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Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - Printable Version

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Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - Jinx - 04-29-2008

looks very good. - i still think the cockpit is a bit long. - but it does look like order and like a bomber. - it is a great addition to the order faction for sure.

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - Monk - 04-29-2008

Awesome...looks like Massada is getting some awesome new teeth...great job

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - I_m_rdy - 04-29-2008

The cockpit will fit a second seat, I removed it because the HpPilot hardpoint will put an extra seat in it.

BTW; Happy birthday, Monk!:)

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - cmfalconer - 04-29-2008

Out of curiosity, I'm seeing a LOT of hardpoints for a bomber. What are the stats on that thing?

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - I_m_rdy - 04-29-2008

The Nephtys has a load of unused ones, the Sekhmet will follow the tradition with even more.:P

The stats are:

4 guns
(1 turret, which would be mean)
2 CD/torp mounts
1 CM
1 Mine
Around 21k hull
Powerplant is difficult, maybe a bit bigger than the Praetorian...
Agility between Praetorian and Roc Mk I (Huge gap, I know)

The Nephtys has a good amount of extra hardpoints, such as two extra thrusters *drools*, a seventh gun mount and two more torpedo mounts (under the wings, but have no mount).

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - mjolnir - 04-29-2008

Now there are only two bomber powerplants...

small 48k capacity / 2200 recharge - Catamaran, BHG bomber, Havoc, Falcata, Thor...

big 58k/2400 recharge - Taidan, Civ., Challenger, Barghest.... and Praetorian

there is also the SHF one: 50k/3000 recharge, which is way better than the big bomber powerplant since it's recharge that limits Supernova.


So I think it would do fine with the big one and around Praetorian agility.

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - AdamantineFist - 04-29-2008

Sounds very reasonable. And looks soooo sexy. :cool:

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - I_m_rdy - 04-30-2008

I'm currently fighting with myself if the Sekhmet does need a turret. It will be the same forward-firing one as with the Nephtys, so... Shall it have one, and if yes, what disadvantage should it get to compensate an extra weapon mount?

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - AdamantineFist - 04-30-2008

What's wrong with the turret? I know the Rheinland bomber has two turrets, one forward and one rear firing.

Order Bomber "Sekhmet" - Heartless - 04-30-2008

turret-wise, I think it should be the same as the Nephthys. The guns 2 on the side of the cockpit, and then 2, 1 on each upper-tip of the wings (like the Neththys), so just the fighter without the 2 guns underneath the wings.
I can't wait for this! Replacing my Taiidan with that baby will be great, plus Bs| will be very very happy and proud!
So what's the news on new ships in the game? When?