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Order of Roaring Piratz - Printable Version

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Order of Roaring Piratz - Rabid_American - 06-13-2008

' Wrote:the worst part of it is... we were far less out of character, then the junker, navy, and merc sitting at manhattan comparing e-peen sizes.

If your talking about me I was doing a transfer for Zoria...

Edit: I didn't say a word in system cause ALL of that was OOC until [SA] showed up it seems.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Varyag - 06-13-2008


You guyz is teh poenzorhaxorz


Ohh no someone set us up the bomb!


Order of Roaring Piratz - Ion - 06-13-2008

' Wrote:If your talking about me I was doing a transfer for Zoria...

Edit: I didn't say a word in system cause ALL of that was OOC until [SA] showed up it seems.

was referring to the bretonian gunboat... not you.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Darkwolf475 - 06-13-2008

' Wrote:By the way isnt OoRP for an under level 30 to attack anyone else. You had every possibility to self defense.

Sorry. I kind of figured that it was OORP for level 5 civilian crafts to go zooming around Manhattan space shooting at navy pilots, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and traders for no reason even when ordered to stop by the Navy. My bad.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Darkwolf475 - 06-13-2008

Now you're right I probably did over react last night. The thing that still bugs me though this morning is why you guys even did it. I bet if I look aorund the forums I will easily be able to find a post by all of you who participated trashing behavior like you guys displayed last night. You say it was only for a "joke" showing people what not to do, but how were the new people ingame when you were "having your fun" know this? Even though your intentions may have been different from the people who do this stuff on purpose (or who don't know any better), you still did the same actions. It makes you all look like hypocrits.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post

Order of Roaring Piratz - timmychen - 06-13-2008

We never shot mercenaries or bounty hunters. We shot a Junker with a Corsair Funboat outside Manhattan because he was intentionally ramming us... we're in starfleas. Two successful rams and we die.

And actually, I'd like to say that our RP was better than the rest of you lot outside Manhattan. Even mentioning RP in system chat is bad enough, and then threatening to report us is even worse. I can only think of two people we shot at - the Junker Funboat, and you. Both had good reason for it.

ADDED: Oh yeah, and - cruising away, then reengaging = no-no. And dont' say we CD'ed you, because starfliers don't have CDs.

Order of Roaring Piratz - AdamantineFist - 06-13-2008

Well, well, well! It seems that my minions have decided to begin their conquest... eeexcellent...

It's really too bad I wasn't around for this. Sounds like you guys started up a real ruckus! If anybody has a record of what went on, I'd love to know exactly what happened.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Boss - 06-14-2008

We committed mass suicide. I can haz screen. See below.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Darkwolf475 - 06-14-2008

' Wrote:We never shot mercenaries or bounty hunters. We shot a Junker with a Corsair Funboat outside Manhattan because he was intentionally ramming us... we're in starfleas. Two successful rams and we die.

And actually, I'd like to say that our RP was better than the rest of you lot outside Manhattan. Even mentioning RP in system chat is bad enough, and then threatening to report us is even worse. I can only think of two people we shot at - the Junker Funboat, and you. Both had good reason for it.

ADDED: Oh yeah, and - cruising away, then reengaging = no-no. And dont' say we CD'ed you, because starfliers don't have CDs.

I could have sworn though I may be wrong that you were shooting a member of [M] I don't rememeber whether he was merc or bh, but I know for certain that you shot at the BH battleship that was passing through. And I didn't reengage. You guys reengaged me. I merely responded by fighting again in self defense. If you remember I still tried to repeatedly enter trade lanes to leave the system as I am supposed to according to the rules, but you guys stopped me. Also you guys engaged your cruise engines to chase me so technically you guys fled too.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Horon - 06-14-2008

Darkwolf, seriously. If you have a problem, take it to the administrators via PM. Stop trying to boost your post count by posting useless posts.