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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-06-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Commisaar-Captain Al-Rashid
Thought of the Day: Arrogance Breeds Elitism, Elitism breeds Skill

Leuitenants Zarevho Kaputski and Katya Vaschenko join Gold Squadron today. The former has been recently demoted from Lt. Commander, for a lack of flight-time resulting from a series of serious combat injuries. I suspect that he shall not be with us long, as skill levels indicate he's an excellent candidate for Red Squadron.

The latter, Vaschenko, is an ex-junker, who has joined us in disgust at their money-grubbing, capitalist ways. She's been run through the basic program at the CFS, and appears to be a more than adequite pilot.

Now, here is the current roster of Gold Squadron:

-Commisaar-Captain Al-Rashid (CO)
-Commander Bjorn Thorvaldsson (XO)
-Lieutenant Commander Karol Olsav
-Lieutenant Commander Yue Fei - Chief Engineer of the Coalition
-Lieutenant Commander Alexi Karchov
-Lieutenant Commander Vasiliy Prutko
-Lieutenant Jason Roberts
-Lieutenant Viktor Sotskov
-Lieutenant Luis Gellantra
-Lieutenant Ivan Voi
-Lieutenant Mireille Ceyes
-Lieutenant Rasputin Rozlov
-Lieutenant Fyodor Ushakov
-Lieutenant Katya Vaschenko
-Lieutenant Zarevho Kaputski

Any discrepancies, note them, and tell me about it.

Also, all pilots pay attention to what you allow through Omega-52, the rules have changed.

For the Coalition! Al-Rashid out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 12-07-2008

CommID: Lt. Cmdr. Alexi Karchov
Message Target: SCRA Command
Message Origin: Kalishnikov's, Cape Verde, Omega52

A victory, and a treacherous retreat, were given to the brave pilots of Gold Squadron. Let me say the new recruits to the Revolution performed very well in these encounters and I recommend them for a letter of commendation.

First, a distress call was sent out by Lieutenants Katya Vaschenko and Zarevo Kaputski about a BHG Battlecruiser taunting the pilots while on patrol in Omega 5. During his debriefing, Lt. Kaputski said the captain of the battlecruiser was flaunting an incursion into Coalition space. Lieutenant Sotskov and I launched from Verde and made haste to the engagement, where the group succeeded in destroying the infiltrator.

[Image: 6December2008.png]

After this some general patrol commenced in Omega52, with Lt. Sotskov docked for the time being, a Corsair battlegroup emerged from Omega5. At that moment there were three Gold Squadron on, and immediately engaged when the strikeforce moved within 5k of the station. I quickly ordered a general retreat back to Verde when it was noticed the odds were three to one. All pilots made it back with minimal damage, and the
Corsair fleet, after some unoriginal harassing left back to O5, with Gold Wing hot on their heals.

Pilots involved in Corsair armada
Lucas "Fuego" Gonzoles

Yes Sirs, that's eleven against our three and four fighters, three of which were gunboat class.

It may not be a resounding victory, but no pilots were lost in this engagement.

Lt. Cmdr. Alexi Karchov

Message Send...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 12-08-2008

Incomming transmission...
CommId: Commander Bjorn Thorvaldsson
To: Gold wing pilots
Topic: New numeration

Liten here comrades, our old numeric marks are no longer in use, due to extreme influx of new pilots. To keep all that in control, I was assigned to give you your new shiny numeric designation for fighters.

-Commissar-Capt. Al-Rashid (CO) Gold leader
-Cmd. Bjorn Thorvaldsson (XO) Gold 1
-Lcdr. Alexi Karchov Gold 2
-Lcdr. Vasiliy Prutko Gold 3
-Lcdr. Karol Olsav Gold 4
-Lcdr. Yue Fei Gold 5
-Lt. Jason Roberts Gold 6
-Lt. Viktor Sotskov Gold 7
-Lt. Luis Gellantra Gold 8
-Lt. Ivan Voi Gold 9
-Lt. Mireille Ceyes Gold 10
-Lt. Rasputin Rozlov Gold 11
-Lt. Fyodor Ushakov Gold 12
-Lt. Katya Vaschenko Gold 13
-Lt. Zarevho Kaputski Gold 14
-Lt. Chief Sitting Bear 15
-Lt. Timor.Khruschev 16
-Lt. Norman Bethune 17
-Lt. Guang Jie 18

LEARN IT! Or there will be some crossbow work.

Transmission ended.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Athenian - 12-08-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Lieutenant Viktor Sotskov

I hope my tiny brain has adequate room to remember that I am now Gold 7 rather than Gold 6, Comrade Commander.

With change progressing at this rate, the Revolution will be unstoppable.

I looked for the new regulations concerning 52. I can't find them. Where is everyone?

This vodka tastes like bear urine. Where are my keys?

Meeehh.. uuugghh....

*passes out*

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 12-08-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

It is with great pride that I'm finally been able to help my brothers and sisters against the capitalistic dogs, my medical injuries have now been fully healed, and I have never felt better.

But today, another type of dog was about to be treated. The imperialistic ones!

Myself along with our honorable Commander Weise and Commodore Ares decided to make a strategical strike at Bretonia.

Whilst my comrades where stalling the local police, I decided to attack the Bretonia Military Group known as the "White Tigers". I spotted a lonely target near Cambridge Planet, however soon enough he quickly received allies. I worked to destroy them one by one, until the last was still standing. Hes movements were evasive, and after several minutes trying to attack the pilot, he decided to leave due to malfunctioning error in the ship. Interestingly enough, there was also a bounty hunter present by the call sign "S/D Feral". To my fortune, he was too busy smoking which made him a stationary target, giving me a easy shot at his ship.

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Commander Weise and Commodore Ares managed to destroy a Molly Pilot by the name of Kate Donnelly and another White Tiger pilot. More reinforcements came along with a few Mollys and thus we decided to leave before any causalities.

A successful attack was indeed managed, and those "White Tigers" tasted the righteous hand of the Coalition!

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Xing - 12-08-2008

[Link initiated.]
[ID: Lt cmd Yue Fei]

Greetings comrades.

Today, we departed toward Liberty systems in the original intent to check on some new weaponry accompanied by comrade Katya Vaschenko and comrade Mireilles Ceyes. After noticing my guns were perfectly fine and that we really wasted so much more H-fuel, we decided to land a strike to Liberty, in their capital of New York.

We would manage to enter without much resistance, and staged from the star all our operations. At first, propaganda which would, at my great satisfaction, gained the appreciation of a number of libertonian citizens, deluded by the truth we bought to them. I have received through my personal channel various messages asking me about our movement and our goal, and I believe, our words are spreading at a good pace to the People. Soon enough, all shall be aware of our existence and join the Cause.

We landed a first strike at Liberty, charging directly at Manhattan. A rapid scan revealed no targets of interest were found, and multiple libertonian dreadnought patrols discouraged us from further penetrating in enemy planetary space. However, we were contacted by a curious pirate, which claimed to fight our same enemies. I was somewhat hesitant to accept this... cyborg, Shade(?), into our strike group, but I took the chance. I believe it was well worth it.

We continued propaganda, awaiting for the eventual reinforcement coming from comrade Olsav, at which point, we stroke again on Liberty, passing from Baltimore to Manhattan again. A sympathetic xeno freedom fighter joined in, and together, we began the engagements against the military targets surrounding the capital world of Manhattan. A foolish transport vessel going by the name of Yugoslavia, spitting poison at communism all along the time he was in system, opened fire on our ships; I was more than happy to bring it down, although, comrade Mireilles would claim the final shot. Yue smirked,
After what, a bounty hunter sea serpent class would be launched from Manhattan to assist, but, it seemed the pilot was confused at seeing our overwhelming strength and was eradicated from the living world in the matter of a few seconds.
A hacker gunboat joined in the party in the middle. Since he wasn't shooting us, we thought good to just let it do his job. The enemies of our enemies are our allies, even though temporarily, yes?
Three Liberty Naval pilots would be downed during the total length of the engagement. Shad Wilson, Seth Karlo, and a certain... Correy... I'm sorry comrades, I have a terrible memory for name and didn't thought about activating my recording camera. Deeply sorry.

In any event, with the last LN down, we left the area since nothing else of interest was to be shot down. One more glorious victory to the Coalition, my friends.

Lt cmd Yue Fei, out

[Image: screen3ow6.png]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 12-09-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

By the orders of the High Command I was given the task to launch Operation Red Dawn.

I proceeded immediately to Cambridge system, were several BAF Pilots had been spotted on the long range scanners. From distance I could see guns firing wildly into the void space. It was later revealed to be an ongoing battle between the Corsairs and BAF. However, as quoted by a certain pilot in the system "Unfortunately it seems to be very one sided" and indeed it was, the Corsairs were destroyed without inflicting any serious damage to the defenders. Either way, I was going to complete my mission whether against bad odds or not, the Coalition shall guide me. After spreading propaganda in the system and provoking the BAF pilots to strike me, I managed to lure two unfortunate dogs to my nest.

The battle was fierce, they both seem to know their bomber ships well, I was beginning to loose faith in my abilities to succeed. I was already too slow in dealing with the two pilots, soon they would alarm the rest. Thankfully we were fighting in the asteroid field that surrounded the Omega-5 jumphole making it almost impossible for outside vessels to find our location. To my surprise one pilot who was part of the BMM faction managed to find us and proceeded to assist my enemies. I decided to take him out quickly, a mine flied by and exploded right next to his ship. I looted the remaining nanobots to secure myself from any damages and then destroyed one of the two BAF pilots with a supernova. The battle went on...

These BAF were like insects! As one was killed another one replaced him, at one point I was attacked by three of them at the same time. But after tiresome effort I managed to reduce their defensive force til' only one remained. This pilot had come after the others, he was delayed most likely by the Corsair trouble. I could see the terror in his eyes... He knew what had happened to his comrades... soon, soon enough he would join their fate...

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The operation went beyond success! I swiftly headed back to Omega-52 in order to deliver the good news.

Several hours later after filling the action report, Comrade Sotskov arrived. He told me about a possible Corsair threat in Omega-5 and suggested that we should take care of it. And so we did, the enemy was flying a Gunboat. His turrets were fast, but not fast enough to take us down. Missiles flied everywhere, one time I was near getting hit but fortunetly my countermeasures saved me. After several shots of supernovas, Comrade Sotskov proceeded to finish him off.

Another glorious victory for the Coalition!

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For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 12-10-2008

Incomming transmission...
CommID: cmd. Bjorn Thorvaldsson
Location planet Gran Canaria
Topic: Declaration

Today, I had really wierd encounter. I was asked by lt. Sitting Bear to commandeer CPS-Shangai for arms storage. As that was done, he informed me of some trouble with WDR flagged ships.

After extensive data gathering and establishing a communication with WDR itself I found out some disturbing informations. They are zoner traders who haul deuterium trough our systems to Kusari market. Moreso, they tried to push trough policy for coalition ships not to enter "their territory" as they claimed whole Omega 49 for themselves.

Even more, they tried to force that upon coalition rookie pilots. This kind of behaviour will not be tolerated. They will learn to respect our might of arms, or they will perish, because glorious pilots of the Revolution will not be pushed around by some capitalist underdogs.

Orders: Fire on any WDR ship you see in omega 52 untill they beg for mercy, or run out of ships.

Thorvaldsson out.

End of transmission.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 12-10-2008

::Via FnordSat O52/3X619 wideburst::

Message to, Thorvaldssen, Cmdr, SCRA
Comm ID: Malaclypse, Bafflin'

You need to walk down the road for some pie, sir. The stridency in your voice earlier indicated an unhealthy level of stress and anxiety. Go to Sophie's and ask for the Kallisti Gold special.

Your warning has been delivered to the Council, sir. I've held up my end of the bargain.

Either let myself or Chairglobe Dis know who your representative will be via Council secure comms.

Your temporary authorization will be "Joshua.Norton".. repeat.. "Joshua.Norton".

Oh, and your new shipment of "Precious Mao" buttons has been received from Thud. When do you need them?

Regards to McIntosh,
Malaclypse, E-Prime, TAZ

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 12-10-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

Today I was sent on a regular patrol together with Comrade Chief Sitting Bear and Comrade Lt. Abdul Muhadrem.

As we began our patrol an emergency signal was sent from one of our Comrades. The source was tracked to Gran Canaria, Omega-49 system. Apparently Comrade Lt Cmd Karol Oslav was in trouble by two Bounty Hunters trying to claim his head. We headed immideatly to Omega-50 system and secured the area, waiting for Comrade Oslavs arrival. He made it, but his ship was badly damaged by those greedy dogs who attacked him without a signal. When Comrade Oslav reached Cape Verde station he docked for a medical check-up while his ship was under heavy repair.

Our blood was fueled with rage against those dishonest dogs that attacked him! Fools they were, thinking they could claim a bounty on our brethren! We headed to Omega-49 in hope of revenge, of what they caused to Oslav!

Long range scanners had indicated that one of them flied a Bounty Hunter Battlecruiser whilst the other piloted an Assault Frigate. As we reached Gran Canaria we found the owner of the Assault Frigate, like the coward he was, the pilot immediately docked. Though we managed to provoke the beast out of his cage. Foolishly thinking he could take us down and with a mighty blow from Comrade Chief Sitting Bear he was quickly dealt with.

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By the time that had passed the other one arrived. This dog seem to have some fighting spirit inside of him, but that spirit would soon to be broken down! One supernova after the other, for each blow our rage increased! We thought of our Comrade Oslav, he gave us the strength needed... The dog realized he could not win this battle and decided to escape. We let him escape so he could tell the other Bounty Hunters what happens if they strike at our Comrades!

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Let this be a warning to all of you greedy dogs trying to claim a bounty on our comrades!

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...