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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-20-2011

PILOT ID: Commander Evyn
LOCATION: Battleship Derby
DETAILS: Pilot Selection
[Image: 2wmpgyp.jpg]

Evyn: After much thought and deliberation..The following pilots have been selected for the 242 Light Horse Squadron:

Lieutenant Samuel Clark
Lieutenant Sarah Vermillion
Ensign Ian Sinclair

Evyn: It is within my best judgement due to the actions of the selected pilots in why I have chosen you...Report your acceptance by the end of next week...That is all.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Daerune - 05-20-2011

Inbound Transmission
Communications ID:
Dirus Taine
Rank: None

'I here by resign from the Bretonian Armed forces and relinquish back equipment used and ship.'

With respect

Dirus Taine

Transmission lost
Trace: -

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - navigationals - 05-20-2011


Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, on my last patrol I have 2 major events to speak of:

1st: Just as I took of from Leeds, I got an S.O.S. from a BMM Hegemon being harassed by a Kusari Naval Forces pilot.[attachmentid=613]
I responded quickly, so the miner could continue his operations while I was in combat with [KNF]Si.Kazuki.Kato. It was quite a fierce fight with nukes floating all around and some gaian pests also showed up, but most of the times I could outmaneuver the chym and nail some nicely placed Sunrail bolts on his hull. The enemy saw that odds are against him and choose to retreat. I did follow him a while but due to the density of the asteroid field, my distruptors couldn't hit on target.. But I was glad to know that BMM's operations weren't interrupted, and so I turned back towards Leeds.

2nd: Right after exiting the trade lane, I was shocked to see a Kusari battleship called "Fukuoka"in Leeds orbit. I quickly contacted the fleet, which sent out 2 battleships: HMS-Primeval.Breaker and HMS-Sherwood.Forest to deal with this nuisance. I myself participated in the battle after quickly changing crafts on Leeds to my new Challenger. My distruptor sure came in handy to stop the enemy from fleeing. It was clear that the kusari never had a chance against our mighty battleships and their professional crew.

Afterwards I jumped back in the saddle of my templar and finished the rest of my patrol following commander Evyn's orders.

That is all,
Ensign Tim Garland out.

{End of Transmission}

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 05-21-2011

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: SirJack2.png]
It has come to the Admiralty's attention that Kusari is sending spies to infiltrate our ranks, posing as traders, scientists, and even as officers of the Bretonian Police and Armed Forces.

We will not cave in to paranoia. There are Kuarian defectors in our ranks and we should be mindful to treat this valued allies with respect.


If you encounter any Kusarian in our territory without clear papers and documents allowing them to be there from the Crown, or from the Home Office, this person is to be escorted to New Gate, or turned over to the nearest BPA representative for questioning.

If you have reason to suspect the person you are questioning is a spy, remember the following rules of conduct:

Assume nothing.

Never go against your gut; it is your operational antenna.

Everyone is potentially under opposition control.

If it feels wrong, it is wrong.

Once is an accident. Twice is coincidence. Three times is an enemy action.

We are taking steps to ensure the public safety. IF ANY ONE fails to provide papers, via neural net, or resists apprehension, they are to be shot down, and sent back to Kusari via escape pod.

Do not take chances, state nothing about operational procedure, or classified operations in the presence of anyone you do not trust completely.

Good luck men!

[Image: Norfolk.png]
Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-22-2011

PILOT ID: Commander Evyn & Lieutenant Commander Feya
LOCATION: Battleship HMS-Sherwood.Forest--Leeds
DETAILS: Standard Report
[Image: 2wmpgyp.jpg][Image: 2gtq1j7.jpg]

*The pair look out across the scorn debris field nearby Stokes, the amassed wreckage of several Kusari vessels spread across the field*
Evyn: A fine mess you made..
Feya: Hey don't look at me, thank the gunnery crews in their work.
Evyn: That and the combined fleet we were with..
Feya: Mhmm...Two Kusari Heavy Battleships destroyed...One fled..
*Feya walks over to the communication section, tapping one of the officers on the shoulders*
Feya: Are the visuals ready to be sent to command?
Officer: Yes ma'am.
Feya: Go ahead and send them then, they'll enjoy these.
Officer: Aye Ma'am. Sending Images now.

Evyn: My appreciation to Convoy joining us and Admiral Fraiser coming in as well, Along with the BRF and HMS-Newcastle.upon.Tyme.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 05-22-2011

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: SirJack2.png]

Ryan O'Dukes, aboard the |Convoy|.HMS-Gleaves, you are being awarded a commendation for your actions last night, putting your life on the line to save other officers, boldly following orders, and exemplifying what it means to be a Bretonian Gunboateer.

Carry on the good work!

Good luck men!
[Image: Norfolk.png]
Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 05-24-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

I am reporting about a new corsair gang activity in Bretonia space. They fly under the |CRS| tagg, using corsair ships and technologies, and to our radars, they are nothing but a corsairs. Today we got some reports about these unknown warriors, and lately they had decided to do a move against us. The battle was next to Trafalgar Station, sadly, there was no a single junker pilot nearby, to inform the corsairs that they are not allowed to fight next to the station and to dock while being chased by us. Nevertheless, we had dealt with them. The enemies were only 4 Imperator-gunboat classes, and a single bomber. All of them perished under our guns. I would like to mention that, some of them used the station and shortly they had decided to undock, probably after quick repair, and to continue the fight. Such pathetic opposition didnt helped their ships to stay in one pice in the end. Our only loss was the challenger of the Ensign Garland, who is safe, on board of Invictus and deployed at Leed's military hospital.

Here I give you some of the guncams from the battle:
-Classified 1
- Classified 2

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 05-25-2011

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: SirJack2.png]

Captain Piett,

I too have had reports of these CSR acting up in Bretonian space, also basing off of Junker bases. We should keep a close eye on them, and ensure we're ready to deal with them should the need arise.

Congratulations to you and your men for victory in the first engagement, keep the pressure up and we will drive these dogs back to their master Sephardi.

Carry on the good work!

Good luck men!
[Image: Norfolk.png]
Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mark_Brown - 05-26-2011

=Incoming Transmission==

=ID; BAF|LtCdr.Jason.Charles=

=Subject;A routine patrol.. I wish..=

I was on patrol with 2 Ensigns starting at good old Dublin where the heart of the Mollys keep pumping, but after only minutes of taking command and a split patrol Dublin was cleared of Enemy Targets. One of the Ensigns said that he got a comm message from a trader that a hostile vessel was spotted in Magellan so without question I demanded full speed to Leeds via the Jump Hole in Dublin to get faster to Magellan, Once arrived at Leeds and Grouped I tuned in to Planet Leeds' Bretonian Armed Forces Emergency Signal and placed it upon standby until needed however via S.K.Y.P.3 Communications Via leeds i passed down a message that some hostile yet unknown have been spotted in Magellan that we may require further assistance please stand by watch the Emergency Channel for details.

As we met at Magellan's Jump Hole in Leeds Captain Piett was spotted on the Long Range Radar undocking from Planet Leeds as I quickly updated him on what was going on He reassured me that I alone shall command the patrol there in search of this "Hostile"

Since the Ensign got sucked into the Jump Hole without prior Jump Request I Ordered to follow with speed and justice.

Upon Mid Dock undocking I heard a Vivid voice in the comms; saying "Woah its here" Unknowing what i heard with the Jump Hole's various structure i finally Undocked to see a Very Large Battleship which can be only spoken as... What seemed to be Undocking from a freeport or just managed to get out of Trade Lane...

I saw the ship and wanted to get a Inspection of the vessel immediately as soon as it seen us it turned direction and headed towards the debris field which made me suspect something, So i ordered the ship to be investigated. All three, Myself and two Ensigns Launched Cruise Engines to catch up with the Battleship upon doing so i ordered the Battleship Commander to Shut down all engines and come to a complete holt'..

I Alerted a Hostile Battleship in Magellan Space via Emergency Comms

After doing so, In Seconds i managed to contact a Secondary Fleet Battleship Known as Sherwood.Forest who was quite happily just undocked from Planet Leeds to Ensure the Liberty of the Border Line and rushed to assist us. This order was from myself primarily to protect us from the mear strength of such battleship as anyone would tell you, 3 Templars have no chance against a Battleship of such Strength.

I told Piett what was going on and he come along with Sherwood and another Gunboat which i cannot remember the name of again secondary fleet.

After scanning the battleship and finding no Illegal Objects traveling near the Bretonian Borders i asked Captain Piett what shall we do now in his own words said "It is in your hands Commander Charles if you attack, but i do not want any injuries on our behalf" I urgently presumed this was an order, After checking back through my personal logs i realise this was not...

After presuming this was an order, I started giving out Tactical Movements for Fighters to engage CD's and Shoot down the Battleships Shield ready for The Sherwoods Hammer force of the Mortar which can delightfully be shown here:
After which point Piett said : You better hurry more are coming"

Understanding that my actions were correct (at that time in question) we carried on but with Piett's Hurry I Ordered Demolition Tactics use all and any force/power capable of your ship to take down the battleship faster and more effectively which after the Mortar Strike cut life support on such battleship on 2 Decks, I'm sorry i didn't get any more gun-cams or gun-videos as my equipment needs to be upgraded to better software after the Mortar was launched my Equipment jammed and froze recording.. But this was out of the Black Box which was left of my ship right now..

After the demolition of the Cap Armored 8 Battleship Hell Fire Legion Fighters swarmed me and Outnumbering me 4 to 1 knowing full well i was in direct command of the battle they successfully tore up my ship ..

I woke up in hospital 5 Hours later with a fractured Skull and a broken arm at Planet New London I'm farly glad to say i'm alive. But my actions are and was in direct violation of the Hell Fire's Capitals and I made a mistake which may now strike war which I am now unable to fight due to Health Reasons for 1 Month.

My Oath is to the Queen of Bretonia and the Honorable Armed Forces, I fow to my word I am sorry for my actions I come to a conclusion to soon but do wonder why Captain Piett didn't stop the fight when he could have over powered my authority at anytime.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 05-26-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2prfkfo.gif]

I am sending my report, about the Magellan battle, that happened one day ago.
My second patrol, after the attack of |CRS| ships, had begin some hours later. I have undocked from planet New London, and contacted the bretonia forces, which were in Dublin system, doing patrol duty. They had informed me, that everything is under control so far, and no enemies have being found. The capital and the front line of Leeds were clear, so I have ordered the Lieutenant Commander Jason Charles, to continue with his patrol like I am not there, in short to continue be the leader of his operation. I have moved to Leeds system, and helped the patrols there to stop the kusari invading forces, while Charles, took his squad to Magellan system. When I was done I have docked on Derby for a quick repairs and shortly, I had found HMS-Sherwood.Forest, a dunkirk class, to cruise with destination - Magellan. I had contacted the patrol squad asking for the reasons, why would they request a heavy capital ship support, and they had informed me about "an enemy battleship". The Lt.Cdr Charles was quite frustrated about that enemy battleship, so I had decided to go there and see what is the situation. When I had arrived, I had seen them ready to open fire on the enemy ship. The commander of the patrol squad must have had his rasons to decide to open fire on the vessel and request for a battleships support. I am sorry my camera was ineffective in the Magellan's nebula field, but I got the words "Now your name is going to be destroyed that much, it wont be in one pice", in short. Reasons for this are unknown to me, so I had decided to stay on side keeping distance from the battle, and let him finish his job. I was there to support if necessary, since we heard about the high percent of the pirate activity in the system.
Whatever happened there, would had happened even if I was not there. Again I say, i dont know the true reasons for the squad leader's haste, to order an assault against that vessel. After the destruction of this battleship, a lone escort ship had arrived to lay a hand to his fallen comrade. I have decided then to engage him in a fair battle against me, since the commander Charles had ordered all ships to fire on him. As I had expected, more ships have arrived and even then we gave them an honorable fight of fair numbers. I have then ordered our bombers and battleship to return to Leeds system, since they were no longer needed. Shortly we have received some reinforcements from Leeds, more templars.
The Convoy-gunboat's presence there, was just to keep the patrol stability against enemy pirates, so it was ordered Not to engage the Hellfire Legion. Shortly, Charles's ship was taken down, since they all jumped on him. The battle agaisnt the Legion then had begun, once more of them had arrived. In my guncams, you can see, that we have pushed them harder and yet, in the end we have lost two of our ships. The navy ships have arrived, with a gunboat and some wings which engaged an outcast gunboat. I must add here, that from this moment the battle was ... chaos. I could be missing information about the battle, but in this report I will say my point of view. If there is missing data, please excuse me.
We got reports of incoming outcast gunboat, same goes for the known Indians-gang. Later in the fight, we have being engaged by another gunboat, this time a member of the Hellfire Legion. I am sorry again, I didnt took a guncam of his words, but he was pointing at BAF with the words: "Run now as the ugly....dogs you truly are...", I dont remember it quite well sirs, but it was clear they kept a hidden hatred against us. The Convoy gunboat have engaged the outcast gunboat which infiltrated in the battle, starting to shoot on us. Sadly, everyone jumped on him and he was destroyed even when he was not fighting the Legion.
After a squad separation, we have returned to Leeds, with just three losses. Even now, I ask myself, what was the real reason of all this.

Here I give you some of the guncams from the battle:
-Classified 1
-Classified 2
-Classified 3
-Classified 4
-Classified 5
-Classified 6
-Classified 7
-Classified 8

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]