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What is a pvpwhore? - Printable Version

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What is a pvpwhore? - Primitive - 05-13-2011

Ok lets make this simple and settle it.

PvP whore is person who kills for money, often mercenary in this mod of ours.

So you got whore, who offers his/her services to people for money. In this case this services are his/her Player versus Player skills.

And some people are only <strike>smokey</strike> posers. :cool:

What is a pvpwhore? - blubba - 05-13-2011

A pvpwhore?

A player who aspires to engage in pvp over and above other aspects of this GAME.

Is that a bad thing?

Not often. In fact, extremely rarely.

Certain groups are known for it. That doesn't make them bad. That makes them predictable.
If you run into them, you know whats likely to happen, given that you know their politics respective to your current IFF/ID combo, your cargo or destination/start point.

The real issue occurs when the person in question is a pvpwhore AND a moron.
They are not always linked.

Someone going into a homesystem and calling out the entire systems population is definately a pvpwhore and probably a moron. When he/she complains that they got exactly what they asked for, they confirm the fact that they are, indeed, a moron.

The same person or persons doing it over and over every other day is a tiresome moron....
...and a pvpwhore.

What is a pvpwhore? - Faca - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:A lot of you use the term 'pvpwhore' as a method of describing undesirables who play the game in a manner you dislike. For example:
depends on which side you stand

What is a pvpwhore? - Pancakes - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:Ok lets make this simple and settle it.

PvP whore is person who kills for money, often mercenary in this mod of ours.

So you got whore, who offers his/her services to people for money. In this case this services are his/her Player versus Player skills.

And some people are only <strike>smokey</strike> posers. :cool:
Yeah (smoke).
On a side note, mercs that go after my characters often they horrible death by my <strike>snac</strike> roc. RocWhore here. oh and i get paid most of the time for my... RocWhoring? therefore by definition I am...RocWhore.
* Pancakes goes to find his sanity.

P.S Player Vs Player Whoring sound wrong... just wrong...

What is a pvpwhore? - Cond0r - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:And some people are only <strike>smokey</strike> posers. :cool:

What is a pvpwhore? - Daedric - 05-13-2011

The guy above me exemplifies the question posed in the title of this thread. As do I, but he is better than I.

What is a pvpwhore? - Stealthsultn - 05-13-2011

As the right and honourable Jihad Joe has has chosen to quote a statement I made about a select few order pilots, I'm going to clarify what I meant.

By using the term "pvp whore" meant pilots who jump into the fray with reckless disregard for role-play, and a numerical advantage perhaps disproportionate to the threat at hand. The former being a primary attribute of my generalisation and the latter a result of the generalised attribute.

I could have used a different term, perhaps I should have, but I have to live with what I typed in the heat of the moment. However, "whore" contains the connotations of being unable to control one's self (with control being role-play) and as a lover of pvp I would use the term PVP-addict or PVP-lover to describe myself.

That being said; I stand by my statement that the order needs to consolidate its fleet under a banner. My use of the term "pvp-whore" is separate from what I sought to construe with that statement.

What is a pvpwhore? - Daedric - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:By using the term "pvp whore" meant pilots who jump into the fray with reckless disregard for role-play, and a numerical advantage perhaps disproportionate to the threat at hand. The former being a primary attribute of my generalisation and the latter a result of the generalised attribute.

Your view is they disregarded role play, I'd bet their view is different. I'll give you they might have been in the wrong (player wise) for jumping in with a superior force. They however are role playing soldiers. Soldiers are going to use any numerical advantage they have, a threat is a threat. I'm a veteran of the US Army, we were trained to always out number our enemy three to one (didn't always work out that way). In war, its a matter of life and death; if I have 300 men and my enemy has 150 you can damn well bet I'm using all of my 300 to fight his 150. So they were within their role play to use their numerical advantage. Depending on the situation it might have not been needed but how did they know you didn't have back up incoming?

There are always two sides of the story, try to see both sides before saying someone else did it wrong. This goes for all of us.

What is a pvpwhore? - Alex. - 05-13-2011

It probably meant something originally. Or of course it's always been a way to flame somebody who enjoys / is good at PvP. I think it was used a lot in the days when few saw pewpew as RP under any circumstance.

What is a pvpwhore? - Stealthsultn - 05-13-2011

There is no "your view, my view" you focused on the "numbers atvantage" part of my statement. That was not the focus; the focus was on the utter lack of rp. The US army would not just jump into the fray without trying to understand the sitrep. In addion what I spoke to is a violation of the rules and there have been sanctions as a result.