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When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Printable Version

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When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Lennox - 09-20-2011

"Good god. I cannot see anything of the knights anylonger. That's just too bright.", Lennox says while looking at the devastating fire of the Pride and Eclipse. Piece of rocks and cold earth is flying around. Lennox and Sombrero are just looking at the devastating energy impacts. "This place will need time to be rebuilt again...", Lennox says in a lower voice, laughing a bit. "I cannot see anyone who is left from the enemy...but I think that's of the lightshow." Johan smiles slightly, feeling victorious. Lennox lowers his arm with the plasma gun and sighs. "That's it?", he asks around with a lower voice. "That was more troublesome than expected...but glad you made it Scarlet.", Lennox says with throwing a smile towards her while touching his head, where the arm of the giant robot hit him, checking if the pain of the impact is still there.

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Scarlet - 09-20-2011

Scarlet chuckles, mock saluting with the pistol.

"The feeling is mutual. That went better than last time"

Turning on her heels she marches back towards the Order buildings, before stopping and turning back to Lennox and Sombrero.

"Ah. I can't remember how to get back"

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Lennox - 09-20-2011

Sombrero nods to Lennox with a sarcastic smile and then gestures him to go with Scarlet. Lennox looks over to Scarlet and smiles slightly. "I could...escort you.", Johan says with a chuckle. "Would you like to have a drink with me in the lounge or would you more like to get some rest?" Lennox moves to Scarlet standing infront of her, looking in her eyes, smiling. Sombrero in the background is having a last look on the devastated battlefield, cleaning his weapon. He sighs as he sees all the warriors leaving except for Lennox and Scarlet still standing there. He looks up, taking a deep breath. "That was a good battle...the knights should be no more.", Sombrero says to himself.

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Scarlet - 09-20-2011

Scarlet smiles looking back at him.

"After this?" She waves a hand over the devastated scenery. "A drink sounds good"

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Lennox - 09-20-2011

"Okay then...I think I will spend least one drink. You know, I still owe you something...", Lennox pauses for a moment,"I think something like that cannot be thanked by a drink...", Johan says to Scarlet with a bit nervous voice, slightly smiling, and slowly starts to move to Toledo Lounge with Scarlet at his side. " the way. What about your wrist? Is the wound fixed already?", Lennox asks Scarlet in a lower tone, sounding a bit worried.

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - Scarlet - 09-20-2011

Scarlet looks to her wrist, blood begining to seep through the cloth of the bandage, forgotten in the adrenaline of the fighting.

"It'll heal, don't worry."

She takes one more look around before they enter the bar together.

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - jimmy Patterson - 09-20-2011

<jimmys menwere in a thick firefight when he looked up"DAMNIT I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO CALL THAT S** OFF"<the shells start landing near his men they panic diveing for whtever cover they can find as his gunboat xo coms on comms- "its not the inquisitor sir its the pride the liberty carrier!im trying to contact her to call off her attack"

- as quick as the bombardment had started it ended it was close to close for jims comfortand he was angered as the doc sstichetd his wounds up he looked on checking for surviviors whoever had commanded the firemission was going to get there ass chewed like they would not belive-"mop up,im heading to the bar and if you see lilly or aelita or anybody let me know"

-angered he stromed off the remaining speeder kicking up a minor snow storm of its own-

When Storms Collide, The Knights Fall And Order Will Rise - TheMeltler - 09-20-2011

[[near the battle site, Aelita and Lilly face off against the last in command of Charles Fleet, the sisters bomber is holding together but barely, the last in commands gunship on the other hand has not taken a beating yet, the gunship readies for a another attack. It fires, tearing off the starboard wind, sending the bomber to the ground, it impacts the ground with a loud bang. The gunship lands nearby and the man jumps out, he walks over to the crashed bomber, he rips off the hatch to the drivers seats, he then picks Aeilta up by the neck, but with his powered suit, she throws her into a blown up tank, a sickening crack is heard once she hits it, once she falls to the ground, she is not moving, he walks back to the bomber and this time picks Lilly up by the neck, but unknown to him, a small group of Lillys knights surround him. one shoots him in the back, turning, he throws Lilly against the crashed bomber, she hits her head on the hard metal to where she is not responsive ether, turning to the group, which consist of the Lutentenit, Vindacare and a Chaplin of Lillys army, but more of Lillys forces show up, the commader reacts to Lutentenit first by shooting him in the chest, next the Vindacare, she is hit by his fist and sent flying into one of the blown up tanks, the Chaplin is grabbed by the foot and flung into a side of a hill. The commander continues to take down Lillys Knights/Friends, gunfire, screams and explosions of all kinds are heard, but a moment later, Fear Troopers walk up with EMP and Anti-Matter Spears, they surround him, the commander drops the man he had and kneels on the ground, putting his hands up, the men with the spears dont move until the (Great-Harber-Ship-Of-Bentis) lands nearby, they load the commander on board and the hurt and dead knights on board as well. They lock the commander in a cell, in which freezes him in the room so he can'€™t get out. the hurt knights and order are layed by the hundreds in the ship, which are from the field, the fighting and space. The dead are put in the loaded into wood looking coffins, and moved to the back of the bay. blood covered medics continue to work inside the ship. Inside the ship, Aeilta rolls a wheel-chair up to the cell where the commander (Visible) is frozen. Looking behind her, where Lilly lays on a stretcher, she has not woken up yet.]]

[[outside the ship, men and women of the order and knights seem to be looking around the field for servivers and other good knights/order, the field was littered with blown tanks and dead people, the (Great-Harber-Ship-Of-Bentis) lands close to the order base, unfreezing the cell, the escort the man out with at least fifteen others, the sixteen enemies are followed by Fear Troopers and Star Crusaders that hold the same spears but the Star Crusaders hold a long disk like weapon, at three of the ends there are curved spikes leaping out of it.]]

Star Crusader Champion : '€œmove from this spot and you knights are dead'€¦.. you have attacked the order and my leader Lilly, you brought in more men , and they died'€¦ your war vehicles, and failed'€¦ your carrier and leader are dead'€¦ you have is honored the order, the knights and you have brought great shame to Sajuuk'€¦ but death is not an honor'€¦ it'€™s a punishment'€¦ but you need more then punishment'€¦ (he grabs out an needle and injects the enemy with what was in it) you return here'€¦ you get close to this planet'€¦ you harm any order or knights that are with us'€¦ that will be end of you'€¦ what you just received is the Vagier Control Virus'€¦ the same thing you used on Aeilta'€¦ (the men with the spears lower their weapons) im going to give you sixteen warriors a chance to run and make it as far away from this planet as you can'€¦ ten minutes for now'€¦ but let me warn you'€¦ once the time is up'€¦ the order are free to kill you all'€¦ now get out of my sights'€¦ (the enemy knights scatter in different directions)