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Non-Nomad RP on Nomad Cloaked ships - Printable Version

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RE: Non-Nomad RP on Nomad Cloaked ships - ProwlerPC - 01-25-2014

(01-25-2014, 05:52 PM)Spud Wrote: I was breaking neither, and you see what happened...

That's the public for you. Some things don't need to be put into rule or law because it's already understood that it's controlled by a penalty of it's own. The public serves it on a silver quite willingly. One of the things I love of the official faction application process is the Public Guantlet. All your RP ideas get displayed for public criticism and this part of the process can even last a year (Reavers comes to mind) depending on how it plays out. To put it mildly, if someone wants to seriously represent an idea contradictory to all the logic the rest of the community as a majority knows and probably even indoctrinated in it'll be met with rejection, sometimes even in the form of outrage or unstifled laughter. If you crumble easily at criticism during such a period then it's most likely that if the group were made official they'd crumble too during whatever flair up of criticism that appears for them in the future.
I think you are getting a little taste of that public guantlet, I'm not surprised, you chose a very interesting ID and faction to have ideas with. Have fun, I been through the public guantlet many times and might perhaps have a %40 success rate.

Edit add: and it's obvious Treewyrm's been there too and thus his stuff is currently in use by today's Nomad faction (and pretty much for the last several years, must be good)

RE: Non-Nomad RP on Nomad Cloaked ships - Treewyrm - 01-25-2014

(01-25-2014, 05:47 PM)Spud Wrote: If you explain why it's used as source of information by Treewyrm, and why Treewyrm's document is of any significance since it expressedly says that its not canon at the start.
It's part of Discovery lore when, after a while since its public post, it was accepted by Igiss (and it went put through "Public Guantlet"™ mentioned above). You are so personally fixated on attempting to find any tiny contradictions, but how is that helping _your_ case? How does it make your case not a contradiction? I gave you reasons why something you made doesn't hold ground and provided constructive suggestion on how to make it compatible in easy steps and in a fairly neutral tone mind you. The way you choose to respond is marvelous "you too!" overreaction.

RE: Non-Nomad RP on Nomad Cloaked ships - Spud - 01-25-2014

(01-25-2014, 06:07 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: It's part of Discovery lore when after a while since its public post it was accepted by Igiss (and it was put through "Public Guantlet"™ mentioned above). You are so personally fixated on attempting to find any tiny contradictions, but how is that helping _your_ case? How does it make your case not a contradiction? I gave you reasons why something you made doesn't hold ground and provided constructive suggestion on how to make it compatible in easy steps and in a fairly neutral tone mind you. The way you choose to respond is marvelous overreaction.

Hey, I've just been lectured how my RP is bad by people who have never seen my RP, both here and ingame, told to piss off, and a char I've invested a lot of time and effort into has just been pretty much screwed over.

The contradiction are not tiny. Exactly the argument that were used to flame my char have been refuted 100% by these "tiny contradictions", as you call them.

You're just focusing 100% on the one contradiction that isn't directly linked to my char, the one concerning the rebellion of the nomads against the DKV. That was just given by me aswell so people wake up and re-consider if its really so good to just take everything that you say for granted, among the other contradictions related to my char.

RE: Non-Nomad RP on Nomad Cloaked ships - McNeo - 01-25-2014

(01-25-2014, 04:22 PM)Spud Wrote: There are at least 50 people in New York every day talking to every single person in the system who can do nothing about it, and they know it, and they get told to shut up and they continue just to annoy people. Including nomads, doing the "correct" ***"ours" ~hate~ "yours"*** RP without getting shot, which is like trying to talk using a maximum vocabulary of 20 words and thus a really great RP tool (sarcasm).

Well done, you're now part of this problem.

(01-25-2014, 04:22 PM)Spud Wrote: In my entire time as spud, I think maybe 2 people told me to shut up and leave them alone (and those said it when I had spoken about than 4 lines to them), and when when they said it I did.

Given that it took me more than four lines to figure out you were permanently cloaked before withdrawing my interaction, I assume you don't count me among these. Here's the relevant bit.

[22.01.2014 00:12:05] [LN]-Christina:Robinson: You shouldn't always be invisible.
[22.01.2014 00:12:22] [LN]-Christina:Robinson: Given that cloaks are illegal, all Im legally obliged to do is shoot you.
[22.01.2014 00:12:25] Spud: Girl: I wathnt alwayth like thith.
[22.01.2014 00:12:36] [LN]-Christina:Robinson: Sure.
[22.01.2014 00:13:02] Spud: Girl: Onthe, I wath a nowmal giwl, doint nowmal giwl thtuff.
[22.01.2014 00:13:35] Spud: Girl: But then, I wath hit by a twain! In a twade lane! Evew thinthe, I am like thith
[22.01.2014 00:13:45] [LN]-Christina:Robinson: Once, I spoke with invisible people. Now, not so. Goodbye.

(01-25-2014, 04:22 PM)Spud Wrote: You tell me that my intentions do not refelct the reality of the situation, when infact your assumptions based on what a few people who chose to be annoyed for the simple reason that my RP was not unintelligible giberish between asterixes while either visible withing radar range or in system chat do not reflect the reality of my behavior, or the situation.

What assumption is that? Given that I was RPing with you just fine until I figured out that, should I choose to try to evict you, there was no way that I could attempt to make my will a reality. I had no problem with your RP as you could probably see - I had a problem with being powerless in an interaction. Powerless to make you shut up should I choose, and powerless to make you leave should I choose.

At that point, I withdrew my interaction. Reavers arriving was unrelated to me not talking to you anymore.

(01-25-2014, 04:22 PM)Spud Wrote: If I wanted to powergame and annoying, I could ***no~"grammar"~RP*** exactly the way other nomads do, in system chat, 40 k off the plane, knowing no one will ever have any clue where I am.

Well done again, you're part of the problem, since what you're doing is the same thing, just on a smaller scale.

(01-25-2014, 04:22 PM)Spud Wrote: The reason I chose cloak and speech was because I wanted to avoid that sort of annoying as hell and stupid ***system chat RP that no one cares about or understands***, without being blown up on site.

Let me throw some definitions at you:

In text-based online environments such as MUCKs, MUSHes, and other role-playing (RP) games that emphasize role-play over acquiring levels or skills (as opposed to most MUDs), a player can be described as a powergamer if he or she presumes or declares that his or her own action against another player character is successful without giving the other player character the freedom to act on his or her own prerogative.

If we cannot blow you up, you are presuming, declaring and in fact making a reality, the assertion that we cannot do anything whatsoever to evict you, should whoever you're interacting with choose that course of action.

(01-25-2014, 04:22 PM)Spud Wrote: Treewyrm also just assumed that I'm using the cloak and voice and hybridization to powergame and be anoying, which is what I found most annoying from his part. I chose cloak so I could have more potential to RP without annoying the entire system and being ksploded on sight, the speech to make the RP more diverse and interesting, and the hybridization and speech impediment to be the exact oposite of a "perfect" powergaming character.

I accept that you are not doing your RP to be annoying and to powergame. However, my point is that regardless of your intent, both are the result.

Now, as for the rest of your reasoning, mostly to do with disagreements with Treewyrm about nomad RP etc, there is a sizable amount of players who look to Yuri for guidance on nomads, since he basically invented their incarnation on this server.

I am not one of those people, but my opinion on disco nomads is not relevant here.

If you choose to RP nomads differently, there should be nothing stopping you. I am only concerned with the effects of how you choose to RP, not the effects of the RP itself.

RE: Non-Nomad RP on Nomad Cloaked ships - Treewyrm - 01-25-2014

This probably gonna be a bitter truth straight reply here.

So what's going to happen out of all this? The answer is: absolutely nothing. People who are annoyed will put him on ignore list in game and they'll be done about it, simple and easy. People who will play with him will do so, it's their choice. Overall nomad storyline will go on as it was planned for, as the content for the story is being made for months and months. All that will move on along with the global storyline, and all the substories about houses, other factions, and so on and so forth. Spud will basically live and RP in his own self-made roleplay instance bubble that will distance away, becoming isolated from the rest, and pretty much completely irrelevant to how the main mod story goes and what happens to nomads in it.

RE: Non-Nomad RP on Nomad Cloaked ships - Arioch - 01-25-2014

Oh Nomads... You never know what to expect being alien and all. One minute they are peaceful, the next they come in and nuke the place.

Much like this thread. What once was peaceful, is now nuked.
