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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Printable Version

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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - marauder - 04-02-2008

' Wrote:I like this plan, although it is more a Corsair plan, really.

Maybe we could do this in Gamma?

The corsairs aren't that subtle, they either put you in a spacesuit and chain you to an asteroid in the middle of nowhere or strap your spacesuited ass to a VHF and go through a JH (you know how much ships rattle around when they use one, so being in a spacesuit would be a messy way of dying).

The outcasts like their little jokes, they tell people that they can go free after running through a field full of cardamine... yeah, cardamine grasses are razor-sharp and you'll soon end up with badly cut legs and bleed to death.

@Skorp: If I had been in your shoes I'd have SS'd the whole convo and then said in system-chat 'sorry, but we do not deal with terrorists' then blow the bugger up. He could report if he wanted to, But he'd have one of his own for saying 'lol' and his little speach about not being able to blow him up and his threat of a sanction report too.

Rules lawyers are frowned upon, besides people who go 'lol' and ':)' in system-chat will not dictate to me how RP my characters.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - BaconSoda - 04-03-2008

' Wrote:Rules lawyers are frowned upon, besides people who go 'lol' and ':)' in system-chat will not dictate to me how RP my characters.

I had someone like that try and dictate how I should play my FA character. I told him to shove it...

I think the SA/LPI are doing a much better job of diversifying now. I don't know about the LSF, though. I haven't seen them much, and maybe thats the way it should be....

I think now we should get on the [RM] for never leaving New Berlin:angry:!