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Glad To See Nothings Changed - Printable Version

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Glad To See Nothings Changed - Malaclypse 666 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:I dont even know if I remember my skype password with all my Discovery contacts. XD

Ya Prat. You're way too young to have sometimer's disease..

Yeah, I wandered off to EVE for awhile after my last Pineal meltdown.

Took me almost a year to realize I missed actual roleplay.

So, I'll do your shift for ya, bud.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Ya Prat. You're way too young to have sometimer's disease..
Hahaha nah just a bad memory. XD

' Wrote:Took me almost a year to realize I missed actual roleplay.

I know exactly how you feel... -.-'
That game has so much RP potential, yet no one cares enough to tap in to it.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jeremy Hunter - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:I dont even know if I remember my skype password with all my Discovery contacts. XD




I'd be happy to help you try and remake that. Shoot me a PM if you'd like some help.

And Fletcher.

It is...

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Malaclypse 666 - 10-15-2011

' Wrote:I know exactly how you feel... -.-'
That game has so much RP potential, yet no one cares enough to tap in to it.

That, and my so-called "Faction" moved 4 times in three months.. kept getting wardecced for mining on other people's turf. Pain in the butt to move 10 ships halfway across the Galaxy..

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-15-2011

' Wrote:That, and my so-called "Faction" moved 4 times in three months.. kept getting wardecced for mining on other people's turf. Pain in the butt to move 10 ships halfway across the Galaxy..

Again I know how you feel. XD I've moved from the end of Gallente space, to the edge of Amarr space, in to the middle of Caldari in the last three weeks, and moving to nullsec next week. *Headdesk*

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Enojado - 10-15-2011

' Wrote:Everyone is reappearing at the same time.

Shouldn't you be somewhere else crying Canada a new river?

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jessitrescott - 10-15-2011


Glad To See Nothings Changed - Vasuv - 10-16-2011


Glad To See Nothings Changed - Varyag - 10-16-2011

Ohh gods, this LuLWUT again.

Please don't be kidding when you say you are just passing through.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jaika - 10-16-2011

Hello there DBoy...your name is familiar to me.

and one more important thing: PLEASE COME BACK AND DO SOMETHING WITH THE ORDER!!! eeevryone want's ya back i know it...REALLY:P

Btw good to see a old pilot.