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A Key Emergency - Printable Version

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A Key Emergency - Febreze - 05-20-2012

*At the familiar noise of a security droid compartment opening Smudge jumped back into reality from the daydream is was experiencing. Without looking back to the trundling droid he turnt to Joey*

"Oh bollocks, thats our que to leave monsoir, these things don't mind tazering you for no reason. I've lost count of the times Sharon's had to talk me through healing burns in delicate places. I'm not gonna have my buns fried today!"

"Right. Right... Uh, follow me. Now."

"Sounds like a plan."

*The pair began walking in the direction of the bar when Smudge suddenly stopped*

"Wait! Wait. I've always wanted to do this!"

*Smudge turnt to face the slowly approaching robot and the security terminal. He raised his pistol and pulled the trigger twice. The first bullet hit the security terminal and had no effect other than seemingly make the screen turn a darker red. The second hit the security droid. This round bounced off the well armored machine and rather than slowing down or having no effect like Smudge had anticipated it seemed to stir something inside the robot. It paused for a second, computing something. A moment later the sound of multiple heavy machine guns being loaded echoed down the corridor into Smudges ears and the droid proceeded forward at a far greater speed, directly at Joey and him. Smudges arm flopped to his side, gun in hand*

"Aww sh--"

"C'mon you moron!"

*Joey grabbed Smudge by the shoulder and they ran, ducking from the iminant hail of bullets*

A Key Emergency - Tailsdoll - 05-20-2012

Four pills. Three pills...


Joey stopped momentarily to discharge three rounds the robot's head, seemingly slowing it down, just enough for the two to get some room to breathe amidst the bullet storm.


"Go on ahead and tell me if there's anything waiting. I'm going to take care of this meself..."

Alright, ya son of a charming young woman that charges for physical relations, let's see how you like...



Joey jammed the tazer he always kept with him right where the neck should be, hoping to do some damage. Instead, it seemed to reboot the robot to full power.

"Oh frack..."

Two pills.


A Key Emergency - KST - 05-20-2012

The robot suddenly stops, the Terminal Flickers and dies before flashing back to life and emitting a colourfull jingle.

"Ah, Good day mister Cook! Access is granted, please input command or inquiry"

A Key Emergency - Tailsdoll - 05-20-2012


Well, what the hell now? Oh, right, the doors.


Joey looked back at an incredulous Smudge.


A Key Emergency - KST - 05-20-2012

"I'm sorry, that is an invalid command. Perhaps your inbred friend could do better?"

A Key Emergency - Tailsdoll - 05-20-2012

Oh har, har... Bloody AI...

"Smudge, would you mind?"

A Key Emergency - Juzt156 - 05-20-2012

Kian sadly took one of the Liberty Ale's and opened it. Liberty was one of the most powerful houses! How could they make something so tasteless? He poured the Ale over his head wound, it was all it was good for anyway. He took his knife and cut up a wiping up bar towel, and tied it tightly round his head. He opened a second bottle and started to drink, when he heard gunfire banging and shouting, it made his head ring and ache.

He dropped the Ale and limped to the door. Listening he heard what seemed to be an argument between two people and the unmistakable electronic drone of an AI. He groaned inwardly, AI are trouble.

The door leading out of the bar seemed to be locked down somehow. With all the gunfire outside he was unsure of shouting for help. He vacillated wondering what to do. He looked back at the Liberty Ale and was galvanized. He banged on the door loudly "Help can someone open the door." He had to get out of this hellish pit.

A Key Emergency - Febreze - 05-20-2012

*Smudge stormed over to the terminal, with a pleasing scratch on the display screen.*

"Now listen here little missy. I go day in day out 365 days a year constantly accompanied by one AI bitch that'll find flaws in a bloody flawless diamond! I don't have time for a second one! All I ask is that those doors, you see 'em?"

*Smudge pointed and the camera followed*

"Yeah them, I want them the opposite of what they are. I want them open, unblocking, out of the way. You know!" *He imitates the sound of a sliding electrical door and mimed it with his hands* "Bzzzssshhh. Like that! Okay! And while your at it send an email to the grandparents wishing them a happy birthday and reminding them that it's sunday, have my ship waxed, order me a beef chow mein, buy me a classic car and open every other set of doors between here and the bar. You hear?! You hear!!!! Godamnit I said do you hear! Praise the feckin lord do you hear! Because if you don't hear than you gosh darnit need your audio sensors changed and your mind wiped! In addi--"

*Smudge spun round*

"Dontchu come near me with that tazer Joey, I can hear it buzzing."

*Joey stood behind Smudge with his hands behind his back*

"So please, you creepy creation of cogs and wires, you breaker of hearts and starter of fires, you contraption of pain with a horrible name who I shall take so in vain! Open the doors or it is you I shall mame!"

*The terminal beeped and displayed a visual message*


"Oh toss."

A Key Emergency - KST - 05-20-2012

The Terminal begins flashing, several lights across its middle blinking to life one after another before going dark again. At the end of the seventh cycle a message scrolls across the screen.

"Happy bithday! Deploying Cyanide"

The message is followed by jets of gas inset around the terminal begining to hiss loudly.

"Did I say Cyanide? I meant laughing gas. Please enjoy your stay at the Key Axial orbital station. We would aprieciate you taking the time to fill out a questionaire about the service you recieve. Have a nice day"

A long form begins printing from the slit next to the terminal.

A Key Emergency - Tailsdoll - 05-20-2012

Joey put his hand on Smudge's shoulder, the hatred the lad was feeling for the machine coursing through his own veins. Still, he managed to keep his calm.

One pill. Use it wisely.

"Let me handle this, lad..."

Only one person who could solve this now. Lord only knows how pissed he would be that he called him.

He grabbed his mobile and dialed up his brother.



C'mon, pick up...


"This better be urgent, Joey, I'm busy"

"The station's robots went nuts, everything's on lockdown and we need to open a door through a terminal that hates us"

"Oh, is that all? Lucy, stop choking the man... Anyways, is the terminal intact?"

"Pretty much, yeah"

"Alright, approach it, then login using my credentials"

"Done that"

"Then it should work, why the hell are you calling me?"

"That's just it, it DOESN'T work, the doors won't open and Smudge already yelled at them AND NOW IT'S GASSING US!!!"

"Alright, stay damnit Lucy, I said stop strangling the man, ok, ya still there? Just approach the keyboard, type in /extract_CORSAC.encr"

"Ok... Ok... Trying not to breathe here..."

"Oh, it's fine, I replaced the cyanide with laughing gas months ago"

"Ok, ok, I put the code, and it's... it's a green screen"

"That's good. Now type in /run_codesolver001987.exe"


"Select preferences, then remove the part that says «Gas interlopers»"


The gas stopped flowing. Oh, thank the gods.

"Now that the gas is dealt with, you should be seeing a menu on the top right"

"Overrides and other crap Scarlet hates me for?"

"The same. Open it, there should be a folder saying «Doors and other Conspicuous Entrances»"

"It's asking for a password"

"It's Lucy818"



"Sue me"

"Alright, what now?"


"But he tried to shoot us!"

"We'll shoot HIM later, just keep him alive long enough for us to get the coordinates"


"Who the hell..."

"Never mind that, should be something called «Master Override»"

"Password again"

"It's your fox's name"

"D'awww, really?"

"Yes, really..."

"Alright, it's... a large smiley face with «Good Job» beneath it"

"Well, that should do it"

Distant rumbling. The doors were being unlocked.

"Great, that did it!"

"K, thanks, bye"



Cheeky bastard...