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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dab - 07-02-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Baroness Evyn Hunter
Origin: HMS Craven's Nest
Recipients: Ensign Harding

Ensign, direct refusals to obey orders are not tolerated in the Armed Forces. You will report to Salisbury immediately. Your IFF transponder is to be reset to the Academy designation. You will be under Commodore Piett's authority and training until he feels you ready to rejoin the main part of our military again. Failure to do so will result in you being dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces.

As part of Academy procedure, your assigned fighter is not permitted to leave Salisbury until Commodore Piett allows you to rejoin the fleet.

-Baroness Snowdown
Admiral of the Norfolk Great Fleet, Bretonia Armed Forces
Assistant Director
Bretonian Intelligence Service
<div align="right]End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mao - 07-02-2011

[Image: ensignnewlondon.png]

I wish to inform the admiralty that I fulfill all the requirements that are necessary to advance to the rank of lieutenant. Optional, I have applied to the 242nd squadron and I'm waiting for my Challenger so I'll be more than ready for my new responsibilities on the battlefield.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Veyron - 07-03-2011

[Message Reads]

I quit. Good luck ladies and gent's.

Former Ensign, Michael Harding.

[Message Ends]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 07-03-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2prfkfo.gif]

Ensign Kevin Regan, I checked your achievements in the armed forces, and it seems you have all the requirments to step forward:
- 28 hours of Flight Time
- 5 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (4)
And even some of the high ranks requirments. That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#FF6600]Lieutenant
without hesitation.
Make us all proud of you future actions.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 07-04-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Norfolk]
[CommID: Lieutenant Charles.Davis]
[Directed: BAF Admiralty Board,BAF Officers,BAF Secondary Fleet]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 8249421472571050.jpg]

Greetings sirs and Ma'ams *salutes* Today at 0200 Leeds night time SMT+2 while I was on night watch I received a distress call from the Battleship Norfolk. Rheinlander forces have invaded the Cambridge system with One Battleship several cruiser and dozents of Bombers Gunboats and fighters. Our loses were already Mouting with one battleship and a destroyer. I took My Duck woke up my co pilot and we went when I arrived Ln forces along side reavers Madalorians and Reserve Forces managed to push the Enemy to Omega-3 when I saw whats going I moved to aid.

We managed to wipe or scatter the rheinlander vessels byt that Main Vise Admiral of the Strudels managed to escape leaving his forces behind at our mercy. Rheinland Lost in a count Cruisers Gb's and Battleships. Several fighters and two bombers. But the Naval ship LNS Maryland Took a lot of damage in the process. It was not long before the corsair had to show up if the situation didn't get worse enough. The sair managed to wipe out what was left of the Rheinlander forces and started pwnding our Bombers.

But our fighters managed to rescue the situation. Sair were chased to the Omega-5 system. But one Mandalorian Jumped after then So I jumped with him so help him out. To much sair show up and I lead the Mandalorian to safety if Cambridge. But if it haden't been for the Madelorians or the Reavers we would be in great trouble.



Davis out
Gun camera
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Junes - 07-04-2011

[font=Agency FB]~~~~Stream detected~~~~

**Uploading data**

[color=#FFFFFF]Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Ensign Layla Cooper
Affiliation: Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: Patrol Report

[font=Garamond]Good day admirality,

Today I was released from the medical station on Battleship Harlow due to my injuries I suffered at the latest battle with the Kusarians in Leeds two weeks ago. Yeah, and I couldn't wait to be part of the battle again this morning. I refreshed my reactions and my brain by attending some hours doing combat simulations in Salisbury. Later on, I received a call from an unknown ship about enemy contacts in Cambridge, I hurried and instantly left Winchester after my little lunch. As I popped out of the jumphole in New London, there suddenly showed up three vessels with Das Wilde signal on my scanners, also a shady individual called Ka'zilth. Das Wilde showed no mercy and immediately fired upon my and another Ensign's ship with full strength. My fellow combatant soon suffered from the immense enemy fire, his Challenger was downed and he had to eject his pod. During a short and hard fight I managed to heavily hit the so called Ka'zilth in his bomber. It was 3 vs 1 after that, I could only save my ass by retreating to Canterbury. Those Wilde are very serious threats, they trick and backstab you without hesitation and are deadly and indefatigable fighters.

[font=Edwardian Script ITC]
L. Cooper

[color=#FFCC66][font=Agency FB]**Upload complete**

~~~~Stream closed~~~~

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 07-04-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge
Subject: Report, Leeds

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen
Today, one hour after got heavily hit by these wild pilots [sighs], I started my patrol starting at the Norfolk in the Cambridge system where my courters are set up now. Everything was quiet, and i mean everything. It was nearly boring.
Only after one our I had something else to do than the 'G'day' and 'Bye' I for sure had to use too many times... An IMG GB named Starkiller asked for my advice. After a talk that seemed pretty long to me after the one-word conversations before, I finally had to tell him that I am not allowed to give what he asked for due to my rank. He asked for a permission to use a IMG carrier 'Zephyr' in Dublin to mainly protect the Hood. I told him he should contact our High Command on the Neural Net, where ya will most likely find his request sooner or later.
After that talk I felt like an information desk, nearly every civilan had something to ask, but i won't complain, it is way better than 'Hello' 'Good bye'.
Then later a Zoner Barge went ... well by [laughs]. Its lane was later on shot down by a Gaian Gunboat. Myself and one who made the impression like he gratuated the accademy told it to stop, whereupon it opened fire. I had to change my opinion about the guy named Durning pretty fast. He was unable to dodge and hit. I had to do the whole work alone in my Templar fighter, which obviously isn't equipped for attacking bigger targets alone. As i nearly had it down, my ship's navigation computer had a malfunction and was heavily dammaged in the progress. I was unable to continue the fight and the Gaian got away.
At least something good is to be told, the barge went away without a scratch.

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours, Ensign Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mychalitzo - 07-05-2011

...Incoming Transmission...
...Sender ID: Michael Clay...
...Subject: Transfer to active service...

Good day Gentlemen,
this is Michael Clay, rank Captain at the Derby Fleet before my withdrawal, which happened some time ago due to combat injury. I would like to inform you, that I have fully recovered and passed medical tests. I hereby request to be transferred back to active service, wherever I am needed.

Michael Clay

...End of Transmission...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 07-05-2011


**Upload Files......**
**Upload Complete.**
Press >>ENTER<<<for Download***
[Image: Rene.png]

Sir, Ma'am!

My first day, my first patrol.

My patrol began at New London.
I patrolierte through the whole system, everything seemed quiet but then I met a
Gaian ship, the GB class.
I kindly told him that he must leave the system.
But he did not think my statement and found quite amusing.
Unfortunately I could not do much but show fear and run away I can not.

I has gotten over the transmitter to the command log to me at Capt.Evyn.
I broke my comunikation Gaian from the ship, and have met with Capt.Evyn in New London.

After a few minutes comb is a message about the comm system, which hold some mollies and a freelancer in Dublin not follow the law.

We flew around in the said system, and were also fired soon.
We hunted the freelancer from the Breton system, our Kamarad defeated the Mollys.

Capt. Evyn got a message later in the day,
of a civil ship, it was under bombardment.
We flew to the coordinates above.
But the ship has left the system.

Later I was alone in New London.
I had some checks through.
I was just at a cargo inspection when my enemy activity sensors heard.

Molly's at the four sensors and a freelancer could be seen.
They fired Breton ships, they destroyed some gunboats.

It was the same enemies that we had previously encountered.

I sought the Communikations from channel to support, but I was alone.
I decided to make me the enemy, I attacked it.

The battle lasted long, I had almost destroyed one boat, but was slowly but surely my ship which is no longer grown.
My ship has taken heavy damage, I had to stop the fighting and emergency landing.

I got a message on the commlink the two Mandalorian ships take the matter further.
The already weakened enemies began their retreat.
I paid the Madalorians for their honorable support of the crown.

Now it was quiet for evening out, my ship was in the repair hangar.
The officer said it was ready again tomorrow.

BAF | Ens.R.Ree ends the report ...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Walnium - 07-05-2011

***Incomming transmission***
***5th Reco Squadron "Spider"***
** For the BIS and all BAF officers **

Today, I, Nathan Slater, of the 5th Reco squadron saw a joint fleet of Rheinland and Kusarians ships near the jumpgate from Oméga 3 to Oméga 7. I didnt saw if there was capital ships, but there is a high probability. There were at least, 3 fighters, who engaged me, and I ran away. My ship was destroyed just near the IMG outpost in the system, and I could send this only picture that I could save. I let you apréciate this:

It seems that Kusari will attack us from Omega 3 too.....but BIS would probably about this than me.

The 5th Reco Squadron is always ready to serve the Crown. Carina, Regina, Imperatrix !

//Is this message alright even if it was write by an independent BAF ? If not, tell me, and I'll delete it.