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EVE - Hyperion - 05-18-2008

Well paying for an online game is not so good, but 9-10 euro in 1 month is not that much. And when zou play feelancer for 4-5 years, it is good to play with another online space simulator. I had several trial accaunts until i started to pay for it, this way i could learn everything (skils, weapons, etc). And Dab is right, 1v1 battes are not soo good, but if there is a 10v10 battle.... like last night, i was in the middle of a fight, both sides had armageddons, megathrons, and a few more big ships, and i was in mz small tristan. I was looting there wrecks, and made 14,5 mill. After the 4 looting they noticed it and killed me *mz ship was 200k):lol: . And even mission running is fun when you do it with a few members from youre corp.
And offcourse i will play FL too ( it is still under my top10 games ;) )

EVE - Exsiled_one - 05-18-2008

I played EVE for a while, lets say it was two or three months. For first month I was actually hanging around in the noob area and after 10 days I kinda met theese sweet guys that have only one mission, take the people they like from 1.0 and push them into the game more. I hang out with them, thinking about that "oh so boring" mining and mined quite a lot. Problem was that, the money I made from mining wasn't quite enough to cover the expenses of the time code card, so I shared that info with my fellow clanmates.
All of a sudden, poof! Come to 0.0 says one guy, my guys are down there, we need a miner asap, we'll get you in there and you'll be completely fine!

wee, it was Ceptacemia, guys had an alliance with MorsusMihi and held sov in one system that was FILLED with roids and a dead end sector. Unfortunately the clan was in debts for a while because of the space stations building so they couldn't pay up the cash for the asteroids, and as the new year approached soon, i was bored more and more.

Then I got the special offer. Some of you might know that EVE developers agreed to work with White Wolf of the vampire the requiem mmorpg and that it is in the works. On that happy occasion, EVE offered ANYONE thats a member of white wold AND eve an 40 days trial account. Awesome! I said, I'll finally make that fighter!

I took that race that's good with shields, not amaar, not minmatars, so there, i narowed it down to two choices for you.

ONE ISSUE with the game, and those who say its for casual gamers.
If there's anything I hate is to be a time slave of the game.
If I have to take out a portion of my time at the moment when game wants me to, not when i chose (i'm talking ofcourse about the optimal things), then it really really sucks.

Oh yea, the pilot, i flew that jammer ship with him, now that's something amazing. I had 30 days of skills with it, and was barely able to mount any good jamming equippment but I saved my wingmates at least dozen times when we would get jumped. It's an amazing thing how the roles are split in that game. If I had any steady income and that skill quee, I'ld be back really really soon..

Oh yea, I checked with those guys, seems I'm still in that aliance. *shrug*