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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ash - 10-23-2008

I have to report that our reputation alone is not enough to keep these stupid alliance pilots from entering Coalition space. I had only just launched from Cape Verde to see two ships, a Junker and another pilot tagged police. My guess is that they were unnasociated, but we somhow need to tackle this traffic problem since it is a gradually rising problem, going on under our noses.

I propose we have a KoS policy to scare all alliance pilots from entering Omega 52. Im tired of telling our sworn enemies that if they come in again their dead. Because if they come in they should be dead in the first place. They know what it means to enter Omega 52, and thus they should suffer the consequences.

These two pilots have been warned. And I would suggest we initiate a KoS policy on them if they happen to enter Omega 52 again.
  • Moon-Curser
  • Gramps
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[Image: screen17.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 10-23-2008

.............Incoming Transmission............
Comm ID: Luis Gellantra
Target ID: SCRA High Command

Yawns. Comrades, This is Luis reporting in from Omega 52 about recent events. Although not familiar with whole story i was woken up as i heard there is a squad forming up for some killing mission. I myself stayed on station awaiting further orders from Akula, and its commanding officer which name is highly classified. Luis takes some Vodka and stares at stars through station window. Then they called me in. Party consisted of our gunboat and 3 fighters, on their way to Liberty they encountered a Wilde in Omega 5. Comrades Ivan Voi, Lars Schmidt, Karl Olsav and Akula already engaged when i came in but Wilde already fled to Omega 55 and we followed him in. Comrade Lars and Me almost had him when we got order from commanding officer to retreat and indeed that was a smart decision. Wilde scorpion class gunboat was arriving as backup. We lost one ship but Comrade Olsav is fine and already recovering in medical bay and I'm sure he will be ready to fight soon. All other ships returned unharmed to Cape Verde and are awaiting further orders. Luis out. Finally, i hate this paperwork

...............End of transmission.............

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 10-23-2008

To: SCRA Command
Subject: Wilde Encounter

I would like to apologize today for my quick eject in the face of the enemy, but my comm link and my HUD were taken by a Virus, it leads to my HUD displaying red and yellow symbols in the top left corner and spread all across my view, forcing me to switch to just reckoning vectors and speed. This virus is the spawn of a weak signal between my Viper mkII and command on the 2.4GHz wavelength according to the engineers on Verde. The issue is from my Helghan respirator whose fumes seem to interrupt the receiver. However there is nothing I can do to rectify this, and as such I will be much more careful in my engagements.

I would also like to add in regards to the Wilde it is a sad thing to encounter them as many names I recognize from my time so many years ago in the Rommel Squadron of the Rheinland Navy. There must be a way to capture and separate the human from the nomad elements.

Karol Olsav out

To: SCRA common ranks
Subject: Ideology

Comrades, we must strengthen our minds and beat our message to Sirius into a unified whole. We must shorten our core ideologies into one to two comm messages in length to allow for quick and easy transmission and understanding for the ignorant Alliance civilians.

Also I would like to put forward an assigned reading list of Chairman Mao's The Long March, Marx's The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.

If possible I wish to try to make a small quiz that would assess the suitability of new recruits while also providing a refresher to an officers who have become lax in their ideology.


Olsav out


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-24-2008

Comm. ID: Commodore Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem

---Transmission Initiated---

Right, you all knew this should have happened a long time ago, and I apologise for its lateness. You all know why this is being done, as the reasons are obvious.

Anyway, Commander Yuri Striatov will now be referred to as Captain Yuri Striatov. Salute more often, et cetera, et cetera. Proceed to commence the usual promotion celebrations, I should be there shortly.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-25-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades, due to the recent expansion of the fighter corps, there has been a re-organization. Gold Wing will no longer be the training Wing, instead, it'll be the Line Squadron, replacing Red Wing in that role. In Command is Commissar-Captain Nikolaus Al-Rashid, who will also continue to administer the Coalition Customs Office. His right hand shall be Commander Anton Gorodetsky. Former Gold Wing Commander Bjorn Thorvaldson is promoted to full Commander. Here is the full personel list:

CO - Commissar-Captain Nikolaus Al-Rashid
XO - Commander Anton Gorodetsky

Commander Bjorn Thorvaldsson
Lieutenant Commander Fedya Weis
Lieutenant Commander Xing Ke Si (Chief Engineer of Fighter Corps)
Lieutenant Commander Alexi Karchov
Lieutenant Commander Vasiliy Prutko
Lieutenant Gabriel Mao
Lieutenant Viktor Sotskov
Lieutenant Luis Gellantra
Lieutenant Jason Roberts
Lieutenant Karol Olsav

Red Squadron shall be cut to four members, and as before shall be led by Commodore Ares O'Jovem. Members of Red Squadron are as follows:

Commodore Ares (Commander of Fighter Corps)
Captain Yuri Straitov (Tactics Officer of Fighter Corps)
Captain Miroslav Baranov (XO of Fighter Corps)
Commander Eugen Weise (Comms Officer of Fighter Corps)

The Following Junior Lieutenants are under training, in the newly formed Grey Wing. They shall be instructed by members of both senior wings, and are to be thrown into the fray as soon as practical.

Lieutenant Lars Schmidt
Lieutenant Ivan Voi
Lieutenant Mireille Ceyes

Comrades, I am extremely proud to lead such a force of death! No longer shall the capitalists overwhelm our pilots with sheer numbers, we shall drown them in their own blood! Let the revolution flow forwards, as one!

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 10-29-2008

**********Incoming Transmission************
Comm ID:Luis Gellantra
Target ID: SCRA High Command

Paperwork, heh. Luis muttered while walking towards his desk on Verde.I hate this but someone has to do it. He sat in his chair and poured himself a glass of Vodka, and started to record a message. Comrades, once again we showed that Corsairs are nothing compared to might of Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, and soon they will see what mistake have they made by declaring war on us. Those Capitalists are crawling all around the omega 5 since declaration, well i say we cant allow that!!!! And we didn't. During standard Patrol; like always you can't return from a patrol and not being attacked, Luis said to himself with a grin on his face. We encountered Two Corsairs GB which already attacked two Red Hessian Pilots. I believe their names were Ferdinand and Herman, either way we joined the battle and engaged OPG gunboats to help RHA; "Enemy of our enemy is ours friend" figure of speech. Luis laughed so loud that whole room echoed. Right, well Gunboats didn't last too long, with help of two RHA, and Comrade Mireille we managed to destroy one gunboat and force other one to run.

[Image: screen73.jpg]

But comrades this is only the beginning, LONG LIVE SCRA today we drink tomorrow we fight!!!!!!Yelled Luis to comm

********End of Transmission************

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-29-2008

To: Lieutenant Gellantra
Comm. ID: Commodore Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

Ha-ha! They've lost a gunboat already!? I knew they'd be crushed, but even I'm surprised at the speed at which you boys and girls got off the mark there, lieutenant.

Well done, I see a bright future for you, pilot.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 10-29-2008

********Incoming Transmission*********

To:Commodore Ares
Comm ID: Luis Gellantra

Thank you sir but this is not all my doing i must add that Lieutenant Mireille Ceyes held very good almost amazing against them i feel we will also see from him much. Luis laughs

*********End of Transmission***********

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-30-2008

Comm. ID.: Commodore Ares

---Initiating Transmission---

<Knock, knock>

Great, finally got communications back online. Good job there wasn't much in the way of serious damage after that.

Well, after a recent mission, in which we were launching attacks into the Omegas against Corsair patrols and Cadiz itself, the Corsairs attempted to ambush me in, of all places, Omega 52, led by one 'Matador'.

The showed skill and cunning, and nearly executed a perfect trap, but my bomber managed to engage crusie and retreat to Cape Verde under heavy fire from roughly half a dozen snub-ships and a brace of gunboats.

On boarding the station, I prepared for the worst and called for a red alert, running to the defence turret decks, which then proceeded to eliminate both of the hostile gunboats, forcing the enemy fighter wing to retreat after some minor damage, considering the size of the attack.

We lost communications for several hours, but, all in all, we got off extremely lucky, largely thanks to the base defence gunners, who should be highly commended for being so cool under fire.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-31-2008

Transmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Commander Weise

Comrades! We have won a great victory today! Hundireds lie dead and dying throught the Omega systems, more to follow as soon as all pilots report kills and damage. I am certain, however, that we lost not one man the entire battle!

For the Coalition! For a Red Dawn! Weise out.

Transmission Suspended...

Transmission Resumed:

Comrades, the numbers are in! The Following vessels were destroyed in the vicious fight across Omega 5 and 3 earlier today:

[Image: 2570811920103865227S600x600Q85.jpg]

An Albaross BC, Huntress Cruiser, and a Praefect Cruiser were among the vessels destroyed, as well as several Corsair Gunboats. Also claimed were two pilots of the Search/Destory agnency, although valiant, they were quickly downed by the superior skills of our glorious pilots. Several OPG Pilots escaped our grasp, but I'm sure the radiation in Omega 41 seeping through the holes in their ships put paid to them as surely as any torpedo could have done.

I would also like to point out that the Praefect and the Huntress, as well as a gunboat, were both claimed by me, flyng only a Viper II VHF. I reccomend that our other pilots begin a more strenous training regime.

During the battles today, it should be noted that our glorious pilots kept up their regular rotation roster, as the calibre of the enemy was so paltry. We didn't even scramble the reserve pilots, for god's sake. Commodre Stackanov wandered into Omega 5 about halfway throught the brawl, mostly for his own amusement, I believe.

Good work to all pilots, with men such as you, the Red Dream can never falter!

For the Revolution! Weise out.

Transmission Ended