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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - spmtraptor - 05-02-2011


[Incoming Transmission]
[Identification: Ens. Fort Elias ]
[Location: Battleship Essex ]

Starting transmision

Greetings admirals!
Today i was patrolling in system Leeds,i stoped to Planet Leeds when a Freelancer reported some pirates near the New London jump gate, so i went there and i saw
3 pirates of the [The-Ministry]- an bretonian battleship,1 bounty hunter and 2 freelancers,i engaged one of the pirates,a fighter,after a hard fight i managed to destroy him,the bounty hunter (orca Gunboat) was killed
by a Outcast gunboat,i saw on my scanner a Bretonian Pilot and i tract him fast and get him to safe place at Planet Leeds,then i went back to the battle zone,when i reached there i saw that the bretonian battleship engaged the rest of the pirates
and he destroyed one fo them, we chased one of them to Cambridge system and there we lost him.While we were returning to Leeds Jump hole ,in Cambridge system, we meet 2 Transport class ships,they was filled up with Gaian Wildlife,i told them that
Gaian Wildlife is Restricted in Bretonian space and they must sell their cargo at the nearest Bretonian Station or planet and leave. One of them tryed to Log Out,he made it and then the another one tryed to do it to and i engaged him.After a few minutes i meet that Trader who logged out,he
still haved the Gaian Wildlife,i told him to stop,he tried to run,i taked his shield down after a few minutes and told him again to stop his engines but he continued to run,i stoped him with a few cruise disruptors and engaged him to death.After i destroyed him he started to course me.

I hope something to be done soon.
Elias signing off

[Transmission terminated]
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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 05-03-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Essex]
[CommID: Ensign Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: 8249421472571050.jpg]

Greetings sirs and Ma'ams *salutes* I like to to report something unusual today. As I started my patrol from the Cambridge system it was broth to my attention from the Dublin system that 4 Coalition pilots were there doing trouble and causing chaos for the working miners. I saw I was out gunned and by the time I reached planet New London I called for some reinforcements in.

And the Honorable Commodore Dame Evyn Hunter came to my aid. I managed to intercept the SCRA pilots at the Dublin Jump hole in the Leeds system. There the Coalition pilots managed to get a Gaian Wildlife transport. Commodore Dame Evyn Hunter Told it to drop the animals but the gentleman remained quiet and the commodore told me to destory the ship and I did.

After that the Coalition pilots jumped us and we defended ourselves. In that time back up of two additional fighters arrived and the fight became even. As we fight the SCRA pilots they became to lose their ground more like nanobots.

And they were forced to retreat to Dublin were they managed to escape and I do point this. The Coalition pilots escaped us because they got permission from the Mollie base in the Dublin system to dock. Witch all Coalition Pilots did. This fact is very disturbing and I suggest be looked upon it as a problem, whitch must be eliminated.

Davis out

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mao - 05-04-2011

[Image: ensignnewlondon.png]
[color=#FFFFFF]Good day,

Finally, got a proper report after some long time. Today's patrol started and ended in New London. Me and ensign Fort Elias moved to Cambridge where we were engaged by two corsairs. One of them was flying a bomber and was our main target, while the other was flying that odd freighter they use to spread fear through traders. Both of them were taken down by Elias, with my help, of course. After this, we checked Leeds and then Manchester, only to find those systems in good shape, if I can say that. Finally, Elias docked on Birmingham Station and I moved to New London, to Canterbury Station, where I met a good friend of mine, from Planetform.

[Image: patrol5.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 05-06-2011

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: SirJack2.png]

Your Majesty, Lord Admiral,

It is my honour and duty to report the successful extraction of 20,000 Prisoners of War from the Kusari/GMG work camps in the Okinawa system.

Commander Piett will report shortly with the specific details of the fighter wing involvement. I must, however, speak about the actions of the Dagobaz, and those of the Convoy drivers.

Dagobaz engaged in battle with some kind of prototype Kusari destroyer with very powerful weaponry. We battled until we mutually disabled each other, taking the Dagobaz out of the battle in the Honshu system, forcing her to limp back with the rest of the Convoy to Bretonia, while our brave forces fought a fighting retreat.

While the plan to get GMG fuel out of the Sigmas resulted in only a single shipment that reached Rhienland... our operation to bring the Prisoner's of War home was a triumph of Bretonian will power and dedication to our own people.

It is on this, that I am obligated to present Commander Piett with a KBE for his part in the operation, Lt. Evyn, Commodore Alster and Commander Woodrow are presented with MBEs for their part. Alster is also presented the Veteran's Badge at this time. Also, special mention goes to the leader of the Convoy, Merchat Mariner Jack Schwarz, who is also awarded an MBE for his part in the daring operation.

I promised Bretonia a victory, and we delivered. Our people are home, and safe.

Yours in God and in service to the Queen,

[Image: Norfolk.png]
Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 05-06-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

This is a great day for our country. I see admiral Fraser had already informed you, about our mission success and the mentioned 20 000 saved prisoners of war. I am proud to see, that together we can do a lot, with our discipline and courage.
Here I will report about my wingmens part in this encounter. For the security reasons, some of the information is considered, classified, and wont be mentioned here.

The assaul on Honshu went well. We had moved there and directly assaulted the Yukawa Shipyard, where the deadly Kusari destroyers are constructed. It was well protected from some destroyer patrols, but we took care of them. Later an IKN destroyer came to try to stop us. It was armed with Solaris weaponry and did some damage to each of us. The Shipyard took minor damage, but I think it is enough to cost them at least month to repair it.
Everything was moving well, as planned, until we heard of the destruction of Dagobaz. As admiral Fraser already informed you, it was a prototype ship, carring unknown weaponry. Thanks to the admiral's efforts we had managed to finish what he started. Minutes later the Unknown Destroyer have being...destroyed.
Our job was nearly complete, and as ordered we moved to retreat back home.
In New Tokyo, we have being caught by multiple Kusari Naval Forces ships. We were not there to fight them, our mission was success and our men had to go back home at one pice. We had engaged them, but minutes later we have being outnumbered. The tactics of Spread and Run worked fine. We had lost a lot of men from QCP part, and some MM pilots that assisted us, but we had no other job in Kusari so we moved to retreat as ordered.
Hour later, our strike squad was in orbit of planet Leeds. Our mission was complete exactly as we planned.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Rubber_Duck - 05-10-2011

**** Establishing Communication Network ****
*** Connecting ... ***
** Link engaged **

* incoming Transmission*

Encryption: high

[Image: show-image_100b-11030108613907.jpg]


From: [Convoy].Rubber_Duck
Location: [Convoy].Headquarter, Planet Leeds, Bretonia

Hail, worthy Admiralty and officers or the glorious BAF.

Since Mr. Piett already sent you his report regarding the combined operation which was recently going on, I'm sorry that I am a little late. I had to sort all the guncam shots, to avoid flooding you with Terabytes of images.

Our part of the operation exactly went like planned, except the point that we were too early at the rendezvous point, which made us sitting ducks, somehow. But we were lucky no one recognized our presence.

When the attack on the the Kusari Naval Forces begun, we went through the Honshu jump hole, which had been shown to us by the really kind ladies of Kiretsu, whom we met on the other side, too.

They acted as our guides up to Okinawa, where we kept out engines at 110% to reach the Gas Miners Guild station Fujisawa, where, as planned, we unloaded our supplies as fast as possible. In the following part, we moved to Furyoku Station, where our primary target, the rescuing of as many prisoners of war as possible, had to be fulfilled.

Thos prisoners came, as far as i was informed, from the mines on Planet Miura, and had already been brought to the station, awaiting our arrival. We docked, loaded, and vanished that quick as we had arrived.

Via long range comms, i received many messages that our pilots in the operation against the KNF have fallen, so that my greatest thanks go to them. Without this operation, we wouldnt have been able to succeed. The same is for the Kiretsu scouts, of course.

After we left Kusari space, there has nothing happened that was worth being mentioned. We have met the QCP|HMS-Dagobaz in Omega7 then, and were escorted until we arrived safely at planet Cambridge, where all the prisoners of war, 20.000 in numbers, where brought to the mdical faculty of the Cambride University.

The necessary guncam shots have been added, you can find them here:

- Attachment 1

with all respect, and hail to our glorious majesty

Fl.Adm. Jack Schwarz, MBE
Bretonian Merchant Navy

* End of Transmission *
** Disconnecting **
*** Disengaging Comm Link ***

**** Signal Lost ****

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 05-17-2011

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: SirJack2.png]

Attention all Bretonian Assets, Forces, and Vessels.

The following officers are Field Promoted to the rank of Captain to fill gaps in the command structure left in the wake of the recent Kusari offfensive.

This is a Direct Commission, and the Officers Firmus Piett and Finlay O'Dukes are requested and required to assume command positions. All BAF forces are required to afford said officers all the rights and privledges required of Captains of the Line.

Lt. Evyn is here by promoted to the rank of Commander. She is requested and required to assume command over the BAF elite squadrons, and to commence training to select three other pilots for these operations. The Squadron's Designation shall be the 242nd Light Horse.

See that it is done.

Yours in God and in service to the Queen,

[Image: Norfolk.png]
Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - navigationals - 05-18-2011


Ensign Tim Garland reporting on today's events, experience during patrols.
I. Day started in Leeds, patrolled the lanes, checked Edinburgh, found a drifting abandoned Templar at coords 3C. Got some weapons and ammo from it which I dropped of at Battleship Derby. After that I joined up with 2 Convoy bombers, |Convoy|.Escort_Wyra and |Convoy|.Escort_Benson who were on their way to Stokes. I formed up with them and we downed quite a lot of enemy units, including strikecrafts and gunboats. We got outnumbered by enemy forces and we were required to fall back.

I,a. A freelancer showed up coming from the Taus. We tried communicating with him but he was speaking a language not know by me, or by Wyra and Benson. The pilot, called "almaz" kept insisting inviting me to an other group and requesting trades and kept flying close to our ships, later on he came to bother us at Stokes while we were in combat. I did warn him about 10 times in any language I could possibly know, but then he opened fire on me, and thus I was obliged to attack him. I left him floating near Stokes, though I believe some kusaris already found him, since it's crawling with them around there...

II. While on Leeds orbit, I spotted a trader called "Dr.Zark" transporting Light Arms and was missing proper licensing. He did not react to my comms, so I had to chase him all the way to Newcastle, past battleship Ark Royal. When he saw I was not fooling around he disengaged his propulsion. He agreed to purchase a license for Military Materials, and I sorted out his subscription with the police officials. Benson had to dock to attend some personal matters.

III. Later I grouped up with Deitar, a Bretonian pilot I have flewn with before, and his mate whose name I don't recall.. We decided to take a sneak peek at Stokes and saw 2 enemy contacts on sensors. Turned out they were 2 units of the Kusari Naval Forces. A fighter (forgot his callsign), and a gunboat: Sharingan. We engaged in a fight, during which Wyra and Captain Finlay O'Dukes joined up with Challengers. At the start I was engaging the fighter, but I saw that the gunboat was pounding Deitar and his mate and decided to aid them and draw the gunboat's fire on me. I managed to split the 2 Kusari units, so that I and Captain O'Dukes were busy with the gunboat, the others were busy with the fighters and managed to destroy it. Sadly the ship of Deitar's mate got incinerated by the razor of a nearby battleship, but he tracted his pod and took him to safety. We fought hard against the remaining gunboat, but we were disturbed by nearby battleship patrols, and also the gunboat pilot was very skilled. He eventually docked on Stokes and we pulled back to Leeds.

IV. Immediately as we exited the trade lane we spotted 2 Corsair units: DonHulioPedro and Peduard. The moment we tried contacting them, they attacked us, so we engaged them immediately. They were retreating towards the Edinburgh lane, one of them managed to dock, but I shot the lane in the last moment, disabling the escape of Peduard. When DonHulioPedro saw he got left behind, he foolishly returned to help Peduard, thus I engaged DonHulio in a fight and after getting his shields down I destroyed his craft with a well placed nuke. The Peduard ran away and afterwards the situation calmed down. I considered it was time for me to rest and I also had to take my Templar to the repair station... Ol' boy seen better days, but he did good...

I'd like to point out that it was |Convoy|.Escort_Wyra who destroyed the kusari fighter with a bomber!


That is all,
Ensign Tim Garland out.

{End of Transmission}

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - TheProphet - 05-20-2011

Incoming transmission
ID:Jonathan "The Teutonic" McCarthy
Subject: Report

Wel, 'twas a nice day in Dublin when a cap'n contacted me. Told me the old bastard on Essex told him there were some ships so I went to investigate. Found IMGs working with Mollys during a mining operation. Then the BAF cap'n told me to get some guncam shots, so I did. Here they are.

Log of them discussing shipments
Refusal to do anything about the Molly
At this point I think they switched to a private channel
The miner and the IMG pilot moving towards the molly field.

That's all, I'll go back to providing the Essex bartender with a steady supply of headaches now, eh.
Transmission terminated.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 05-20-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Derby]
[CommID: Ensign Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: 8249421472571050.jpg]

Greetings sirs and Ma'ams *salutes* yesterday I had nice patrol with Captain Piett and Commander Feya and Evyn. I meet up with Captain Piett in front of the planet Leeds and we went to Magellan system were we meet up with the |Convoy|.

We escorted them back at Leeds and we went back to Magellan to continue our patrol and it was clear that the yanks were there to. Me and Captain Piett went to safe guard the jump hole to the Cortez system were we encountered a Molly Pirate Transport. Seems the Navy was looking for it to.

So we destroyed the transport I don't know what happened to the pilot. After we destroyed it we returned to Leeds and continued our patrol we had a SCRA contact bit it was there to talk only and it was hidden quite well so we didn't intercept it. Other then that Patrol went nice and quiet.

Davis out

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]