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Liberty Navy [LN] - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy [LN] - Sarawr!? - 06-23-2012

Might you be able to tell me which member did that, 6NB?

So I can tell them not to? I don't know if you follow the [LN] Recruitment thread, but we've been getting a lot of new 'recruits' lately, and some of them aren't only new to the [LN], but to Disco entirely.

(Now, it may not have been a new recruit, but that's why I'm asking, I'd like to fix it)

Liberty Navy [LN] - Cond0r - 06-23-2012

It was [LN]-Alexis.Hunter. Sadly, not a new recruit from what I know.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Sarawr!? - 06-23-2012

Not new to Disco, relatively new to the [LN].

We'll have a talk with 'em. No worries.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Cond0r - 06-23-2012


Liberty Navy [LN] - Liamgly - 06-29-2012

Can't say I'm impressed with the way that the [LN] handled my Lane hacker ship near Norfolk about 8k from it, I was right in the middle of RP with =LSF=Void then someone named [LN]-Roy.sanders cruises right up to me and then asks David hale (Who's just waiting at Norfolk) for permission to engage, Hale of course grants it and the pew begins and I didn't get even one line of RP directed at me from any members of the [LN] not to mention that it wasn't very nice to cut in on someone who is in the process of Role playing in such a manner I just think it was very poor play on the [LN]'s part but I dunno maybe I'm wrong and this is just the way things work on Disco now.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Jihadjoe - 06-29-2012

Ah. Yeah. One of those people who doesn't like being shot.

We'd already grown tired of you scampering off into the distance with your freighter earlier. See... If you want to throw words around with us, you had better be prepared to face the logical roleplay consequences of said words, and your affiliation. We expect hackers to shoot at us. We don't complain when they do. I have little understanding as to why someone showing hacker colours would be upset when we shoot them.

There is one particular breed of "roleplayer" that annoys me deeply:

System yammerers. Y'know the type. Fly 40k off plain in some god forsaken corner of a well populated system, then scream out some sort of monologue, designed to annoy the other various characters around... But because they can't ever be found by the players they are monologuing at, there is no real interaction between the two, because there are no real consequences that can be brought about. It's safe, one sided...

I'm not saying you are a system yammerer. You like to take a shade more risk than that. However following the conversation with my character Jasmine Greenson, you still chose to go running off into the distance every time someone even got near, regardless of if they were gonna shoot or not.

Now... Myself and my faction will roleplay with you, using everything they have at their disposal. That includes words, thoughts, guns, mines, torpedos, cruise disruptors and everything else imaginable in this game. All these are the tools of roleplay. Your actions and words were also roleplay, and the guns you got in return an hour or so later were also exactly that.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Liamgly - 06-29-2012

' Wrote:Ah. Yeah. One of those people who doesn't like being shot.

We'd already grown tired of you scampering off into the distance with your freighter earlier. See... If you want to throw words around with us, you had better be prepared to face the logical roleplay consequences of said words, and your affiliation. We expect hackers to shoot at us. We don't complain when they do. I have little understanding as to why someone showing hacker colours would be upset when we shoot them.

Oh no Joe I'm not Q_Qing about the pew I'm just saying it couldn't hurt to spend a about 30 seconds doing a bit of Role play beforehand and FYI I actually enjoy being shot at.

Quote:We'd already grown tired of you scampering off into the distance with your freighter earlier.

Cry some more? I was outnumbered and outgunned of course I was going to keep my distance the ONLY reason I hung around was to see if I could get a bit of RP going and the only thing I got back was an insult from Jasmine who called me a Dou**e though in her defense it was a Role play insult directed at my character but still the words a bit to dirty for my taste she could have put in something like moron or idiot or git there's plenty of other options.

Also Nether you nor Sanders was there when I was scampering off earlier so I don't know where you were planing on going with that point.

And as for the whole part about system Yammering yeah I'll admit that was me just trying to annoy Roy after the way Roy engaged me, I'm human , I get annoyed and I find a means to get back at the persons who annoyed me to get a little satisfaction so what.
Quote:Now... Myself and my faction will roleplay with you, using everything they have at their disposal. That includes words, thoughts, guns, mines, torpedos, cruise disruptors and everything else imaginable in this game. All these are the tools of roleplay. Your actions and words were also roleplay, and the guns you got in return an hour or so later were also exactly that.

I'll say it again spend 30 seconds sugarcoating it with words before the pew I mean it's not like I was going anywhere instead what I got was something like this

Roy: Hale permission to engage this Hacker
Hale : It's displaying hacker transponders sure
*Pew pew *

A two line engagement line I expected better from the navy considering so many navy/LSF ships were in the area at the time.
One would think at the very least that you would question the hacker before the pew to see if you can get any useable information.

Also Joe My problem isn't with your role play in my opinion I think yours was fine it's Roy's that I have the problem with at that encounter.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Jihadjoe - 06-29-2012

You missed the point a little, I think. What I am saying is that information is relayed around the faction. Characters talk to one another. Your ship's name was already known by the faction and earlier behaviour noted, recorded, and passed on from one individual character to the next.

Therefore, your known actions from the earlier interaction were factored into the responce to you turning up at Norfolk. It's not a hard concept to understand. When a character moves out of scanner range and stops talking to someone, it does not mean the interaction is over. That interaction, with the faction and the indvidual is persistent. Characters build a history of known actions. A faction's perception of the character develops over time. The way you were dealt with at Norfolk is the consequence of that.

Also, your lovely snark in the kudos thread is rather revealing.

Furthermore, I suggest you have a little read of this:

Liberty Navy [LN] - Daedric - 06-29-2012

Forgot to put this here too. I'd like to thank the following:


for helping me help a brand new player to our server. He wanted to fly a Liberty Navy character and these two didn't hesitate to help me get him set up. Stopping what they were doing to come help us. When I had to bail, they took care of him. This is something that, in my opinion, official factions should be doing. Helping and guiding new players and I'm glad to see the [LN] is doing so!

Liberty Navy [LN] - Alley - 06-29-2012

' Wrote:Roy: Hale permission to engage this Hacker
Hale : It's displaying hacker transponders sure
*Pew pew *

A two line engagement line I expected better from the navy considering so many navy/LSF ships were in the area at the time.
One would think at the very least that you would question the hacker before the pew to see if you can get any useable information.

I was there.

You annoy people inRP, their character gets biased. What you're missing is that it's in roleplay bias. Joe, myself or Roy wouldn't give a damn about who's playing the character. RP is RP, OORP is OORP, those who mix the two become annoyances beyond the RP realm and these posts are a good testimony of it.

And thanks Daedric.