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The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - escopton - 11-07-2011

The doctor straightened and drought his tears realizing now that there was someone else in the room.

I am sorry, I don't think we have been introduced. Ah, now I see, you are already beggining the ritual.

He then walked to another edge of the pentagram and while breathing deeply he sat in zazen position. Looking at the woman he said:

I am Dr. Hodge VanMojo, It saddens me to meet you at such dreadful time.

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - Yaoquizque - 11-07-2011

"I know you, Pope." She said, nodding imperceptibly.
"My name is Mnemosym..."

Her face was hidden by the gray veil... VanMojo couldn't see her expression. Yet... Her voice was controlled, concentrated as if she was tasting every word.
She finally turned her head as if she was looking at him.

"You do know what we are about to do."
That wasn't a question.

"Clear up your mind. There is too many clouds diverting you from what you really are."
The woman nodded.
"Like that... A shiny day. An empty sky. Brain is like a monkey. Jumping from one branch to another. Never satisfied. Never really here."

Lowering her head, it seemed she was trying to relax to a point that could be seen as painful.
"We will wait for the three others... The five fingered hand of fate... will deliver to us."

She then remained silent, breathing in and out silently and ignoring her surroundings.

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - escopton - 11-25-2011

Dr. Hodge VanMojo suddenly came out of trance. Goddess was clear in her message. Verwirrung was not going to be easy for anyone, and he had to secure what she had asked to be secured, so in a low voice he asked:

Lady Mnemosym, for how long will we wait? Why are the others being so rude by not showing up? Goddess has asked me to perform a quest for her, and I need to do it before Verwirrung comes again. Shouldn't we at least poke the other Popes so they know we have been waiting for two weeks in here?

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - XTriton - 11-26-2011

Xavier began his long walk into the chamber.
Much on his mind and a notable pain in the back of his skull he walked with distinctive melancholy.
Mal's sudden departure came as a shock in more ways then one. For some reason at the time of Mal's passing a sharp sudden pain erupted in the back of Xavier's skull as if his Pineal gland itself was mourning. It had left Xavier in a state that disallowed him any human interaction for many days.
However, this was about to change. The proper respects had to be made...

Xavier approached The Kiva's door and proceeded through it. He noticed two popes present in The Kiva, Dr. VanMojo and Mnemosym

"Kallisti, my friends...

I must apologise for my late coming to this. Mal's passing had mental and physical effects on me that I
cannot explain..."

Xavier took his Pineal amulet in his hand and made firm eye contact with the two popes

"I'm ready to give Mal his dues..."

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - Yaoquizque - 11-27-2011

The fine pope H.VanMojo was bustling about as they were meditating.
It was indeed a long session, and Mnemosym herself lost the sensation of passing time since a long while.

He finally talked, asking her what to do. She mentally shrugged and, as she was feeling VanMojo was looking around in embarrassment due to the lack of response, she finally sighed, he eyes still closed.

"There is no point in calling. They know what they should do.
The collective psyche was heavily damaged and our unity means little.
The fact nobody comes will be an answer in itself.
Just as the opposite would tell us something else."

She finally opened her eyes and looked at him.

"The center was lost and the circle is no more.
What was an unending line is becoming dots.
Little dots aimlessly wandering to discharge the feedback."

The woman somehow pouted.
"What is to be seen. Disorder or absence of order?"

She suddenly raised her head and looked at the man as he appeared and started to go down into the kiva using the ladder.
Xavier Triton...

Nodding, she observed him. She only saw him twice, counting this encounter.
He was rarely visiting the sacred sanctum, having a lot to take care of outside.
Just as John.

She somehow frowned but quickly took back a neutral expression when she noticed the sorrow that was overwhelming him.
An aura clearly stating 'Leave me alone'. That was certainly not what she would do.

That one just needed to be shaken a fair bit, she thought. Autistic withdrawal was rarely a solution.
"Xavier...." She finally started "I don't think you are, actually."

"What you are talking about is the feedback of the event. Do tell me Xavier Triton... And do tell yourself."
Glancing at him, she noticed his perplexed expression.
"Put words on your feelings, before they overflow you."

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - escopton - 11-27-2011

Dr. Hodge watched as Xavier entered the chamber and also waited patiently when Lady Mnemosym spoke to him. Then, quite fed up, quite knowing what was happening, he opened his mouth, and after allowing his pineal to choose the correct words for some seconds, his said with the biggest of tranquilities:

I think, Lady Mnemosym, that you should give the man a break. Though I understand that you are more in tune with Goddess than me, at least on this side of the galaxy, I must also state that the way that you are trying to deal with this isn't at all what Mal would have wanted. But then, regardless how you two felt for each other when he was among us, I am also aware that you knew him more than I did. So perhaps I am mistaken. If that is the case, I beg you forgive me.

He then took a bag out of his robes in a casusal fashion, and picked a joint of good old Kalliste Gold. He put it in his lips and lit it, and after staring at the Geode through the window of the Kiva, he tried to say something else but a strong coughing interrupted him and the smoke escaped from within. Then, laughing, he said:

No buns no pipes Mal, just for you.

After taking another puff, he handed the joint to a now sitting Xavier Triton.

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - XTriton - 11-28-2011

Xavier took the joint from Dr.Hodge and inhaled it deeply.

"..*cough* *cough!*...To Mal indeed."

Xavier proceeded to the window outlooking the system.
On Eris, Xavier could make out a number of violent storms that werent there before..

"Look...Eris is mourning"

Xavier then turned to Mnemosym.

"My Lady, my feelings right now are of both brief, pain and loss. The depth of these is
considerable and it will take me some time to recover..."

As if struck by his own words, Xavier slumps into an armchair and bows his head

"..Mal was the beacon that led me to the Goddess. In some ways he was the father of the man
I have become. I was devoid of purpose and direction when I wandered into Baffin, and he showed me
the way. Now that beacon is gone and my mind begins to cloud once again. It is unsettling.
The Trident is currently in a state of mourning as well. Every man woman and child is taking part
in a two day silence. The atmosphere is thick with grief.
Although my mind is clouded, time will heal this wound as it has all the others. I will take solace in the
Goddess as Mal taught me and move forward into the future. For now though the healing must happen on it's own."

Xavier raises his head to regard both the Doctor and Mnemosym directly.

"What of you both? How are you coping with the loss?"

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - Seekersixone - 12-12-2011

The passage above rang with harsh words and stomping feet, muffled somewhat by the feet of stone and Geode between the entrance and the Kiva. One could tell that at least one voice was heavily accented and uncouth, the other rather educated and refined.

The boots drew closer, accompanied by the sounds of mild struggling. Soon, two men appeared at the top of the Kiva's ladder, the sounds of a verbal battle ensuing.

"... No reason to be doing this, Richard, I'm a businessman, not a -"

"Shut yer gob, Luke, ah'm not dealin' with yer crap right now, now get down that ladder an' help me out."

Moments passed, and then the ladder bore the weight of two new arrivals.

The first was a dark-skinned male, well dressed in a maroon turtleneck sweater and charcoal corduroy jacket, round sunglasses, pinstriped black trousers and a pair of patent leather dress boots far too shiny to be a true spacefarer's but not clean enough to be a legitimate businessman's. His face wore a look like showing up to this was a mild inconvenience at best, but he took a free spot in the circle.

The next was a familiar face. The thick beard and cowboyish exterior of Richard Sykes entered the room, dressed in a black flannel shirt with a bandana tied around the right bicep, beaten jeans and thick pilot's boots, his beaten hat held in one hand as he nodded solemnly at the gathered Popes and Popess. "Ladies, Gentlemen," he grunted, assuming his place in the Kiva. "This's my workin' associate Lucas. He's new ta th' organization an' ah figgered he should be here fer this."

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - Yaoquizque - 12-14-2011

The woman glanced at the fine doctor Van Mojo as he was expressing his opinion regarding how she attempted to Make Xavier put words on his feelings.

She was in good position to know the sorrow wasn't something that could simply leave one's heart or mind on its own.

It was fading with time, indeed.
It was yet still there.
many apes lost the vision of what really mattered.. What they truly were, simply because they didn't let it heal nor accepted to move on.
It wasn't something she would allow to happen.

Nodding after Mojo's tirade, she said :
"Being in tune with the goddess you say?
This has little meaning to me. Every vision is legitimate. No one is legitimate. You have a pineal gland. Your vision is as wrong and as true as mine or Xavier's.

Now i understand you may be confused by the relation i had with Malaclypse the third. Our opinions were diverging regarding some matters. Yet you can be sure we respected each other.
There is as many prophets as there is spirits."

She made a somewhat familiar vague sign with her hand and continued.

"Now you are talking about what Malaclypse the third would have wanted. He had a unique mind. He found his own solutions, that enlightened many of us countless times.

Now he is gone...
The burden of finding our own solutions lies with us. And it always was the case.

I'm ensure of what Mal-3 would have wanted. Mainly because i am not him. You are free to extrapolate however, if you need to.

Either way, what i am trying to do here is to help Xavier. Because keeping sorrow like that shouldn't be tolerated. No matter the reason."

She then stopped to talk to let Xavier express himself, and nodded once again.

"I doubt it can heal on its own, Triton. But i will let it to your own appreciation."

She lowered her head slowly and talked again.

"Mal-3 decided to move on. Yes, it is a great loss. Yet, there is no ending. He moved on to give to someone else the burden of spiritual guidance.

I'm talking here of those new popes i heard about since a few weeks.
Moreau, Leonardo Gull, Adonis Malak, Skripto, San Savage and many others.

They are the future of our kind. And who knows if one of them won't have the aura to become as shiny as Mal-3 was..."

She then shrugged imperceptibly and glanced at Xavier Triton.

"How am i coping with the loss? It was a shock. Despite our differences, i respected that shepherd.
Yes i believe his departure isn't a reason to retreat into our shell and stop to notice how the universe can be strangely fascinating... Or fascinatingly strange.

Make no mistake... His departure isn't a scheme of destructing disorder... Or order... Depending on how you want to look at things.
It belongs to the creative part."

She then got on her feet and started to write on the ground near the pentacle, using a chalk.

[Image: OrderDisorderSquare.gif]

When she finished, she heard quite some noise coming from the entry of the circular chamber.
Soon, two person entered, quarelling...

The Kiva, Pueblo Bonito - Exodus - 12-14-2011

Reynard just entered the Kiva...

Kallisti dears! said quietly.
This is my first visit around, its sad what happened to us, and I've felt I need to visit this place, even if we have a great loss....

He sit down on a chair and quietly said something.
The Kiva haven't been such a sad place before....

Then turned to the others:
I hope we can still do what is necessary, we should take care of ourselves and not wait that someone will do it. Our friend lives a better life than we do, so lets do what needs to be done... We should stand strong.
said on a monotone voice.