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SF Message Dump - Firebird - 07-08-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Status Update

Pirate groups continue operations and the war is still raging with Kusari. Several new recruits have recently joined. Most recent recruits are Wyvernhead and SFF-Freedom (Freedom if you're reading this PM me your forum ID or post here:D). With the new recruits looking at promotions for older recruits who meet the necessary requirement of green guard rep.

BTW, welcome Wyvernhead into SF who will be assisting Stormpike in its duties patrolling Bretonia's northern border. And as customary, head on over to Cambridge Research Station for a drink from Joanne on the admiralty.


End transmission

SF Message Dump - Ant - 07-09-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Captain Buxton, SFBS Repulse

The Corsairs were again causing trouble in Cambridge today. Several locally based ships were destroyed before sufficient SF forces could be brought to bear to deal with the problem.

SFBS-Repulse, SFF-Grenthal and SFB-Beta5 of the feared Beta bomber squadron were dispatched to deal with the threat, accompanied by a couple of mercs.

Mantis[TBH] and Capt.-Armanda-Salinas were engaged in Omega 5, where Repulse was of limited use. Grenthal was knocked out by the Gunboats which themselves took considerable damage.

The Corsairs fled through Omicron 41 to Omicron Gamma with our battlegroup in pursuit. Transmissions from the Corsairs indicate they thought their actions would go unpunished and that we'd break off pursuit.

The two Corsair Gunboats were joined by the Titan Nexus[TBH], while sso|Ace.Khain.Ine was employed to assist Repulse and Beta5.

The Corsairs appeared unwilling to come within range initially, so Repulse commenced bombardment of the Tripoli military shipyard, targetting the defense turrets to avoid civilian casualties.
The Corsairs eventually engaged our Battlegroup, obviously desperate to protect their shipbuilding infrastructure.
The ensuing battle was tough going but eventually the SF prevailed. The evasive maneuvers of the Corsair Gunboats made them extremely difficult targets but eventually the heavy firepower of Beta5 and Repulse combined to knock them out.
A missile barrage from Repulse hit Nexus head on, no doubt leaving the pilot wondering what hit him, if he survived.

A great many civilians were rescued during this operation. I am sure they'll be happy to be able to return to their homes.

End transmission

(OOC: Some items belonging to Stormcrow were recovered. Let me know if you want them back.)

SF Message Dump - Stratus - 07-09-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: SFB-Beta5

Another routine day defending Cambridge today, and aside from our breif foray into Gamma, Rouge63 showed up in a gunboat and decided to cause trouble. He was pirating traders as well as being in the possesion of 10 Bretonian Pilots. On refusal to drop he was engaged, a quick battle ensued with SF being victorious.


End Transmission

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 07-09-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: SFBS-Sierra

SFBS-Sierra and Beta-5 engaged three TBH bombers in Cambridge today. Unfortunately, the Sierra was once again crippled and is in for a re-haul at Southampton. Additionally, Beta-5 was destroyed, and we believe that Cambridge authorities picked him up.

transmission ends...

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 07-09-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel, SSO Command
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

In negotiations with the SSO, I've reached the following agreement in aquiring their services for dealing with known pirates operating in Bretonian space. The terms of the agreement are as follows:

$5 million credits for pirate kills where the SF are not involved to assist.
$2 million credits for pirate kills where the SF are involved.
(talking players here not NPCs)

SSO will be paid for kills performed on known hostiles within Bretonian Space (Dublin, Edinburgh, Leeds, Cambridge, New London, Manchester, Newcastle).

SSO will be paid for kills performed on pirates (players) attacking Bretonian traders along the borders and major trade routes of Bretonia (Tau-31, Magellan, Omega-3, Omega-7, Omega-5, Omega-41, Dundee).

Unless freely offered by other SF members, any requests of payment for services rendered is to be passed through me, a running tab will be kept as necessary on our faction page. (Ie. if there's any pestering about getting paid, it gets directed my way, no one elses...just to be clear:cool:)

End transmission

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 07-09-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

I've been asked to remind everyone that Omega-5, and I'll extend that to Magellan and Omega-3 are not jurisdictions of Bretonia. SF has no authority over those systems. With that said, you may offer escort service to traders passing through those areas, it is however not our job to hunt down hostile players that are simply sitting in those systems. (If said hostiles enter Bretonian space that's another matter, you may persue as necessary).

Note: This has no bearing on the SSO agreement, but on SF actions.

End transmission

PS: Apologies on double-post but two different dump topics

SF Message Dump - Ghidora - 07-10-2007

Sorry, havent been able to be on for a while, still have a fighter, but i have yet to win a fight from before Real Life stuff happened.
will try to get on later, things have settled down, wondering is it's possible for me to go to a gun boat instead of a fighter, I am CRAP at pvp.
yours SF[SFF] Ghidora

SF Message Dump - Ant - 07-11-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Lieutenant Morrison, SFGB FireAnt

The Brotherhood were active in Cambridge again today with two Taiidan bombers attacking defense forces.
Starkiller[TBH] and Sunslayer[TBH] were targetting the Mercenary battleship Warhalk when Fireant arrived on the scene.
After one of the bombers sustained critical damage, both bombers fled back to Omega 5.
It appears the bombers are uninterested in pirating traders, as they don't appear to be carrying Cruise Disruptors.
It remains unclear what their intentions are.
The bombers were sighted in Cambridge again later in the company of .Octavius.(grouped).

The Borderworld Exports Large Train SFT-Ashby will be joining the SF supply team. The transport will be providing fuel and replacement parts for the fleet as well as conducting normal supply operations to Bretonia.

End transmission

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 07-11-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

In discussions with CRI, the Nayehiya, [N], have agreed to the cessation of pirating activities within Bretonian space in exchange for Nomad Licensing privileges. As such their status with the SF has been reduced from Hostile to Unfriendly. They may pass through Bretonia but their stay should be brief and monitored.

End transmission

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 07-11-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel; Admiral Firebird
Comm ID: Commodore Hyperwave

Admiral, I believe that the move to allow the Nayehiya could become a problem in the future. Being a pirate group, this would have the ability to distribute Nomads and brains to other groups that could use the technology against either us or other house factions and/or corporations. On the other hand, this can represent a bonus to us, as traders will not be harmed (hopefully indefinitely) by [N] and if their intentions are true, then help with the ongoing "war" against the Nomads.

I believe that we should keep this group very closely monitored, and hopefully obtain intelligence of their actions from allies. This will hopefully deter any actions by the Nayehiya to negatively effect us or allies at any time.

Commodore Hyperwave out...