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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Raekur - 08-31-2008

**Incoming Transmission**
To: Rheinland Military HighCOM, Private Karl Stahlmann
From: Bounty Hunter DW-Apache
Subject: Harvester Incident - New Berlin Sector

Greetings Rheinland Command and Private Karl Stahlmann,
I would like to express my appreciation and admiration for the actions and valor shown by one of your pilots.
Private Karl Stanlmann performed his duty in assisting in the destruction of hostile vessels in Rheinland space. 3 Harvesters were engaged and only 1 was able to escape destruction. Even though Pvt. Stahlmann had sustained critical damage to his vessel he continued to harass the hostile vessel until its destruction.

During the battle in Stuttgart against Harvester-17 (Corsair Gunboat) a second Harvester unit arrived.
This was Harvester-24 (Bounty Hunter Orca) and engaged us in a attempt to prevent the destruction of the other Harvester unit. Harvester-17 was destroyed and Harvester-24 was pursued to the New Berlin Sector.
Harvester-24 sustained critical damage and was reduced to less then 25% hull before being able to escape due to aid provided by LWB light craft. After the destruction of the LWB craft Harvester-45 entered the area.
This unit is a transport class vessel that may be used for gathering or repair operations. This vessel was engaged and quickly destroyed. A patrol was done afterward and all 3 vessels were found stationed outside the junker base in New Berlin. It is unknown how the Harvesters are able to repair and redeploy units as rapidly as they can. This may be something that needs investigation due to the threat it can pose to not only Rheinland but all the House systems. After the battle all retrieved pilots that had been captured by the Harvester units were transferred to Private Stahlmann's vessel for transport to Planet New Berlin for medical attention. I understand that all these individuals are recovering and will be released from the medical facility shortly.

**Transmission Ended**

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sassafras - 09-01-2008

CommID: Private Pippart

It was mud-wrestling night at the Iron Cross Bar on Planet New Berlin. Lance Corporal Richard Hass and I were throwing back shots of Kleiner Feigling Vodka while two blondes in string bikinis stepped into the mud pit. In no time flat, the bikinis were off and mud was flying everywhere.

I was reaching for another shot of the fig flavored drink when our comm-link alarms started to wail. I looked down to read the incoming flash message:

Private Pippart and Lance Corporal Haas, get your asses out of there and to the launch bay. There are two Hessian fighters approaching planet New Berlin, signed Bureau der Marineintelligence.

We emptied our glasses and ran for the exit door. We could hear the alarm sirens blaring from the launch bay.

As I was strapping into the Wrath, I ignited the engines and powered up the navigation and communication systems. A red message appeared on the control panel.

Pippart and Haas, planet defense systems have identified the incoming Hessians as [HT]Mikal.Jones and [RHA]Hagen_v_Seelenburg, launch and engage at your earliest convenience, signed Bureau der Marineintelligence.

As we cleared the New Berlin docking ring, ships sensors detected the Hessians 12K from the planet toward the Sigma 13 jumphole. Increasing engine power to max thrust, we quickly came head to head with the Hessians. The battle had begun.

Hagen and I traded razor shots while Haas engaged Mikal.Jones. The nuclear mines where everywhere--bright flashes of nuclear energy causing temporary system malfunctions and flash blindness. Another unknown ship joined the battle to help the Rheinland Military, but he quickly died from Hagens guns. I kept the Delusions on Hagen and occasionally switched to Mikal when he was in range.

Suddenly a nuclear mine caught Lance Corporal Haas. With complete system failure and one engine offline, he had to return to base.

The battle raged on for 45 minutes. The space around planet New Berlin was filled with energy explosions, weapon flashes, and nuclear radiation.

I was getting tired at dodging and fighting both ships and my shield batteries were down to zero. I was still able to get a few more razor shots on Hagen though. After completing a quick turn, my ship lurched sideways and I was slammed against the cockpit armor glass. I could feel blood running down my face. A nuclear mine had caught me. I blacked out as a bright flash consumed my ship.

End Transmission.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sassafras - 09-02-2008

CommID: Private Pippart

I was standing in the hanger bay looking up at the mine damage to my Wrath. Last nights attack by the Hessians had left its mark. The hull was buckled in two sections and the right engine mount was cracked. However, the weapon systems were still functioning. Suddenly

The warming alarms sounded in the hanger bay. I looked at my comm-link at the incoming flash message I knew would be there.

Private Pippart, get in your ship and taxi to the launch bay. Theres a Unioner terrorizing the trade lanes in Stuttgart, signed Bureau der Marineintelligence.

I opened a channel in my comm-link to my commanding officer.

Sir, Private Pippart here. My ship is still damaged, do you want me to launch? I said.

Listen up Private. I dont care if your ship is full of holes and exposed to space vacuum, I want your ass in that ship and in Stuttgart, you got me? yelled Admiral Krieger.

Yes Sir, on my way Sir.

As I was strapping into the Wrath, I ignited the engines and powered up the navigation and weapon systems. A red flash message appeared on the control panel.

Private Pippart, Stuttgart defense systems have identified the Unioner as Frantz.Taschke, launch and engage at your earliest convenience, signed Bureau der Marineintelligence.

As I neared Planet Stuttgart, I saw the glowing wreckage of several ships just off the trade lane to my left. Exiting the trade lane at Planet Stuttgart, I found the Unioner Frantz.Taschke 15K away from the planet. Having never encountered this criminal before, I took a few seconds to access the onboard computer for information on this scoundrel:

Marineintelligence Data File on Frantz Taschke
To all military personnel, Frantz Taschke is one of the most dangerous men in Sirius. He is currently the leading ace in the Unioners. Do not engage on your own. Wait for backup before apprehending. Explosives are his weapon of choice. Exercise extreme caution.

Great, just what I needed, the Unioner Red Baron. Not wanting to risk the lives of other pilots in the system, I increased engine power to max thrust and quickly came head to head with the dreaded Unioner.

Immediately, my ships onboard warning system detected several torpedoes on my vector. I dodged and weaved as Frantz passed on my left while I released several countermeasures. After a quick EK turn I was heading back toward Frantz. I fired the Delusions. As he approached I fired the Razor, direct hit, his shields were gone. I turned again and passed Frantz overhead while releasing three nuclear mines in his path. Damn, he missed all of them.

Two ships came to assist me--Officer David Ritter and an unknown MoG vessel. I turned and fired on Frantz as he engaged the other two ships. Sadly, their ships were destroyed in less than 30 seconds. So much for the help.

I turned toward Frantz and more torpedo warning alarms sounded throughout my ship. I released more counter measures and passed Frantz without firing a single shot while dodging and weaving to save my life.

I turned again and headed toward Frantz while lining up the Razor for another shot. I fired the Delusions then released the Razor. Suddenly the torpedo warning blared

The explosion threw me into the front console. My helmet shattered as the life pod jettisoned me from the exploding Wrath. The last thing I heard from Frantz Taschke was:

oops, ha ha ha ha

End Transmission.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chucc - 09-02-2008

Message To: Requisition Department
COMM ID: Ansel Hoffstetter, Ober.
Request: Wrath Fighter for interception and patrols.

Guten tag,

I am after long careful thought requesting another Wrath, I have no complaints about my bomber I have. I simply wish to have something a little more agile for some situations. I do not know how these matters are taken care of these days, and on my salary I couldn't afford to fund it myself.

Hoffstetter out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Drifter84 - 09-06-2008

|Incomming Transmission|
To: Rheinland Militar HighCOM
CC: Rheinland Militar Private Comms
From:Private Karl Stahlmann

I was returning from Munich after a refit on my Snubnose , when long range detection stations in New Berlin reported a Harvester vessel near the Sigma 13 jump hole . Unfortunately , there were no reinforcements available so I was forced to engage the oil eater alone , with predictable results ... my vessel was destroyed and my pod picked up by a local military patrol .

Personal comment : It seems Harvester incursions are on the increase in Rheinland space , what are these machines up to , I wonder ? Also it seems this oil eater was allied with a Junker Congress member , they too may bear close watching in the future !

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sassafras - 09-12-2008

Comm ID: Private Friedrich Pippart


While performing routine security patrols in Stuttgart. Planetary defense systems detected LWB ships engaged in planetary bombardment of Synth Food factories.

I along with Corporal Otto Gauss responded immediately to eliminate the threat.

Mission results as follows:
  • LWB Udo Ackermann KIA

    LWB Sam Crawford Escaped
All Rheinland Military ships returned safely to Kriegsmarine base.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 09-12-2008

**CommID** Vice Admial Axel Topf

Planetary bombardment you say? Now, where would they get the resources to do that? I am going to be making an inquiry into the Stutgart defence network, it looks like it could do with a revision.

Anyways, good work on the kills, Der Gotteskanzler shall be pleased.

Ein Volk, Ein Kanzler, Ein RHEINLAND.

Vice Admiral Axel Topf


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Zapp - 09-13-2008

[Image: bhcopiecg3.png]

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: BHG Ace Esther Carson

Subject: Possible contract

Now, I know you RM are very proud and what-not, and prefer to do things for yourselves, but I'm here to offer my services. As I flew through Rheinland earlier, I was accosted by a Zoner Destroyer flying Corsair colors, Titan, and Praetorian. Lucky me I managed to kill the latter two myself, and a couple of RM ships came to assist with the Destroyer, but then I got dragged into engaging an Outcast Destroyer and Hacker Gunship. Now, seeing as you seem to have a problem, I was thinking I could possibly station my bomber in New Berlin and assisst your forces... for a fee, of course.

I also offer training, if you so chose. If you accept, we can discuss fees over more private channels.

For my service record, contact the BAF and BPA.

End Transmission

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chucc - 09-14-2008

Engagement Report:
Today's Patrol Systems; Omega 7, Stuttgart, New Berlin, & Hamburg.
Deep Space Recon of Systems: Braunschweig, Bremen, New Hampshire, Quebec, and Minesota.
Deep space determination: 2 uninhabited, and unknown planets. Unable to gather samples, due to lack of equipment.
Recommendation: Further gathering of intelligence and possible Science Vessel dispatched for specimen/sample collection.
Possibilty of Sustaining life: Unknown.

I launched from Briesen Mining Facility in Omega 7 and hightailled it to New Berlin to assist in patroling the home front. I recieved a communique from [RM]lukas.schwartz. Upon reaching Planet New Berlin I joined him and Johann Brunhild. We were soon tracking Liberty ships flying in Rheinland. Johann Brunhild and myself escorted two thru Hamburg, and out of Rheinland with little more than threats.
Upon our return to New Berlin, Johann Brunhild and I encountered a pair of Slave runners and commenced to demand they drop their cargo. Cargo Scan
Was unable to get a shot of ReDragon.
They attempted to flee, and we dropped the lanes and engaged. My Supernova ripped the shield of Rasha to near collapsing. The Pirate Train attempted to flee into Cruising speeds. A fine shot from Johann's CD brought that to a halt. The shield of the Rasha was down and the hull buckling fast under my near constant Razor fire and my quad-Cerberus barrage. The repair crew aboard was magnificent, as they had their shields recalibrated within minutes. Again the foolish smuggler tried to get away, with the same results as the first try. Meanwhile Johann was treating ReDragon with a similar sound spanking. These captains had done a fair job finding their crews. But it wasn't good enough. As Johann kept the two under cruise, we slipped up and ReDragon slipped away. It left Rasha to quickly succumb to our combined firepower as Lucas had arrived by that time.
Death of Rasha
ReDragon tried to run for Frankfurt, then for the Westfalen, but alas we caught it and pulled it too down.
Death of ReDragon
On the way back thru to New Berlin I managed to break from the trio we had become. I stayed in Hamburg to intercept Liberty Smugglers, and a good thing I did. I ran many more off and had one refuse to comply and run by while I dealt with another. One MRA_HELLFIRE transport with Trader ID and Liberty Police tag. I fined him 5 million credits and he fled to Berlin system. The KoF trader I was trying to get to go back to Liberty as he is a Liberty company pilot, tried to run, even had a merc try to distract me and drop the trade lane for his escape. I warned the Merc to back off and not interfere or face the RM wrath and fince. He did not engage or intrefere again. KoF moondust tdr I believe. He finally after losing his sheild a couple tiems decided to turn and go back. I let him. Foolish of me. Soon after I found him in New Berlin with an Escort fighter. I ordered the two out immediately, and they didn't comply. We forced them to go. FAST!
Moondust becomes dust
Escort tried very hard
The escort fighter put up a long fight in his Viper. Finally he too couldn't handle the beating and his ship fell to peices around him. On his way out he had a little bit to say, as I asked where he was going. He launched immediately from Station and headed towards the Planet.
Escort cries for dying.
Later we had the MRA come back thru, the transport had called for support. It flew escorted by a Huntress cruiser, flying a full loadout of Nomad Turrets. Lucas and I told them to leave. They too deceide it would be a smarter move to run their foul mouth.
Later the Leader of the MRA came to try to negotiate for his member. I have a fair amount of the conversation on record, not all of it tho.
After that there was a few more pirates that came into New Berlin... I don't have details of that time, sorry.

This concludes my report for now. Looking forward to flying with Lucas and Johann again. Good flying gents.

Hoffstetter out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Drifter84 - 09-18-2008

|Incomming Transmission|
To: Rheinland Militar HighCOM
CC: Rheinland Militar Private Comms
From:Private Karl Stahlmann

Guten tag

Launched from New Berlin docking ring in my Snub bomber . Took up station over the Ring to scan incoming traffic and opened system comms to ascertain vessel intentions in Rheinland .

All was peaceful until a ( obviously ) stolen Wrath VHF crossed in front of me . I hailed the vessel , Hans Westerman , demanding to know how they came to be in possesion of said military vessel . A few words were exchanged , including some strange 'spirit' talk . I ordered the pilot to dock and standby to be arrested . As I opened comms to New Berlin Spacefield Security , the miscreant fled towards Brandenburg . I pursued , and found him near the Sigma 13 jumphole , in the company of an Outcast , Casa De Rojo .

I left the lane and was engaged by the stolen Wrath , who refused the Outcasts offer of assistance . A short and vicious combat ensued . He may be , as he claims , some kind of 'spirit' , but it seems even spirits are susceptible to a Cannonball missile eaten head on !

We are steel , for the Kanzler , for Rheinland !

Stahlmann out

[Image: Freelancer-2008-09-18-19-34-03-19.bmp-1226319.jpg][Image: Freelancer-2008-09-18-19-36-15-52.bmp-1226320.jpg]