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Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Printable Version

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RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - (ツ) - 05-15-2013

Quote:Red Hessians

Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Red Hessians etcetc

[b]Zone of Influence: Rheinland and systems directly bordering Rheinland, Omegas[/b]
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships

I'm pretty sure you forgot to include Omicrons if you don't want to kill Rheinland activity for the next couple of decades. Also you might want to consider lifting the regulations to all RHA Transport ships.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - SummerMcLovin - 05-15-2013

Hessians endlessly raiding Gamma is hardly conducive to activity in Rheinland in my eyes. There are still (or should be) plenty of Corsairs in the Omegas, and your home-grown enemies of course.

Anyway, most of the corrections seem to be fine. Not sure if I didn't read them properly, or if the house intelligence were so good anyway. Working with the unlawfuls in the area would also be good.

"Cannot ally with Liberty (or House) lawfuls would be a nice line for the Hellfire Legion, as they'd be fairly open to working with groups like the IMG and Colonials against pirates (and Gauls for the latter). However, these two wouldn't be allowed to ally with them, so isn't overly important.

That new allying line for the Bundschuh is deliciously vague, I like it Big Grin

The couple of Corporate ZoI changes also seem fine, and in fact the GMS ID looks rather nice on a second look.

As for the Mollys, since I doubt Nik is planning on drastically changing things, they'd be willing to work with BAF against Corsairs but not Gauls, since they have a fairly long-standing NAP with them. The Gaians are probably more forced into this position of neutrality, but they were more looking towards Kusari for legitimacy and wouldn't work with Bretonia at all.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - AeternusDoleo - 05-15-2013

I really don't see the Hessians having any business in the deep omicrons. The only reason you'd be asking is to have access to Theta and Gamma for the purposes of Sair-stomping. Which makes sense I suppose.

Should GRN, Council and Colonials also have access to Omicron 81 and Alpha? GMG also to both Gamma and Alpha? Rheinland Military to New York? Liberty Navy to New Berlin? Bretonia Armed Forces to Isle de France?
If we're going to promote home system raids, let's do it right and across the board...

Quote:I don't particularly like this, "Has no allegiance to anyone", as most indie pirates have /some/ allegiances, be it to the Junkers, or Rogues, or Outcasts, or Corsairs or whathave you. Otherwise, also this makes sound like there arn't any freelance pirate groups, such as VR, who use this ID.
They may dock at the bases of some of these organised unlawful or quasilawful factions, but if they were truly affiliated they'd take the ID of those particular factions. "Pirate ID" means you work for yourself first and foremost. How you want to roleplay that, is up to you.

Quote:And speaking about cruisers - if intelligence factions won't be able to use them, why do Police factions still have them? What is their reason to have them anyways?

Also, what about the few Wilde cruisers? Do they have to SRP request them now?
Pirate factions may do cruiser piracy? Police factions may do cruiser interdiction. Fairness, that is called. Police factions have a rather restricted ZoI.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - SummerMcLovin - 05-15-2013

Allowing Gamma would open another can of worms as you implied, but perhaps adding O-81 to some of those with a Tau influence, and O-81 with a Gallic borderworld (say, the Maquis and Corse who mainly are around that shortcut) might be alright. Hessians have had a small presence on Freeport 9 for a while and have bribes there, so Theta might not be too much of a push.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Trail - 05-15-2013

Not to give too much QQ but I kinda dont see much point in intelligence factions anymore. At least not for the KPT. Do you expect us to hunt BD and GC outside of Kusari (something that rarely ever happens) I mean sure it is nice to be able to chase them (and any other enemy) anywhere if we do get in those rare situations but other then that it isnt very inRP for us to go outside of our ZOI to Hunt the following list:

Yes / possibly:

Blood Dragons
Golden Chrysanthemums

The Wild (only the kusari kind)

Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Independent Pirates
Mandalorian Mercenaries
Bretonian Privateers
Farmers Alliance
Gallic Brigands

I cant say that I particularly agree with the ban for cruiser sized vessels for the KPT. I heard someone mention why (because of covertness) While I can totally see the Battlecruiser ban I dont exactly see the Hatchet ban because it looks and operates as a bigger gunboat basically.

If you are going to go on with it then at least it would be nice to have tlagsnet for intelligence factions also, so that there is an added reason to be able to play Intelligence factions somewhat instead of everyone converting their ships to KSP or KNF

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Teerin - 05-15-2013

(05-14-2013, 05:00 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: ; dsy_license_fc_corse_grp
Unione Corse ID

Unione Corse

The Unione Corse is a highly organised quasilawful criminal syndicate within Gallia which focuses on smuggling and controlling the black market in Gallia. They generally do not attack targets inside Gallia. They are rumored to control the distribution of the Nox narcotic.

Pilot carrying this quasilawful ID is a member of the Unione Corse who:

- Can attack pirates and terrorists in self-defense, to protect an allied ship, or in defense of bases of the same affiliation within and outside their Zone of Influence.
- Can demand contraband, levy fines, and destroy ships if they refuse to comply with contraband demands, refuse to cooperate or are belonging to a house or organisation considered hostile by Gallia within their Zone of Influence.
- Can demand cargo and credits from lawful and unlawful ships, and attack them if they do not comply within their Zone of Influence, but outside of Gallic house space only.
- Can hunt pirates and terrorists within their Zone of Influence.
- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except the Gallic Royal Navy and Gallic Royal Police.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the l'Ane and Vache.

Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Taus
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats
There are several points in this proposal here which I disagree with. I've already spoken with some about this over Skype, so I'll try to incorporate what they said. Also, should links be requested, I'll see what I can do.

- Can demand contraband, levy fines, and destroy ships if they refuse to comply with contraband demands, refuse to cooperate or are belonging to a house or organisation considered hostile by Gallia within their Zone of Influence.
The Unione Corse work covertly against the Gallic Government. Nothing that will be easily noticed/proven, but enough so that it counts. Mainly, this applies to the good relations with the CR, Maquis, and Brigands, but the recent neutrality with Liberty as well.

- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except the Gallic Royal Navy and Gallic Royal Police.
Sort of like the above point, however this mainly applies to IMG and CR. Also, as someone pointed out, a similar line caused the Hogosha to have activity troubles since it is an unnecessary line to have.

- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the l'Ane and Vache.
I don't really mind the restriction from 4,300 to 3,600, but we should be able to continue using the Gallia "Lucullus" Liner as we have been for months and months now.

Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Taus
This one is okay, I suppose, but a little vague perhaps. I'd like for "Gallic Bretonia" to be included, in case some people can't make up their minds about Gallia occupied Bretonia. Edinburgh, Lewis, Orkney, Faroe(4.87?), and Leeds(4.87) if that isn't obvious.

Something which I'd love to see added, again relating to IMG and other friendly groups, would be an escort line. Nothing complex, just a "May escort friendly traders within their Zone of Influence" or some such.

Again, these are counter-suggestions to your proposal. Please keep in mind the roleplay and ships already in existence. I am also aware that, as Summer pointed out, this ID is applicable to indies as well.

If it is wished that I provide my own suggested ID, I can throw one together. For further reference material, here is a link to the old ID.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - SummerMcLovin - 05-15-2013

(05-15-2013, 04:58 AM)Teerin Wrote: as Summer pointed out
Just going to put my thoughts in the thread to clarify.

Remember that this is [UC], not all of the Unione Corse that you've got as working fairly hard against the Crown.
Like the LaBrise, indies (and likely the dev viewpoint) would be much more towards the Crown's side of the 'sliding semi-lawful scale' (but still making money from dealing with the unlawfuls) than where you've decided to put the [UC].
They could easily be Gallic privateers, or more pirate-y against the IMG or Rheinlanders for example. I don't really think that the Colonials would be the most obvious choice for a friendly group, nor are the Libertonians, but that is a fair enough choice to make.
An escort line would be nice, although you'll find the ID will very likely match the Hogosha one. I suppose it depends how you weather that compared to BDS, or perhaps talk with each other to work with it.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Hone - 05-15-2013

I know the other BPA people were saying we'd like police IDs to be able to escort outside of their house. For instance atm we sometimes have police prisoner convoys between Liberty and Bretonia. And police would escort dignitaries, ect. Between houses.

Also people saying "may treat as combat target" lines will kill RP, by that logic you think there is no RP between militaries? Cos thats what they have atm. I dont think it'l kill RP for one because shooting is RP, and 2nd cos you still have to talk, even if you can treat them as a combat target.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Starsunder - 05-15-2013

AD Wrote:The devil you know...? Dunno, the Gaians are already in the Gaul camp, which edges the Sairs in that direction as well. Figured the Mollies would realise which way the wind is blowing and go hit the Gauls before they plant a fleur-de-lis on Arranmore. But I could be wrong. Any word from the Molly players on this?

I think that this thread should answer the question of Molly-Gallic relations.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Catbert - 05-15-2013

Quote:I suggest you read the IDs a bit more closely. The Intelligence factions can do a LOT outside their ZoI. Inside, yes, they act more as navy then anything. Outside, they act as a quasilawful force that can play dirty against enemies of the house.
Yes, was going to point that out too. People seem to have mixed up "Zone of Influence" and "Zone of Operations" (by which I mean the areas where the faction would be interested to go; of course, if it's outside the ZoI, the faction is usually limited to self-defense in terms of PvP).

Intelligence Faction IDs have actually got quite flexible (now allowing us to do more things in our Zone of Operations), which is good. As I once said, I can see your reasoning for removing cruisers from LSF/BDM/BIS/KPT IDs, and I do agree that bringing intelligence capfleets for cargo piracy isn't an option. Nor is bringing capfleets somewhere they shouldn't be at all (like a hypothetical situation when LSF would be able to deploy LABCs somewhere in Orkney to hit GRN).

On the other hand, removing the cruisers completely seems to be a concern for quite a few people. Therefore, I assume that some sort of compromise could be reached here. Like allowing intelligence factions to deploy cruisers only in their respective House space and surrounding systems (after all, I think those organisations are resourceful enough to be able to do that), and in the Omicrons (because that's where such factions could use some muscle).

E.g., =LSF=Mount.Iliamna (our main LABC) has been mostly deployed to defend Zone-21 and Alaska so far. We also may have deployed it when there was some real emergency in Liberty So, it would make sense if the =LSF= were able to deploy it in the Omicrons as well (since those will be just one jump away from our Guard System in 4.87; plus, the Order can hunt us freely now, so I guess some means to retaliate wouldn't hurt). After all, there is no specific authority there, so secrecy is not the major concern there. Security is, however.

Quasilawful stuff in foreign houses or far outside the Zone of Influence should be done with gunboats and below, I agree to that. So, I can imagine something like this:
Quote:- Can demand traders who belong to corporations that are declared unlawful in Liberty to drop all cargo and destroy ships if they refuse to comply within and outside their Zone of Influence; cruisers can do so only within their Zone of Influence;
- Can hunt ships of organisations Liberty considers hostile within and outside their Zone of Influence; cruisers can do so only within their Zone of Influence;
Now, what would that change achieve? Cruisers would actually become the means of House defense and IRP forward bases for deep space operations. Outside their ZoI they'd be able to attack only in self-defense (e.g., if the entire group is getting attacked). A cruiser is spotted 5K away from a corporate trader who's being raided by the intel snub group? Then that's the cruiser pilot's fault, because he'd be breaking the rule stated in his ID, I guess.

Of course, I'm looking at the situation from LSF standpoint right now, so I guess my colleagues from BDM, BIS and KPT might have different ideas. But that's how the =LSF= would be using the cruisers we have (should the ID include cruisers after all). I'm sure that BDM and KPT at least are inrerested in the Omicrons as well, not to mention that the Omicrons aren't that far away from Rheinland and Kusari.