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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - Firebird - 06-25-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

My apologies for a lack of communications, the transmitter for my office was temporarily plagued with technical problems which have been corrected. (OOC sorry was going on a trip and was expecting to have better internet access).

I've caught up on some of the recent messages being sent regarding the enclave. I think Hyperwave has a good point, in that their actions do appear very questionable (and appear typical for a group more devoted to pvp). With that said, treat them as pirates/terrorists since that's what they have become. If found in Bretonian space, ask them to state their business or they will be fired upon. Avoid sinking to the same level though by hunting/harassing them everywhere they go.

Other events requiring my attention:
"Mr. Friendly" to be added to wanted list (Junker - attacking SF vessels)
"Sojifu" to be impounded (Nomad Smuggling)
"Grinch" to be added to wanted list (attempted pirating)
<strike>"Chijin, Sokaku, and Nebotuda" to be investigated (believed Kusari VHFs, unknown actions in Leeds)</strike>

Anything else I should be made aware of?

End of Transmission

ADDED: Found out details for Kusari VHFs, they're members of KNF (player faction), if found in bret space handle accordingly

SF Message Dump - gemini_75 - 06-30-2007

Transmit to: SF Command
Comm ID: SFCR-Normandy

Upon returning to New London from a weapons refit in O49 I was engaged by RACS-Frog-[CPT] things weren't looking good; Still getting used to the new weps (including a light morter) I was having a hard time against his cruiser. Just when I was getting used to the my new layout (which still needs work) Mantis[TBH] joined the fight. Between the two of them and the lack of shield the ship was unable to take the punishment. Escape pods were launched, luckily we were close to New London and were picked up quickly all crew accounted for.

End of Transmission.

[Image: sf-pic.jpg]

SF Message Dump - Ant - 07-01-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Lieutenant Morrison, SFGB FireAnt

A trade ship(Nobody) reported that The Brotherhood was actively pirating traders in Cambridge system.

The gunboat [TBH]Mantis was detected and engaged.
Unfortunately Fireant was unable to match the firepower of the Corsair and was quickly destroyed.
A new gunboat has been ordered.

End transmission

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 07-03-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Captain Brackenbury

I have returned from my vacation in Liberty, and my officers have briefed me of all important information. Although I have returned, I do not plan to return completely to active duty until Thursday. I have a lot of unpacking to do.

Captain Brackenbury out...

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 07-04-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Welcome back Captain Brackenbury, hope you're trip went well and look forward to your return to duty.

On another note, please welcome Kinda to the ranks of the SF. Kinda will initially be assisting Stormpike in defending against Kusari incurrsions along Bretonia's northern border. As customary, feel free to visit Cambridge Research Station for a round on the admiralty.


End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - Kinda - 07-06-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Trainee Kinda

Thanks for the welcome. My fighter the Grenthal is glad to join in the ranks of the SF.

I would also like to announce the comissioning of a new freighter the SFT-Gambler, which I will use to raise funds for the SF.

Feel free to pop by if you're on the front lines.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - Kinda - 07-07-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Trainee Kinda; SFF-Grenthal

The Brotherhood's activities in Cambridge has continued. Mantis[TBH] was pirating just outside of CRI. I warned him twice to leave, but all I got in return was threats.

I then engaged, but it became very apparent that I was outgunned. I regrouped, only to sustain more damage, but thanks to the valiant effort of the Battleship Stormcrow, he was nearly destroyed.

He managed to flee to Omega-5 where the Stormcrow couldn't follow due to the size of the Battleship. I continued to pursue, but he had a head start on me, and I decided to end the chase at the Omega-41 Jumphole, leaving him with a warning that he is not to come back to SF space. He responded by saying he wouldn't as long as the Stormcrow was there.

I would like to be the first to thank Stormcrow, who was instrumental in this conflict. He certainly saved my ship, if not my life.

End transmission

SF Message Dump - Kinda - 07-08-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Trainee Kinda; SFF-Grenthal

Mantis is back and has managed to destroy both the Grenthal and Bomber Beta 5. We have ejected and made it to Planet Cambridge. He is currently running completely unchecked. Any help possible is requested!

End transmission

SF Message Dump - Stratus - 07-08-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: SFT-Eclipse

Nothing to report accept a few solid hours trading and a funds transfer to SFT-Freedom for a transport.

Doing my bit for the war effort.

End Transmission

SF Message Dump - will ritson - 07-08-2007

To:SF personal
Comm ID:SFBS-Norwich

OOC: i am back and both my battle ship are fule and ready i hopeing some one will fill me in.

sry been on holiday for a week.