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BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-15-2008

A fair point. There are people guilty of ruining the game for others on both sides. There are some really sad imbeciles playing on the server, and some who are great. What can we do?

Any restrictions I am subject to are of my own making. If S/D members don't like them, then they can go elsewhere; they have that freedom. The restrictions set on ship class for the bounties in Liberty and Bretonia were put there by the police factions setting the bounties (and they differ greatly). In the same week, the LPI and BPA have set up contracts and have limited the contracts to certain ship sizes. You have to wonder why they're doing this.

The point I was making to Cosmos was that it is a question of choice; I'm not going to tell him or you how to play. In running the board at Sheffield I will not be putting restrictions on ship sizes unless a sponsor asks for it. I do it for my own contracts that I sponsor, but I won't be imposing it on others. If a lawful faction says "No BH capships here" then they have only themselves to blame when things like what you describe happen. There has to be a balance and I'm not against the principle of matching ship classes in certain situations.

At least in this thread people with widely different views on how to play a BHer can discuss this without having to deal with the same negativity found so easily elsewhere, and hopefully come to a consensus.

BHG Discussion thread - Unseelie - 07-15-2008

I've a bounty board...currently my largest problem is getting bounties paid. I've plenty of funding, but I often cannot find people whom I owe. I'm very interested in an agency that I can deposit a single lump sum with, to pay off my debts.

My bounties are specificly designed to make the game unplayable or unpleasant for characters who have crossed juno, as an example. They are often against house targets...any problem with that?

BHG Discussion thread - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-15-2008

I agree with anthenian. Fighting single fighters in a large cap ship is bad form....and boring. I have more fun losing in a fighter than I do winning in a battlecruiser.

I've been using my fighters more than ever now and glad I am. I wanna see and understand what the other side sees and understands, so that way when I make judgments they're non biased and absolute.

I've tried to give the battlecruiser a little more character buy exposing as many views on it's existence as possible good and bad.

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-15-2008

@Unselie. There is a link to your underground bounty network on the Sheffield site, I linked to it because of the OPG contract which many BHers are eager to fulfil. If only we could find them.

I'm pretty sure BHers, being lawful, wouldn't take those "questionable" jobs that you mention, although the i.d. does allow unlawful contracts. In principle, I wouldnt have any problem with BHers, especially Bretonian ones, striking Kusari House targets, seeing as they are no real friends to the Guild and we arent supposed to be there. Oh and the war as well.

It gets a little more difficult when you're talking about, say, someone in the LSF. The BHG has strong ties in Liberty. One job like that could jeopardise the income of us all. The BHG boards would manage any lawful contracts you posted that were taken by Guild members, not mercs or freelancers. We can't very well be doing all that work for the benefit of people who choose not to be in the Guild. If you were to restrict a contract to BHers only, everything would be done for you.

For the illegal jobs: if Im going to be managing one board for Bretonia BHers I cant see why I couldn't use the same structure to help you out - a centralised place to handle the cash and proof. RP-wise it would be a different set-up; different characters involved, but I know what you mean about how awkward it is to arrange and pay for bounties.

All of which might mean I'm just sitting in space and doing cash transfers. And I do enjoy the odd bit of variety. Sir Roger isn't going to be locked up by the KNF for long.

BHG Discussion thread - Unseelie - 07-15-2008

I already have the underground bounty thread, which, though it needs pruning in a very bad way, could be the foundation of a bounty network for things that the BHG wont touch, and then I can route my lawful bounties through Sheffield...About the there anyone in particular I should drop a few hundred mills on, against future debts so I don't have to deal with that?

As far as this organization paying debts...I'm willing to hold the keys to the bank account, and help with paying that off....I'm sure I can say Juno's bought some shares...Take lump sums of payment for bounties, pay them to everyone. That should give you funds to create a decent bank...and its attached to an amazing enforcement there you have loans to compensate your time....or you could just charge a percentage.

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-15-2008

I'll be handling payments; I'll probably have to set up an account/bank character first. At the moment I'm doing it through my other characters who are pretty much all in Bretonia. Im sure I could do it all through one character, just staying on top of the admin side of it might be tricky, but the BHG one is fine so far. One bounty but it looks like it will be easy to run. ProwlerPC posted a kill in the inbox; I quoted that msg in its entirety to the NSY board. I pay Prowler; NSY pays me. Ideally people would make deposits before the bounty goes up, so I wouldn t have to repeat the message to another board.
Only problem being, with the situation in Bretonia at the moment, the number of bounties could go up real quick. Seems to have attracted all the wrong sort of folk.

BHG Discussion thread - Cosmos - 07-16-2008

yeah i understand.

but fore-say a bh fighter goes too kill a corsair fighter, and the corsair calls for backup and 2 GB's and a cruiser comes, what next?

BHG Discussion thread - Raekur - 07-16-2008

Suggestion on managing the boards.

ALL messages to the board moderator should be by PM.
This will keep the board clean and offer the ability to present bounties on people where the poster does not want to be known.

PM's should follow a simple format:

Poster: Name
Target: Name
Last known location if available:
Target ship (specific craft or class):
Additional Notes: (for restrictions or other information.

Using this will allow the board to actually be maintained in 1 post instead of spending a large amount of time filtering through pages after pages of posts.

Cosmos, if you suspect that the target may have backup nearby. Consider taking a wingman and split the bounty. Even with contracts that restrict ship class you can fufill those requirements where your wingmans function is to just deal with any reinforcements that may arrive. As long as your wingman does not engage the Bounty Target I do not see it violating the contract.

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-16-2008

@Raekur: That is exactly how the Sheffield Board is set up. Pinned in Employment Office

@Cosmos: Run away. Bring a wingman next time. If pirates respond that way, PM them and tell them they are neither gentlemen nor good sports and have lost your respect.

BHG Discussion thread - Raekur - 07-16-2008

' Wrote:@Raekur: That is exactly how the Sheffield Board is set up. Pinned in Employment Office

@Cosmos: Run away. Bring a wingman next time. If pirates respond that way, PM them and tell them they are neither gentlemen nor good sports and have lost your respect.

Very comical, since when are pirates gentlemen or expected to be good sports.
If you lure an enemy into an ambush you dont ask him permission.