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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Flash™ - 05-24-2013

Your name: Ronny " Flash " Johnson

Where is the money going: BHG|Flash


Rogue Bayonet
Rogue Gunboat
Reaver Bomber
Pirate Gunboat

Circumstances: The first two were found in Galileo and later were both destroyed. Next two were found by Manhattan, the Reaver was engaged with the Judge, and I assisted. Later the Gunboat came and assisted the Reaver. They were both destroyed..

Rogue HF: Identification Destruction
Rogue GB: Identification Destruction
Reaver Bomber: Identification Destruction
Pirate Gunboat: Identification Destruction

Payment Owed: 9.500.000 SC

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Scumbag - 05-24-2013

Your name: BHG|Moshu

Where the money is going: BHG|Moshu

Kills: Tweak, liberty rogue bomber and Chicago, rogue VHF

Circumstances: Found Tweak in New York at the jump gate and chased to California. Found Chicago near the Pennsylvania gate in New york



Payment owed:3.000.000 credits

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Just.Dave - 05-26-2013

Your name: BHG|Lily.White

Where the money is going: BHG|Lily.White

Kills: liberty rogue bomber

Circumstances: Found Evil_Kelly in New York at West point he ran i followed he turned he's gun on me it did not go well for him


Payment owed:1.500.000 sc

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Mister_X - 05-27-2013

Your name: James MacGregor

Money goes to: James.MacGregor

Kills: A rouge bomber, a xeno bomber and a xeno fighter

Circumstances: I followed a rogue barghest into Colorado, where I killed him, and then 2 XA- ships showed up at the New York gate


Rogue bomber:

XA- bomber:

XA- fighter:

Total amount: 5.500.000 credits

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Mark_Brown - 05-28-2013

*Incoming Message*

*ID; The Able's Family*



Confirmed Papers

Simple rogue at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Enemy ID;


Collecting payment on behalf of the kills (Send cash to);

Payments Owed;

• Liberty Rogues (1,500,000) Sirius Wide Claiment

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - monmarfori - 05-31-2013

Your name: Steven Howard

Where the money is going: Steven_Howard

Kills: RG~Flint, a Rogue Scylla

Circumstances: A destroyer was killed without problem, he was under battleship fire. Due to the guildmaster's plans over the primary BHG, I'm not sure if I can claim. This claim was over a week ago, sorry.

[color=#99FFFF]Proof: RG~Flint


Payment owed: 1,500,000 + 4,000,000 = 5,500,000 credits

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - monmarfori - 06-01-2013

Your name: Steven Howard

Where the money is going: Steven_Howard

Kills: Evil_Kelly, a Rogue Barghest

Circumstances: This rogue was pretty easy, I killed him easily.

Proof: Evil_Kelly

Payment owed: 1,500,000 credits

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Flash™ - 06-01-2013

[Image: LzzXHpw.png]

'ello Liberty,

Got some kills for you today, including your bountied " Titanium Reaver ". I was in New York when two Reavers jumped in. Both of them were engaged, and were destroyed. Then I headed down to Norfolk for repairs and found a Xeno Freighter the " X-Shuttle ". He engaged a Navy Officer, and he was destroyed shortly after.

Titanium Reaver: Identification Destruction
Red Reaver: Identification Destruction
Rick Ranger: Identification Destruction

Payment Owed: 17.500.000 SC to BHG|Flash

Ronny Johnson

[Image: qJ6Ois1.png]

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 06-06-2013

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To all contractors;

Payments have been authorised for:

  • 34,000,000 to Steven_Howard
  • 30,500,000 to BHG|Flash
  • 11,500,000 to Leo.Wilson
  • 34,500,000 to At.The.Left.Hand.Ov.God
  • 1,500,000 to Purple
  • 11,500,000 to Untreue.
  • 1,500,000 to BHG|Michael.Beasley
  • 19,000,000 to H@De$
  • 1,500,000 to BHG|Terminator
  • 5,000,000 to BHG|Joseph,Petrie
  • 1,500,000 to Raven`Steel
  • 1,500,000 to Rising.Hope
  • 1,000,000 to BHG|Moshu
  • 5,500,000 to BHG|Lux.Ryder
  • 1,500,000 to Silver_Wolf
  • 1,500,000 to BHG|Lily.White
  • 5,500,000 to James.MacGregor
  • 1,500,000 to AA|Aidan.Able

Thank you for your services.

Ronny Johnson; your first claim lacked a large and important part of the image. Check your most recently posted due payment, it is incorrect and we do not appreciate fraud.

David Hayter; your claim was unacceptable.

Leo Wilson; if you do not link directly to purely the data requested you risk your payment.

Lux Ryder; we cannot process incomplete claims or claims on freelancers without sufficient supporting evidence.

Toledo Diaz; if you do not link directly to purely the data requested you risk your payment. Please also read point 3 of the FAQ.

Nergal; if you bulk process late claims again your claims will be denied. This is your second and final warning.

Untreue; if you do not link directly to purely the data requested you risk your payment.

Nikola Jelev; you must have fulfilled the requirements laid out on the first page of claimant forms in order to make a claim. Please use the prescribed format in future claims or your claims may be ignored. If you upload data in the bitmapping format, your claims may be ignored.

Adam Smith; your failure to properly use the template and link directly to data was problematic enough that your claims were ignored.

Jack Steel; your datalinks were painful enough that your claims could not be processed. Link directly in future.

BHG|Moshu; first off, that's not your name sir. Secondly, claims without timestamps will not be processed.

AA|HunterAble; now, that's not your name either. Also, please use our template in future. One of our claim processors described your submission as 'awful'. Do not include registration information in future claims.

Evidence for payment is below:

* * *

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - nemi89 - 06-06-2013

Your name: Nergal

Where the money is going: At.The.Left.Hand.Ov.God

Kills: Rogue Destroyer, Rogue GB, Xeno GB

Circumstances: I got this 3 capitals some time ago, but i waited for you to pay me so i can claim again...*smile*...i won't claim 3 or more kills again, one by one from now on, so see you soon...

Scan 1
Kill 1

Scan 2
Kill 2

Scan 3
Kill 3

Payment owed: 6.000.000 + 5.000.000 + 4.000.000 = 15.000.000 sc