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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-13-2011

PILOT ID: Lieutenant Commander Feya
LOCATION: Battleship Derby--Leeds
DETAILS: Standard Report
[Image: 2gtq1j7.jpg]

Feya: Well today couldn't have gone any worse..Not even if a corsair fleet showed up to sell cookies...First off, I had to deal with the fact that former Ensign Daniel Dashwood, one of the pilots I had helped trained along with Commander Evyn, turned redcoat and was found flying a corsair gunboat..With due humiliation, I had placed him under arrest, and with the help of Officer Hamilton of the BPA, he was taken into custody via Newgate prison to await trail for his actions...

[Image: 243kdhf.jpg]

Feya: Second thing on the list..Well we all remember a Mr. Tobi Reaper...Gosh that guy I swear is stalking me!...Well as I was going to head back to New London, he swings around and drops the lane from Planet Leeds and then demands to know where his stuff was..I had assumed he meant by what happened with the HMS-Endeavor, but in due honesty, I couldn't give a care less about that guy after all he's done...I mean for heaven's sake the guy is a loon!..To speak in nice terms that is..Well anyways I requested Captian Piett would come by and help out when Tobi started to get a little hostile..After a bit of talking, Tobi started to turn away and oohh boy...He screwed up in what he said..

Feya: The jerk actually said he wanted to kill me!..In front of BPA and Captian Piett!...After a good, 20 minutes of bickering back and forth between Tobi and us, We spotted several Blood Dragon fighters..Yeah..In leeds..Thats where all hell started to break loose..Tobi said they were allies of his...I mean come on!..Is that even physically possible for a person like him to gain friends with Dragons?...However I think the following files may serve better upon viewed instead of my word..

Feya: That...Pretty much covers it all...I have files on the Dragons opening fire upon BAF and BPA ships if requested...


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-16-2011

PILOT ID: Commander Evyn
LOCATION: Planet Leeds
DETAILS: Standard Report
[Image: 2wmpgyp.jpg]

Evyn: Well today was an eventful one..Started out slow with the finding of Mr. Reaper and a Sair going at it, a few mollies showed up consisting of a gunboat and two fighters..Ensign Atwood did well in disposing two of them as one of the BRF easily took down the gunboat..We then had the company of a pair of Reavers..Silver and Maroon..We saw to it that Silver's bomber burned up in Leeds atmosphere while Captain Ryans took care of the other...Captain Piett also took care of a wandering KNF fighter that came by, leaving me in term taking care of several new Ensigns...

[Image: 2qi1xft.jpg]

Evyn: After a kind talk with them, we proceeded to take a routine patrol, heading to the Omega 3 system for a while...I therefor saw it fit to follow on with a small tradition of mine by taking them to Tau 23, where all the fighting began between Bretonia and Kusari...Words and feelings were mixed, but the point was gathered with them in the end...I had a bit of a talk with Ensign Davis and I believe he is far overdue for a promotion for the work he has done...I have looked over his record s and have found that he has been an ensign rank with a valiant service to Bretonia..Despite his overagressiveness, I do believe he is overdue for a reward for his hard work...Last..I got a little emotional after taking this new group of Ensigns around the park, so to speak...It was great to do it again...I believe that these men and women will do well serving Bretonia, as long as Ensign Harding doesn't taint them with his antics that is..


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-21-2011

PILOT ID: Commander Evyn & Lieutenant Commander Feya
LOCATION: Battleship Derby--Leeds
DETAILS: Standard Report
[Image: 2wmpgyp.jpg][Image: 2gtq1j7.jpg]

Evyn: Reporting for the past few days...We recieved a report of a Rouge AI cruiser in the New London system attacking some of our fellow BPA officers...We both agreed to roll out the Nottingham in order to face such a threat, meeting up with two Bowex vessels, a hunter gunship and the BRF|HMS-Remus..

Feya: Well it was a bit fun I'll give you that...
*Evyn turns around in her chair, looking back at Feya with a frown*
Evyn: You find almost anything to be fun..You know that?
Feya: Mhmm mhmm...
*As Evyn facepaws a moment, Feya continues the report*
Feya: Well let's see..What about those Mollies you dealt with today?
Evyn:I was going to get to that...What was to be a planned patrol with a few ensigns turned into a bit of a firefight in the southern sectors of Dublin..We had at first stopped a Molly transport thanks to Ensign Garland reporting it heading to the northern sectors, however it was not alone..As soon as we recovered several bounty hunter pilots from the transport, we were engaged by a combined force of three fghters and three gunboats...They may have had the upper hand, but superior training and tatics made an end to their run, falling their fighters and two gunboats..,After an order from Commodore Piett, we returned to the Hood, forcing out a pair of Reavers who had thought to try and take down a few of our officers..

Feya: Well that's all to report for now..Come on sis!..Get packing cause remember Admiral Fraiser said we could all go to Curaco for some time off!..
*Feya walks up behind Evyn, dragging her away as she presses the send button, shutting off the computer*


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mao - 06-21-2011

[Image: ensignnewlondon.png]
Good day,

Today I patrolled the lanes of Newcastle. Nothing important to report about this. The ending part of my patrol got interesting. While I was returning to planet Leeds, a group of mollies disrupted the lane ring but they remained shocked when a BAF officer dropped off the lane and not a trader. They all died trying to run. After this, a big transport of cardamine, over 2000 units, tried to sneak behind me and get to Magellan. That's the place where I caught it and engaged him. Unfortunatelly, this guy managed to get to the IMG Freeport and even docked there. I followed him and I arrested the punk. Now, I just finished a declaration and forwarded it to the [color=#33FF33]A
utonomous [color=#33FF33]Department of Management and Interstellar Navigation. I don't think we will be hearing about the guy for a long time from now on.

[Image: Patrol6.png]

And here I have the files with the smuggler that were also submitted to the Department of... whatever: One, two, three, four, five.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Juzt156 - 06-23-2011

++Incoming Transmition++
++Location: Planet Leeds++
++Begin Decoding++

Ensign Kian Williams reporting.

[Image: d748c2f048ac7ca698c15d3e6d38804d.png]

Sirs Yesterday evening, I was on down time completing paper work and relaxing. When I noticed activity on the BAF energency channels. Apparently some Coalition forces had amassed in Edinburgh, including several battleships of the SCRA. I departed Leeds and was one of the last pilots to arrive and I joined up with the BAF fleet near Aberdeen that also contained one or two Bounty Hunters. I was ordered by Leiutenant Comander Feya to aproach the fleet with HMS Endeavor and one of the Bounty Hunters and attempt to hit the SCRA Fleet's right flank by moving through the Islay Ice Cloud whilst the rest of the fleet engaged SCRA head on. The move proved successful and the SCRA fleet was routed. My ship only suffered minor damage.

[Image: c15dfb2acd3255df10a8a7919f3d487b.png]

I then recived a distress call from Ens. Tim Garland, who was under attack from two Reavers, one of them was Silver. Leiutenant Commander Feya asked for someone to assist him, I among others responded. We engaged the Reavers near Aberdeen. I descided to Pursue Silver as did the Bounty hunter Crackin'.Skulls BRF|HMS Devestator and a Freelancer Tobi.Reaper. I must confess I respected Silver's ability to survive against us, we fought across the system. I suffered heavy Dammage. However I successfully distracted Silver enough for the other ships to bestow a great amount of dammage. Once we were joined by a Mandolorian Mercanery, Silver shortly after realised that this battel was one that could not be won and retreated. I attempted pursuit but was advised to let the ship leave as it no longer posed a risk. I was then asked to return to Leeds and was accompanied on my way back by a BPA Superintedant. Upon returning to Leeds, I was thanked by Leiutenant Commander Feya. I was happy to have been of use to her and the BAF. I was dismissed and returned to Leeds.

[Image: bd5ca43d680717e7506cff5104f43af7.png]

I hope that this report is satisfactory.

Your obidient Servant Ensign Kian Williams.

Long Live the Queen!

++Message Ends++

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mao - 06-23-2011

[Image: ensignnewlondon.png]
[color=#FFFFFF]Greetings high command,

I resumed my patrol from where it ended yesterday. The BRF|HMS-Agamemnon was in the area and reported a "Spyglass" attack on the station. After a few minutes, BRF|HMS-Prince.of.Wales also appeared but they went back to Leeds.

My patrol route started in Manchester. Nothing to report except a few Molly rookies that tried to take me down but failed miserably. I took them all to BPA Newgate and resumed the route. Only a lone IMG trader to report, otherwise, the system is mostly tranquil.

[Image: Patrol7.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mark_Brown - 06-24-2011

[Image: baftransmissioncopy.png]

=Incoming Message==

=ID; BAF|Lt.Jason.Charles=

=Subject; Mollys increase=

The Patrol; I undocked from Planet Leeds around 22;30 to find Ens.J.Sinclair & Ens.K.Williams around Planet Leeds.

It was a rather quiet evening so i decided to go scout Dublin for recent and more increasing Molly attacks on Miners and Transports.

As we set off through New London to find a Molly entering a trade lane to Cambridge so of course.. Kill on sight action was taken.

I let the Ensigns test there skills and agreed a 2:1 Ratio on a Molly Threat is decent enough, My thanks to the Ensigns for a safe and quick kill.. No damage to our vessels.

Carrying on we went through to Dublin, once we arrived into Leeds we went via the Jump Hole seems thats a pirated area we thought we'd secure the Edinburgh Trade lane, another 2 Molly's was spotted and chased to Arranmore.. Once they arrived at Arranmore they got back up a fight begun and My ship was destroyed.

Once I was destroyed 2 Bowex fighters intervened to assist the Ensigns on my request.

Evidence of Patrol;


[Image: baftransmissionendcopy.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Juzt156 - 06-24-2011

==Incoming transmition==
==Decoding sucessfull==
--ID: BAF|Ens.K.Williams--

I understand that Lt Jason Charles has already reported about the Molly issue in Dublin. I do have somthing additional to add if I may be so bold. After the Lt.'s ship had been destroyed, and we had been reinforced by Bowex pilots. The Mollies were supported as well. By a Junker Gunboat designated as 'Chief' and by a minning vessel. Myself Sinclair and our Bowex support were able to destroy the gunboat. We next attempted to engage the Minning vessel and unfortunaly my ship was destroyed. I feel that this report is necassery to identify these ships in future.

[Image: fb66db574018fa607194bf38d89f9bf0.png]

This is the Junker vessel that attacked us 'Chief'.

[Image: 9a5aee061baaa59430dc1c65fcdc536c.png]

The minning vessel that appeared to be supporting them. =MMC=cu.culain

I hope that the information is useful to you.

Your Obidient Servant

Ensign Kian Williams

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - navigationals - 06-26-2011


Greetings dear gentlemen, yesterday I encountered few situations, which we might call "unusual", all of them encountered in Leeds close orbit!

1st, there was a hacker Spyglass at Leeds, called "Karigan". I was called in by the HMS-Endeavour, but by the time I arrived, the Spyglass was already being torn apart by the Endeavour and the Derby and mister Evarts from Convoy.
Spyglass goes boom
Kill confirmation

2nd, I received alerts on the comms about sair and outcast capitals at Leeds. I undocked, and gave support fire against the hostile units. The Outcast vessel MNS-Massive_Attack destroyed multiple corsair targets, and then he left Bretonia. It was a fine blow for the corsairs, and we once more showed them they cannot defeat Bretonia.

Battle near Leeds, outcast and Convoy scoring a kill
Corsair Osiris destroyed
Capturing the Osiris's crew

One more strange event occured while I was accompanying the HMS-Endeavour. We encountered an IMG Zephyr at Stokes and we told him nice that he should leave Bretonia to avoid any future conflict. Well it seemed he didn't get the image, so we went into Dublin, crippled his hull until we made him, *ahem*, "communicative". We again told him nicely to leave Bretonia, and this time we were escorting him. As we left Dublin to Leeds via the jump hole and asked him to follow us, he sayd the following: "I think not" , "die you baster" , and he opened fire on the Endeavour. There was no time for hesitation, therefore we had to quickly finish this berserk Zephyr.

Zephyr halted, finally talking
Zephyr powering weapons, then being blown up
Kill confirmation - //killed by admin - strange

For Queen and Country!
Report over, Tim Garland signing off.

[color=#FFFFFF]{End of Transmission}

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 06-27-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2prfkfo.gif]

Good day.
Our Intelligence had informed us about multiple raids, made by Mollies, shocking closer to our capital. Today, near Southampton shipyard, I have encountered a strange rheinlander pilot with unknown weapons. The mollies were already fighting him, so I let them finish their business and proceeded with my scout patrol. Later a gunboat with the same affiliation, as the rheinland pilot, arrived in order to outgun the mollies. I must say, Mollies are bunch of rebels, but they have the spirit of Bretonia in their hearts. Nevertheless, once all the alien-kind of enemies were destroyed, they have decided to challenge me, with their known taunting sentences. The molly that wanted to to be first, was the first taken down by myself shortly after the duel started. A molly gunboat and several other fighter crafts arrived to help their fallen friend. Two ensigns, Harding and Regan, and two mercenaries arrived to fight on our side. One of them was from Mandalorians and the other one was Robby Lukas, a known merc working for us.
In the end all of the enemies were taken down, but their gunboat had menaged to score a critical hit to the mandalorian ship. The pilot is alright but his ship is under repair in Southamptom shipyard for at least a day.
The situation from today proves, that Mollies will definitely keep coming to New London, but next time they may come in numbers...

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]