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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tic - 12-11-2008


Comm ID: Timor Khruschev, Cape Verde station
Target: SCRA Command
Subject: Report

Greetings Comrades!

I am reporting about my first day on duty. After being escorted thru New York system by Katya, I
headed for Freeport 11 to purchase my Taiidan. Once I did that, I went to Kappa, where I got the
SNAC and brand new shield from Zoners. Once it was all done, I changed course back to New York,
and then to Bering. On Freeport 2 i met one of the Xenos, and after having a business conversation
with him, he promised to notify other Xenos of me, so they know I aint hostile. He told me to get
some equipment at Barrow, so I did that. I also updated my transponder. Once i got my ship up
and runing, I headed to Omega 52, to Cape Verde. The voyage wasn't long, and there were no
incidents on the way. Once I reached Omega 52, i joined with Bjorn and Sitting Bear. There was
apparently a situation with a trader docked on Cape Verde. I headed to Gran Canaria, to get my
Mini Razor. I had some surplus Sirius Credits so I sent it to Kiev.

When I returned, there was still a situation with that pesky trader. Another problem emerged, a Corsair one.
Bjorn headed to Omega 5 JH, but his Viper discovered that it was a gunboat, so he called the rest of us in.
We took care of that Corsair quickly. In the meantime, that trader, named PotatoSmasher, undocked, so
we engeaged him. He force docked on, but the station security got him.

After a brief training, we headed to Omega 5, where we spoted a Corsair. We engeaged him. Even though
he sad some kind of time displacement device, teleporting thru space. It didn't help him much and he was
quickly shot down.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Derkylos - 12-12-2008

--Incoming Transmission--
--Comm ID: Leitenant Jie--
--Subject: Mission Report--

Today, I was assigned to carry out an intel mission with commander Thorvaldsson and lieutenant Vaschenko.

Early on, lieutenant Vaschenko had engine trouble, and had to abort and return to Cape Verde. We continued with our assignment.

We passed over Rheinland and the Sigmas without mishap, entering Kusari undetected. Despite a slight navigational error, we collected much data on their military and research installations.

Returning via Bretonia, we encountered a few vessels in New London. Our words fell on deaf ears, however, until one Lane Hacker gunboat came around collecting "donations". Well, we donated many torpedoes and much antimatter to him.

*uploading file*

As we headed back towards Omega-52, a Bounty Hunter somehow managed to access my private comm channel, and wanted to know where he could purchase a Bounty Hunter Gunboat, of all things. I sent him off to Omicron Alpha, a shame I was not there to witness his subsequent fate...I doubt we shall hear from him again.

For The Revolution!

--Transmission Ends--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-12-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm ID: Commander Weise

Comrades, it is with great pleasure that I announce that I am no longer the most junior member of Red Squadron! Lieutenant Zarevo Kaputski is hereby promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and will be joining Red Squadron as Red Five. Three Cheers for Lieutenant Commander Kaputski!

In addition, I have it on good authority from the Grand Admiral himself that Kaputski is to be Declared a-

Transmission Terminated, new Transmission Detected...

Comrades, this is Grand Admiral McIntosh. I am most proud to announce today that Lieutenant Commander Zarevo Kaputski is to be officially declared a Hero of the Revolution! He'll be recieving his award from me personally, as soon as he returns from his current operation into Bretonia.

For the Revolution! McIntosh out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Spear - 12-13-2008

Comm. ID: Lieutenant Commander Prutko

Comrades rejoice! Another victory was one in Cambridge today for our brave forces, launching from Verde I was advised of a battle being fought near the Cardiff Mining Facility. Arriving on scene their were multiple BAF contacts engaged with my comrades! Throwing myself into the fight we were able to overcome the BAF! Others had taken an interest in our battle such as a S/D Bounty Hunter and bizarely a passing Outcast!

Baranov was called away by Verde on an urgent mission near the end of the engagement, Commander Weise was forced to fall back after sustaining damage and sadly Lt Commander Oslav lost his ship, but his pod was recovered.

At the end of the engagement myself and the newly promoted hero Lt Commander Kaputski remained to mop up the stragglers, together we destroyed the S/D contact, with myself mining the BH just as Kaputski finished him off with a perfect SN! The remaining bogey fled to escape leaving the Coalition victorious with multiple ships destroyed for only 1 loss!

For the Coalition! For the Revolution!

[Image: scradeathgi1.png]

Lieutenant Commander Prutko

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Bjorn - 12-13-2008

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Cmd. Bjorn Thorvaldsson
To: Intel command
Subject: Mission gone wrong

Good day comrades, i bear good and bad news. Bad news are that our intel mission to Kusari space did not result in intel on Kensai Research station. Reason for this is that our maps of are are extremely old and unreliable. Good thing is that we managed to gather info on Nansei research facility. It seems rather interesting find that Nansei is main research facility for Kusari advanced low consuming engines. Maybe getting few of Scientists from it could help us boost our engine efficiency.
Uploading data...
Visual initialized...

[Image: nanseidatags7.png]

On side note:
Imperial troops failed to detect our signatures, and we were able to close their battleships up to docking bays without them shooting at us. We took data on their battleships in Kyushu and Tau systems. They will be transfered over more reliable comms when we get to Verde.

Recommended: Imperial Kusari Navy should be reminded of who and what we are, and that we are not to taken lightly. Maybe raid on Nansei and few propaganda missions will remind them.

Thorvaldsson out.

Link terminated...
End of transmission...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - stewcool - 12-14-2008

::Incoming Transmission::

122nd Order Guard Flagship, Tenabras
Arms Cargo

"Hello Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, this is Commodore Caitlyn
Shauers of the 122nd Order Guard Flagship, Tenabras. We would like
to verify and notice your commanding officers that we have delivered
the items you requested. Our ship was stationed in the ice field, least
we think it was an ice field, near Planet Fogo. At which time we got
a hold of an SCRA pilot, who's name escapes me, that had a comm
name started with a "G", or was it "Q"....Anyways the cargo is delivered.
Our ship will be leaving your space in a few hours.

A bit of maintenance is needed for our vessel. Seeing as how we
haven't commenced a mission this far out for a long time.

We look forward to chatting with you all again some time. I hope
the arms that were provided help you out.

As a final note the 122nd Order Guard always welcomes to aid the
Bs| allies and friends.

Sincere regards,
122nd Order Guard
Commodore Caitlyn Shauers

::Transmission Ended::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-17-2008

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades, today is a great day! Today, we've thrown off the shackles of our relationship with those money-grubbing, capitalist Zoners! The Enclave on Gran Canaria has been evacuated. We attempted peace, but the treacherous Zoners attacked en-masse with battleships and cruisers, smashing one of our own destroyers and thousands of innocent Coalition Civilians out of the sky! Our own forces responded in defence by shredding a Fearless class, and half a dozen fighters and bombers. Admiral Kirk ordered his Typhoons to lay waste to the spaceport, deneying it from Zoner use, and smashing a number of their ships on the ground.

Now, the inital breach has been made. Keep it that way, stay out of Omega 49, we've got enough of our own equipment in Omega 52 to keep the revolution working for a long, long time. I have word from the Engineeers that the new weapons and ships are close to completion, as well as new facilities. We shall outlive these Zoner rats, and rise above them!

For the Coalition! For a Red Dawn! McIntosh out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - paccplayer11 - 12-18-2008


Comm ID: Gacheru Acton
Target: SCRA Command
Subject: Recon Report


Greetings comrades and high command. This is Gacheru Acton reporting on a recent recon mission into top secret Bretonian territory. I joined up with comrades Alexi and Ares. We headed into omega-5, and then to Cambridge. Soon after we were joined by comrade Abdul and then we proceeded into Newcastle via jump gate. So far so good as we remained undetected. In Newcastle we were to inspect an area of interest where Bretonians had stationed a battleship and a mysterious station. Upon closer inspection we all realized that the Bretonians...they were...they were monitoring a nomad city! Its very hard to believe but we all have some proof.


An abnormal amount of Outcasts were also seen near the installation fighting against the Bretonians. But what was even weirder was that after we blew up the force field generators, the field was still standing! But, unbelievably the research station was powering the force field! There was also a satellite probably monitoring the nomad base on the inside of the force field as well. There's no telling if the bretonians are infected by the nomads even though no nomad presence was detected. After we got all this evidence, we got out of there as fast as we could.

In the Cambridge system we encountered a Bretonian Armed Forces comm id Samantha, who proceeded to pursue me. I kept on heading to the omega-5 jumphole without getting engaged. She kept a relative distance of 4k away from my vessel. As soon as i jumped into omega-5, she fell right into our trap. the CPW-Vladimir Lenin and comrade Alexi were waiting for her. After she jumped in, comrades Ares and Abdul jumped in behind her. She fell right into our trap. The Bretonian dog then attempted to stall for time as aid was coming for her, but she was unsuccessful. Her reinforcement was intercepted by the Lenin and the rest of us cornered her and destroyed the scum.

I am glad to say that the recon mission was successful, and i hope for more future successes in the future. Long live the Coalition!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - paccplayer11 - 12-18-2008


Comm ID: Gacheru Acton
Target: SCRA Command
Subject: Image Transmission



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 12-19-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Identification: Lt. Katya Vaschenko.
Location: Cape Verde Station.

Comrades, I am pleased to report that earlier in the day, Lt. Nitchiev Lanakov and myself were successful in defending Omega 52 from a Corsair Gunboat of the OPG group entered our system and began to open fire on my vessel, I proceeded to engage in self defense while calling for Lanakov to assist, I managed to hold the GB down until Lanakov arrived in his bomber, at that point I continued to engage the GB, wearing down his shields and armor, and keeping his fire off of Lt. Lanakov, I nearly destroyed the ship, but I got too cocky and when I turned into him, to deliver what would have been my final blow, a full barrage from all his guns and missiles slammed through my vessel, I managed to eject in time though, and through my escape pod viewport I watched as Lt Lanakov's weapons tore into the Gunboat of the Corsair scum and finished the job, Despite the fact that I was shot down, I believe that the battle went well, and that this is a great first day in Omega 52 for Lt Lanakov, I hope that we taught the Corsair's a lesson today, that they will NOT be allowed to trample through our home without great consequence and loss on their part!

Glory to the Coalition!!

Lt Vaschenko, Out!

*she salutes the com screen as the transmission cuts out*