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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-09-2008

Trasmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Commander Weise

Comrades, I am shamed to report that the line of 'Thatcher' was not eliminated on Sol, as we had thought. There is one here, now, stepping on the backs of the people. He won't even apoligise!

Also, the long-nosed freelancer clown known as "Geppetto", flying a FireFly transport, is KoS, anywhere in the sector. Take him down, and kill him with extreme prejudice. He is a blight to humanity.

Leave Thatcher alone, for the moment. Our SpecWarDiv will deal with him...

For the Revolution! Weise out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-10-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fleet Command
Comm ID: Commander Goldstein, Captain of CPW Vladimir Lenin
Thought of the Day: Corruption breeds Defeat

Comrades, myself and two pilots, Lt. Commander Karchov and Lieutenant Gellantra, conducted a presence patrol today through the Omicron systems. We had arrived in Omicron Kappa ahead of the fighters, and immediatly encountered a Corsair Gunboat and Cruiser. Wasting no time, I ordered gun crews to open fire, and slapped the gunboat into ruin, while taking fire from the Cruiser. In danger of losing shield batteries, the helmsman backpedalled, only to find he'd rammed himself into us, locking us together in the rocks.

Immediatly, the Coalition Marine Boarding parties aboard launched into space, and hit his hull seconds later. With our guns hammering on either side of the boarders, they clamped antimatter charges to the hull, and blew their way through. Swiftly, the enemy guns fell silent, and four minutes after the initial charge, we recieved the report that the ship was taken. Most of the Corsair crew was dead, and none of them offered to surrender. Despite that fact, we have eighteen prisoners, although most of them are heavily wounded, and the wreck has been sent back to Omega 52. It's not useable, but I'm sure the componets will help us repair and build units within the fleet.

Carrying on with patrol.

For the Revolution! For a Red Dawn! Goldstein out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 11-10-2008

......:::::Incoming Transmission:::::........

Comm ID: Lt. Luis Gellantra
Location:O52, Cape Verde

Comrades, during our standard patrol through O52 Lt.Commander Alexi and I encountered Corsairs Bomber. He was immediately engaged and after a long fight and after loosing Commanders ship due to malfunction of his navigational and stirring controls we managed to destroy it. The harder they Strike us the harder we will fall and in the end Coalition will always be victorious!!!

For the Revolution!!!! Luis out.

...::::End of Transmission::::....

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - FooFighter - 11-13-2008

::SUBJECT: Report A-02::
::COMM-ID: Mireille Ceyes::

Greetings, Comrades. Today, I had the pleasure of crushing another two Corsairs while spreading word of the people's revolution.

Heading to the Omega-3 System, a place frequently used by traders, I began talking to them about our enemy - the corrupt House governments. In a flaming speech, I told them to raise arms against their oppressors; sadly, they didn't listen however, despite every efforts I made to convince them. But well, ignorance is curable, and soon, they will see that we are more than worthy of their support.

My travel to Omega-3 wasn't in vain, however; as I already told you, two more Corsair pilots can be added to my kill list. Not far from Freeport 1, I encountered them; their callsigns were "Scout" and "Admiral.Shon.Ashcroft" (though, judging from his skills and demeanor, I doubt he really holds such a high rank). I engaged them, and soon, Scout, piloting a Praetyre bomber, was badly damaged, and was forced to retreat to Omega-5. Ashcroft, who sided with his corsair brother Scout in this battle however did not flee, but continued the fight. Bad move. His ship wasn't able to withstand my gunfire for a very long time, and soon, ejected it's screaming pilot into open space.

After my first victory, I "set sails" to return to our home on Cape Verde. It seems like I had a lucky day - the Corsair who ran away from me before, Scout, crossed my way. Here, surrounded by asteroids and mines, being at a great advantage against him in his slow, heavy Bomber, I quickly managed to destroy almost his whole hull; a mine finished him off when he attempted to flee again.

For the Red Dawn!

Ceyes out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 11-13-2008

......:::::Incoming Transmission:::::.......

::COMM ID:Luis Gellantra::
::SUBJECT: Report::

Comrades, before i start i just want to greet you all and say that Coalition powers are growing more and more by each day. *Drinks Vodka*. Now to continue with my report. During standard and routine patrol Two Zoner capital ships entered Omega 52; one Zoner Destroyer and one TAZ Independent Miners Guild Gunboat. We seemed outclassed but we knew better we knew that ur training is excellent and our fighting capabilities are extraordinary but we decided to keep that to ourselves. We instructed them that they are violating Coalition space and in sign of good will we would allow them to live if they went out of the system by themselves. Like usual we presumed that this couldn't happen,and sadly they refused to leave. Only option that we were left with and in which we are highly trained was to destroy them on sight. Comrade Mireille in Raven Talon started to distract them while i was bombing them in my Taidiian. Just in case Coalition Battleship Marx un-docked from Verde to provide us with some protection if needed but Commander only watched as Comrade Mireille and I destroy the helpless gunboat. After seeing our might Zoner Destroyer engaged his cruise engines and fled from battle. One thing is sure this will teach them not to underestimate us and next time to do as we say . To return to more delicate matter; Captain of the IMG gunboat is alive and being transfered to Planet Canaria as we speak, he lost his ship and his pride but he has his life and for that he should be grateful.

For Coalition!!! For Red Dawn!!! Luis out.

.....:::End of transmission:::.......

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Othman - 11-14-2008

Comm ID: Captain Baranov

---Incoming Transmission---

Decided to have another glance at the dull faces of Bretonians by advancing to Cambridge alone today. I knew that they would take the bait fast and it happened as I exactly planned. Utterly destroyed a Templar and heavily damaged a Challanger in short time. They had to call a battlecruiser to stop me in the end which didn't work as well. I'm now on Verde with some minor scratches on my fighter.

Gunnery Record:

[Image: screen54-1.gif][Image: screen55-1.gif]
[Image: screen56-1.gif]

For the Revolution! - Baranov out.

---Transmission Ended---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 11-14-2008

Comm. ID.: Commodore Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

Well, it appears that the presence of ourselves in Rheinland is either inspirational, or that our deadly advances attracts crows and vultures...

Myself, Karchov and Striatov attacked New Berlin, aided by some local revolutionaries, with the intent of taking out both the 'Krieg' and 'Westphalia'.

Surprisingly, known for ill-advised courage, both vessels retreated, landing on planet. The captain of the Westphalia, Admiral Hiltraud seemed so disgusted by our presence to the point where she spit on the deck of her own vessel. Very dirty, in my opinion. If anyone does that on the 'Havana', there will be court-martials. Then again, I know that we all wash, brush our teeth and don't spit on deck, so it's a non-issue.

After this, with Bundschuh forces arriving, I had to shout at some of the local revolutionaries for selling out and needlessly threatening the civilians whom they aim to free.

We then engaged a pair of bounty hunter gunships, one of which fled. The Bundschuh fighters weren't equipped to deal with these vessels, not using shield-busting arms, so weren't able to keep down the shields of our foes and forcing our bombers to be more careful with our antimatter, which had trouble scoring hits due to displacement caused by ion storms.

We also had to take out both a Liberty Police detective, who seemed lost, as well as a Junker who felt the need to aid bounty hunters.

After this, the gunships finally succumbed to our fire, with the timely arrival of Commander Weise providing some good shots.

Noting the Junkers aid of the beast that is the Rheinland Military, all Junkers are to be hunted and destroyed. Wipe them from the face of Sirius, for they are the embodiment of the corruption that has taken root here.

-Ares out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-14-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm ID: Commander Weise

Sirens howl in the background, and flightsuited men run past behind the excited Commander yelling into the screen.

"Comrades, this is a Red Alert! All Bomber pilots scramble for combat! For the Coalition! For a Red Dawn! Get Some! Get Some!"

He turns and dashes away, leaving the screen empty, and the sirens screaming...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 11-14-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Command
Comm ID: Lt. Karol Olsav

Comrades it is with great pleasure that I am able to say that yesterday on a standard patrol of the Sigma-Rheinland-Omega belt of systems that we can count on one less RM to stand against our cleansing forces of the Coalition. While on patrol and being questioned on the Revolution by some STF transports, a RNC-Weser vessel and a RM snub fighter approached my vessel inquiring as to the meaning of SCRA and the Coalition. Once I had engaged them in a discussion of the various merits of our Revolution and cause, the RNC vessel continued on patrol. However the RM Wraith VHF piloted by Johann Brunhild continued questioning me on the Coalition, until I prompted him to answer if he himself would see the light and join our forces, he declined saying he wished to 'purge' my 'foul' presence from Frankfurt. I told him he would eat his words. And he did.

We engaged about 13k from the planet, and fought an engagement lasting all of 1:35 seconds, I had lowered his sheilds, and as he was preparing to take another run at me, I dodged at the last second, forcing him to run into his own torpedo.

I was not able to get a shot confirming the destruction of the ship, but as I continued on patrol I admonished the RM for their low calibre of pilot. The RNC blamed it on technical malfunction as I was extolling the greatness of the SCRA victory in the skirmish.

SCRA Report Depot

For the Glory of the Revolution may it never fail!

-Olsav --currently in Dresden---

************TRANSMISSION ENDED************

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 11-14-2008

Comm. ID: Commodore Ares

---Transmission Initiated---

It is with great pride that I report another success, the crippling of the RNC-Aachen by a strike force consisting of myself, Yuri Striatov, Eugen Weise and Xing KeSi.

After some searching, we managed to engage, the size of the vessel allowing the three bombers piloted by Yuri, Eugen and I to effortlessly hit it with every antimatter shot attempted. Meanwhile, KeSi did a fantastic job of keeping its fighter escort off our tails.

Eventually, the Aachen ordered its escort to retreat, which did so, and then attempted to extract itself. As it tried to flee, its engine bays were ripped apart by our heavy weaponry. Images are attached.

[Image: Freelancer2008-11-1404-35-28-23.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer2008-11-1404-36-25-75.jpg]

-Ares out!

---Transmission Terminated---