, most of those players in york are there because they are bored / want pvp / lulzing around, and most of them wont even roleplay. Nothing can be perfect, so can't conn. Live with it.