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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ascending Morals - 09-10-2008

Comm ID: Lieutenant Ariel.Stirrov

Today while sitting in Omega-52, and stopping a passing civilian, something unexpected happened. Escorting the civilian into a Omega-5, a Praetorian attacked his transport, Julio Ramirez. I quickly engaged the Corsair, showing him what we do to his traitorous kind. Realizing he could not keep up, he began to ignore the transport, by which time we were in Cambridge.

Soon my prey had sped away, as I began to chase him, four Bretonian Armed forces pilots jumped in near the gate I was by. It took them hardly a second for two to engage me, with the other two watching the show. I was doing my best to keep up with the two of them, McKenna, and Liam. After minutes of their guns failing to make contact to my hull, they called in the rest of the team.

Things were looking pretty down, but luckily Lieutenant Commander Prutko was on his way with backup in the form of Lieutenant Commander Thorvaldsson, and fellow lieutenant Gellantra. As they arrived Prutko quickly downed one of the hostiles, and we moved onto the newly arrived target, and bounty hunter, Esther Carson. She was a tough cookie to crack in her agile Hammerhead, but eventually I found my mark and her pod was left floating in space.

The battle continued on, with us fighting long and hard. Unfortunately, lieutenant commander Prutko's ship was caught off guard and he was forced to eject, myself getting his pod. In a blind rage I quickly took out the perpetrator, his ship suffering the same fate, at which the lieutenant commander's had. Shortly afterwards, Thorvaldsson lost all his guns and was forced to pull out, with Alexandrov replacing him.

It was becoming a grueling battle, with Gellantra having to pull out as well, and another Armed Forces pilot, James Flint came into range. Sadly he wasn't as warmed up as myself and he was disposed of quickly. Afterwards, Mau came in to support me. Lieutenant commander Thorvaldsson instructed us to run for base when a hostile destroyer came to assist our adversaries. We returned home with Prutko's pod in my hold and four hostiles down.

I quickly got my ship down and docked, having Prutko checked by medical. He seems to be fine, which is good news. I also caught some footage of the skirmish which should be finished initializing now.

[Image: Freelancer2008-09-0920-17-01-92.jpg]

[Image: Freelancer2008-09-0920-22-35-27.jpg]

[Image: Freelancer2008-09-0920-37-37-95.jpg]

[Image: Freelancer2008-09-0921-20-50-40.jpg]

That is all sirs,

Stirrov out.

Transmission ends...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 09-13-2008

----Transmission to: All SCRA----
----Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh----

Comrades, I have been informed by several members of the High Command that their are several promtions and commendations to be made. The revolution grows even as we speak, and it is through the dedication of you all that we enjoy such widespread success and infamity!

Today is the Second Anniversary of the Glorious Coup against the Capitalist Dog, Aeon. In fire and strife, the men and women of the true revolution smashed the usurpers forces, and immediatly turned their guns on the Capitalist pigs of the Alliance. Never before has so much been accomplished against such a mighty enemy by so few. All Serving members of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, as well as the Widows and Children of Revolutionaries that have fallen before, are hereby Awared the Red Bear of the Coalition, for tenacity and dedication to the Cause.

Now, for promotions. There are several to be made, but the first and foremost is for the newly minted Commander Eugen Weise. Comrade Weise has been serving the revolution for three long and danger filled years, and has never one strayed from the true path of the revolution. Commander Weise, I understand Commander Al-Rahan is looking for you on Cape Verde. Also, good work getting your old ship back, I expect to see it smiting ennemies of the revolution shortly.

Next, Lieutenant Commanders Gabriel Mau and Ariel Stirrov. Both of these fine pilots are both promoted, and posted to Commodore O'Jovem's Red Wing. A small reminder that you are both under probation, and shall be evaluated at some point in the future. Train as much as possible.

I have here a memo from Commander Totenkopt, and I'm going to transmit it to you, provided you want to hear... of Course you do!

Sir, I have acquired my ship, and am currently in the Omicrons, begining the opening phases of Operation Purple Sh-

Aha! Not quite the right part there comrades, hand on a moment...

As well Sir, I have decided that it is in the interests of the Coalition to reform Recon Squadron.  Stirrov has been accepted into the ranks, and I may seek one additional pilot.  She is flying under the name Iron First, appropriate counter to my own Death's Head.  We shall be performing a Sector Sweep within the next week, I shall report results accordingly.  Myself and Eugen have discussed our mutual problem, and I believe he shall b-

Righto! All you needed to hear about that! So, Lieutenant Commander Stirrov has been accepted into Recon, under the venerable Commander Totenkopt, as well as into O'Jovem's Red Wing. Excellent work pilot, I like what I see.

For the Revolution! For a Red Dawn! McIntosh out.

----Transmission Ended----

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 09-13-2008

To: Red and Gold Wings
Comm. ID: Commodore Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem
Subject: Training Priorities

---Transmission Initiated---

Right, this is not just for Gold Wing, it's for everyone that even thinks of stepping in a snub craft, okay?

First things first... your training is going well. The Academy is churning out aces at an astronomical level, our latest recruits having the best grades ever. The rest of you are improving steadily, which is good to see. Dogfighting has high skill levels, yet still has plenty of room for improvement.

What needs improving, however, are strategy and tactics. Myself, Captain Baranov and Lieutenant Commander Stirrov will be assessing and improving upon your ability to withdraw strategically in one piece. I also requisitioned a new arms suite for Captain Baranov's gunboat, Aurora, for training purposes against ordnance heavy gunboats. It is important that we learn to combat such tools which our enemies make use of.

I myself will be undergoing intensive dogfighting training at the moment, before restarting Admiral Zehn's old extreme snubfighting courses.

Stay frosty out there, and don't get yourselves killed. That's an order.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 09-15-2008

To: All pilots
Comm. ID: Commodore Ares
Subject: Outcasts, Aliens, Corsairs

---Transmission Initiated---

Until further notice, all ships are to cease fire against Omega Pirate Guild vessels. Although they are leeching, thieving scum, we have greater problems at present.

Reasons include new intelligence regarding the Outcasts; they appear to be forming an alliance with the alien abominations of the Omicrons - the Nomads. Not only are they aiding them, but preliminary reports seem to show some form of worship. Not only do they peddle drugs, but their own opiate of the people appears to be aliens. Brilliant.

Anyway, I have contacted all intelligence units and ordered them to make contact with Outcasts on Junker and Zoner stations, in an attempt to gather more information, and possibly increase chances of inciting rebellion on Malta, previously a stronghold of capitalism which we could not breach with our works. This new religion may garner us some support amongst the more skeptical of the Outcasts, particularly those that bore witness to the Nomad War...

... if not... well... Malta must be purged... with fire and steel!

-Ares OUT!

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 09-15-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Intelligence and High Command
Comm ID: Commander Totenkopt, Recon

Gentlemen, I have completed my recconasance run of the Outcast systems. Their defences are high, as well as their alert level. During my fly-by's, I counted no less than three gunships, two cruisers, and half a dozen fighters of various classes. All access to the planet is restricted, incomng ships must request clarance to dock. I have several recomendations to give, and here they are:

1) Any Raids must be a raid in force, with at least on accompanying capital ship. Remember, there is no overkill, there is only 'firing now' and 'reloading'. We must be assured of victory if we move north so far from our support bases.

2) I understand that Malta has an extremely advanced Nuclear-Based defence array, thusly any attempts to Virus-bomb from orbit or take out major concentrations conventionally are essentially out. I propose that an advance team of Marines, GRU, and Intelligence troops land before any attack to delay and disrupt during the attack. Otherwise, there is 0% probability that we will be able to retain a tactical advatage in this system.

3) There is a small outlying base that, if captured, could be used as a staging area for further Coalition forays into the system. I would reccomend a full company of marines, as I suspect the Outcasts wouldn't give up easily, if at all.

I have been unable to ascertain whether or not the cardamine they distribute is indeed infected, I shall have to let my ship and replacement parts interact with it to make any kind of decision.

I shall continue the mission. Totenkopt out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 09-15-2008

Transmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades! The Jupiter Guild has taken it too far, too many times! Here is a copy of the message I forwarded to the Council of Zoners earlier today...

Quote:Members of the Council, the Jupiter Guild has taken it too far. A short time ago, one of my pilots, Commander Eugen Weise, spotted one [\JG/]Drake in Omega 52. He retuned from his sentinel at the Omega 5 Gate, only to find the bloody fool undocking from MY station! There was a bloody mercenary, waltzing around on MY station like he owned the bloody place!

When queried, the merc responded with "This is Zoner Space", and then fled from Commander Weise's cruise disruptors. I demand that this fool be delivered to the hands of the Coalition within 48 hours, or the stars will run red with the blood of the Jupiter Guild! The Guild's command has been advised of this approximatly 10 minutes ago, I am also informing you so that you understand the reasons for this ultimatum. The Coalition will not stand for a band of grubby mercenaries, who hold their "Zonerness" in front of them like a shield for their actions, to trespass on our stations, and steal our secrets!

If this pilot is returned for Coalition Justice within the given time limits, the SCRA will no longer attack the JG on sight unless they are within Omega 52, or are working for any enemy of the Coalition. Until then, better start digging your own graves, because we shall leave you where you fall, and let the crows desecrate you until the only thing that remains of your stupidity is broken and bleached bones...

McIntosh, out!

You know what this means brothers! Hit them hard, where it hurts, until they give up their mercenary ilk, or choose a bloody death in a blackness of space!

For the Coalition! McIntosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 09-16-2008

Comm. ID: Commodore Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

...Hello, Comrades. You may be surprised to hear this, but I am in medical... on the Red Hessians' Ronneburg Station. Whilst I am under armed guard, I am being treated as a guest, for reasons which will soon become apparent.

I led a small recon element, consisting of myself, Stirrov and Weise into Alpha, to gather intel on possible collusion with Nomads. In spite of taking serious damage to my ship (everything that could be blown off was blown off) from multiple gunboats with missiles, we spotted a Keeper orbitting Malta, apparently without hostility from the Nomads.

On extraction, our taunting lured a 101st pilot, Giovanni Cordova, into admitting non-aggression with the alien bastards. My Hessian hosts are very intrigued as regards to this information, which I was badly injured in the process of getting.

I shall be back to base soon.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 09-16-2008

Incoming transmission

LocationID: Cape Verde station
SenderID: Commander Goran Batoric
To: SCRA command
Topic: Victory

Good day comrades! Today is a bright day, SCRA has won hard battle, and victory goes to gold wing. Lt. Gellantra was on patrol when BHG Battlecruiser strolled in and parked before Verde. Alarm went off instantly, and Tito launched to meet new threat. BHG was not concerned by our threats and battle began. At first Tito was dishing out good damage to BC, but in end, heavy armor of BC and its multiple turrets started to win, so Tito retreated with 1/8 of hull remaining. About same timeLt. Alexi Karchov managed to get in space and engage weakened BC. They were joined by Lt. Victor Sotskov and while fighters drew fire off Karchov he managed to land several hits with Supernova antimatter cannon ultimately blowing up BHG. This valiant effort will be remembered for long. Zivjela Revolucija!

Here is evidence material:
[Image: lol1vd6.gif]
By BjornThor

Batoric out

End of transmission.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 09-21-2008

Comm. ID: Commodore Ares
Subject: Corsairs

---Transmission Initiated---

It appears that my brothers and sisters in the Corsairs, after attempting to contact me on diplomatic channels regarding the Nomad threat, have decided that they do not wish to speak to us.

Very well, I say. If they don't wish to save humanity from alien infection, then we'll do it ourselves, and damn those that get in our way!

Operation: Dark Alliance
is still under way with new listening posts having been set up within enemy territory, and our anti-Nomad missions shall continue, with or without the Corsairs. My brothers and sisters from Crete have always been indecisive politically, so it is up to us to set a good example, with Coalition steel.

Until I receive communication from the Corsairs, any cease-fires are null and void. Prime objective remains the continuation of Operation: Dark Alliance.

-Ares out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 09-24-2008

To: SCRA Command
Subject: First Patrol Back

I would like to say that it is good to be back in the seat of a real fighter after the long months of travel to reach our space. Thanks to a secret wire transfer I was able to finance and outfit a Viper mkII, and tested it in full measure against some false-rebel Hessian scum in omega-5. It was successful, very successful. It feels to good to destroy those weak minded pirates.

Also the Bretonian Navy shall continue to fear us as a reconaissance raid in Cambridge devolved into my fight against Crusader Patrols around the omega5 jumphole feild in Cambridge.

For the Glory of the Revolution!

I look forward to many missions against our foes.

To fully inform these wretched exploited masses of the new order, i shall be broadcasting the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx line by line in my travels for the SCRA.

The sword should be the principle means of conversion, but we need to make the ideology known to placate our conquered chattel.

Lt.K.Olsav out
