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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Veyron - 03-02-2011

[Message Begins]

To: Fleet Admiral Ralston.
From: BAF Civilian Representative
Re: Conduct unbecoming of an Officer.

Sir, I had just finished going through the latest reports when this was brought to light - a rather serious issue I must declare, but fortunately I can save you some bother and say quite confidently that the pilot in question is Ensign Michael Harding - a well known misanthrope and all round bad-egg. He was identified by the timing logs of his Templar in and out of Manchester and the further confirmed by the description provided. Here is the message we received.


Signal Location: Cortez - Curacao - The Bouncing Bunny Night Club

To: B.A.F Civilian Representative
Re: Drunk and Disorderly Pilot

Sir/Madam, it is with no pleasure I contact you now, on the 29th of February, we had a particularly troublesome guest, a guest who happened to be a pilot of the Armed Forces. After imbibing a vast amount of synth-ol and assorted beverages, he became increasingly obnoxious and foul mouthed towards other patrons - of a certain.....heritage - before proceeding to rampage through the club causing a sizable amount of destruction and inciting further anger towards some of our guests. Finally, he and a growing number of fellow revelers assaulted the 'main stage' area of the club and produced a performance involving what we believe to be a inflatable banana, a trifle, a flag of the Kusari Empire, 5 pole dancers, one very traumatized hunting dog and an Armed Forces promotion certificate that quite simply cannot be described adequately using words alone.

This is the description of the pilot: Mid twenties age, blonde, 6 ft tall, medium build, aristocratic mannerisms noted - especially referring to others as 'peasants' and 'commoners' and the correct use of obscure cutlery.

Now, the pilot in question left shortly after his drunken rampage was finished, throwing a sizable wad of credits over the stunned bar man, more than covering the cost of the damages. For this reason we will not be pursuing the matter in the civil court, but would like to see to it that said pilot, once identified, is no longer sent to least until we've redecorated.

Regards, the Bouncing Bunny Night Club Managment.


Now, I do not mean to add to your problems Sir, but this is not the first time this individual has crossed this desk, he is well known for his rudeness and generally disruptive attitude. I trust you will take the necessary actions to curb his way-ward nature, and before he causes a more serious problem.

By the way, the 'Establishment' (hardly the place for a member of the Armed Forces in the first place!) did try to send through footage of the 'performance' - but our networks decency filter refused to allow the file to be transmitted. Thankfully.

Regards, Maureen Dottard, Civilian Representative.

[Message Ends]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 03-02-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Ms Maureen Dottard

I am saddened to hear this. We must keep up appearances in the Armed Forces.

An inflatable...??

Never mind. Clearly this man is not suitable material for a Lieutenant, and we must bump him down to an Ensign.

This sort of depraved behaviour will not be countenanced in Her Majesty's Armed Forces.

Now, if could you excuse me, I was in the middle of tazer-flogging my chambermaid.

Good day,

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 03-03-2011

PILOT ID: Lieutenant Evyn
LOCATION: Battleship Derby--Leeds
DETAILS: Humility
[Image: 2wmpgyp.jpg]

Evyn: I wish to apologise on the actions of Pilot Harding Admiral Ralston...Lieutenant Feya and I were moving cargo around Bretonia and on our last trip had smuggled a load from Java Station in Tau 23 to New London, Paying him and Ensign Sinclair a large sum for the help...I do believe this was the cause for his roudiness and will take punishment for such...


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 03-03-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Essex]
[CommID: Ensign Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: 308pxjerjerrodhd1.jpg]

Greetings sirs and Ma'ams *salutes* This is my first action report sense my joining date. I started my patrol today alone. It was mainly on the Dublin system I went threw the mining spots and as wearied as it may sound there were no miners. So I cruised around and Got contacted by a Molly that was kinda how to put it a little hostile.

It told me he wanted to destroy me and I in return told him to come and get me. He eventually found me and engaged me. Well he was a little shocked after I left him to suck space. On Continuing I encountered a SCRA pilot we had a talk with guns and a normal talk.

Until two molly greyhounds arrived They decided they shod engage a secondary fleet pilot. Well bad call I got em both of them. And All actions were taken in to the BAF zone of the Dublin system. Interesting day eh, and it went pretty well Mollyes spaced and we saved the day. Davis out
Gun camera

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gaxxyboi - 03-10-2011

*** Incoming Transmission***
*** ID: Ens.Daniel Dashwood***
*** Reports about patrols in Dublin***

Good day ladies and gentlemen,

The last week i did several patrols in the Dublin system.
As we all known, its a really hot spot in Bretonia.
When i was checking the mining fields, a pilot named Fred the Great of the [MR] just was about to do some trouble. I told him to stop that but he refused. Instead of leaving the System or follow my orders in any other way he engaged me.
After a long fight i finally were able to bring him down with my razor.


Today, i was on a short patrol and just left the Battleship Essex.
After some minutes i spoted a Molly named: Sarah Miller
I was asking her what she gonna do here, and she told me twice, that i should to the feck off. She also gave me an advice to stay away, because she will be too big for me. whatever...


At last, Lt.Evyn and me were called for an emergency today. After we were able to force the first one of the hostiles to flee, it was about me to fight the Molly who was left. After a short fight, he also flee from the battlefield. i almost got him, but his Nanobots made a fast work.


Since the personal trouble between Lt.Evyn and me is gone and since we will keep patroling together i am looking forward in a good future.

best regards, Ens.Daniel Dashwood

***Transmission terminated***

***Transmission terminated***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 03-14-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

She was wonderful.

The latest model of Dunkirk, first in her class.

Her Majesty's Ship, the HMS Audacity.

The Fleet Admiral stepped on the bridge and the bo'sun's whistle let them know they were to stand to attention.

Normally the Fleet Admiral would give an "at ease" more or less immediately, but not today. Today he wanted them to stand, silent, at attention, as he carefully inspected each station, grimacing every once in a while to keep them guessing.

He went to the command chair and noted it was a beautiful black leather finish. Perfect.

Nelles can keep the Regina, he thought. Old bucket of bolts..

He stood before his command chair before finally quietly giving the order; "At ease. To your stations, ladies and gentlemen."

He inquired about the reactor state. And did not believe the answer.

"That much??, he asked. "I thought that the at-rest maximum throughput was about 7000 Terrawatts!"

The technician smiled. At this moment, briefly, he had the upper hand on a Fleet Admiral.

"New modifications, sir. We have a new composite superconducter which allows us to close the field torus..." Ralston waved at him to stop.

"Son, you had me, then lost me, at 'new'. Carry on."

He took his seat and gave the order.

"All ahead full, make course for Cambridge. Full weapons trials in the Newcastle Asteroid Field."

He was, this day, a happy man.

His visage, of course, did not betray that fact in the slightest.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Ivan - 03-17-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS MacDuff]
[CommID: Lieutenaunt-commander Thomas Eliot]

I'm back on duty.

Planet Harris defences are still holding up a line against Kusari invaders. During countless fights I've managed to confiscate cargo of Neon going to Gallia through Taus (I'm really not sure if it was really supposed to be going to Gallia; it was shipped by freelancer Evan Nilson) and redirect shipment of military venichles to Leeds planetary defences from Harris defences, shipped by Tobias Storm (IMG).
[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Husher - 03-19-2011

<div align="right]{{Incomming Transmission}}
{{Source: Bs HMS-Derby Leeds}}
{{Commid: Commander Driscoll}}
{{Loading report.}}
{{Video stream detected}}

[Image: computerroom.jpg]

A jolly goodday to ye admirals My bomberwing the 149th was called out for apperantly a report of sairs roaming Cambridge in a pair of big boats, turned out the ran like dogs when they heared our they were discovered, imagine that. All seemed calm so some fighter training started at HQ but unfortunally it was interupted soon.

A large group of Kusaris was discovered and apperantly they planned somekind of a strike. Adm. Adama decided that we would interfear and engage those blasted fools. *laughs* Finnaly some action again! We found them way above Stokes assembling there forces, man were they in for a treat.
[Image: screen56.png][Image: screen58.png]
It started out very brutal from the start, both sides eager to score the first kill. I'am not sure but i call a kusari pilot had to bail out first. Ens. Walton shot him straight up his tailpipe.
[Image: 75984922.jpg]
Good shot son and as promished a bottle of Scotch is waiting at him in the mess. Unfortunally we lost some fighters to all our pilots were saved by SaR vessels, After a hour of dodging and no real breaktrough, those bastards were bloody skillfill i must give them that, Ens. Dashwood managed to force another enemy pilot to bailout into space, welldone.
[Image: screen53.png]

Unfortunally when we thought we would win a massive ionstorm came trough Leeds without warning from the meteo service. [Image: ionstorm.jpg]
In the end our electronics were so badly disrupted it was decided not reengage.

On a second note to ens. Harding, Son iff you get a order you follow it to the letter, this is not a democracy but the Armed Forces, We fight together we are Victorious together. Next time when ye' don't follow orders you get my boot up yer ass, got it? Your actions could have get a squadronmate killed very easy, we don't want that to happen do we? Remember there are no living heroes, only death ones and those we had enough in the past years.

Time to sign off than and head for the mess, seems the lads and lasses are trowing a party and someone has to check the scotch for any poison *grins*

Comm. Driscool signing off.

<div align="right]{{Signal feed ended}}

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 03-19-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

So many dead....

On her shakedown cruise, the HMS Audacity, destroyed!

by Mollies!

If a mind could spit, Ralston's would have, thinking that word.

Never trust a Molly

He rounded a corner, and met Admiral Martin Bridge. Pods were coming to the Essex. Many pods, but not enough.

Bridge was ashen. "Sir, you are covered in blood!"

Ralston grimaced, teeth clenched. "Brains too. None of it is mine. Her name was Ensign Warwick. Took shrapnel, and I did not."

Bridge said quietly "What do we do now?"

Ralston closed his eyes then opened them, and spoke in a voice which was absent of moral concerns.

"We kill every Molly."


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Deneth Aleski - 03-21-2011


PRIORITY: [color=#FF9966]Urgent, for immediate dissemination
ENCRYPTION: Secure (Protocol classified)
IDENTIFICATION: Commander Deneth Aleski
TARGET: Bretonian Armed Forces Intelligence Staff, Senior officer corps, Junior NCO's
SUBJECT: SOP for Operation Aighneacht (Submission)


For immediate dissemination to all pilots and senior officers of the Bretonian Armed Forces with authority to give orders in a battle situation

The reasoning behind this guide is to inform all ranks of the BAF of Operation AIGHNEACHT, its goals and the means necessary to achieve said goals. This SOP will outline several tactics and principles which will guide this operation to success.

Reasons justifying the operation and Objectives
On Saturday, March 19th 819 A.S. at 1400 hours Standard Dublin Time, the HMS-Audacity, with the Honourable Fleet Admiral James Ralston on board, was headed to the Dublin system to meet with local representatives of the Molly Council under a flag of truce, to discuss partitioning of the system.

Once there, however, the Audacity, along with its escort wing, was treacherously engaged by the ruthless terrorists that are the Mollys. Despite the best efforts of the protection squadron, the HMS-Audacity was fatally struck and subsequently destroyed. Much of the Audacity's crew remain unaccounted for, they are presumed dead. The Fleet Admiral escaped with his life, but was severely injured.

This unprecedented act of war and defiance will not be tolerated by the Bretonian Armed Forces. Our objectives are laid out as follow, in order of importance:
  • Terminate the Mollys. Their defiance, contempt and sheer hatred for Her Majesty and her Agents will no longer be tolerated. They are to be nullified by all means necessary.
  • Restore lawful order in the Dublin system. The eventual elimination of the Mollys as an entity will bring us closer to that end.
  • Disrupt Molly mining.
  • Empower and protect BMM (Bretonian Mining & Minerals) mining operations and assets.
Strategy and Tactics
  • Force. Irrationality does not respond to diplomacy or rationality. It responds to fear only. When confronted with Mollys, there is to be no room for diplomacy and no quarter to be spared for them. They are terrorists and wish for nothing less than your death. Putting them out of their misery is the moral thing to do.
  • Intimidation. Dublin is under MILITARY LAW. When in the Dublin system, you ARE the law. If the law states that Mollys are to be terminated, then let it be so. All other revendications are to be dismissed at once.
  • Boldness. Your enemy is ruthless, amoral and bold. As an officer of the BAF on the field, reciprocate their approach to war by any means necessary. There is no room for moral concern.
  • Retribution. To the extent that fairness on the field of battle is preserved, all Molly activity is to be terminated by utilizing superior and overwhelming firepower. We are not only ridding our Kingdom of an old irritant, we are also sending a message.
  • "Help a brother out." The BMM is our most reliable corporate ally operating in Dublin. Assist them without delay or compromise, should they require it. Taxation against BMM will not be tolerated and is to be met with indiscriminate hostility. The IMG is permitted to operate within their ZOI in Dublin.
  • Know your history. The Mollys are a TERRORIST organization. Behind their story of ethnic struggle and veneer of "martyr" rhetoric, lies a soul darker than anything this Kingdom has ever faced. Bold, amoral, cunning and ill-intentioned. Know better than to fall for their heartfelt stories.
The defense of Leeds takes precedence over Operation AIGHNEACHT. The aim is to step up armed BAF visibility in the Dublin sector, without impacting our capacity to defend Leeds and repel Kusari raids.

A great deal of inventiveness, improvisation and discretion from our senior officers will be mission-critical. The lack of an overarching, global strategic plan will make Operation AIGHNEACHT a significant tactical challenge. However, if our corps of loyal senior officers abide to the points shown above, victory will come eventually, but surely.

Bretonia will prevail.
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!