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Junker Congress - Printable Version

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Junker Congress - Boss - 09-06-2008

It's working for me.

Junker Congress - worldstrider - 09-06-2008

I'll look back--I did just reset the page directs and all. let me recheck but I see it working fine on my end.

Followup: An ftp transfer apparently dropped a necessary file and it worked in some browsers and not others. I've replaced the script and file and the web page should show fine now.

Junker Congress - chovynz - 09-08-2008

I'm not getting any text on the pages. I see the working background and stuff, but no info.
Is that deliberate?

I'm using Firefox V3

Junker Congress - ivr56 - 09-16-2008

Just met with the Adjudicator of Bornholm..:j:.Jack.Matthews
Good RP. Was talking to him for well at 20 minutes while in the System about Crete and Junker life and such.

Keep it Up

Junker Congress - Serpentis - 09-16-2008

' Wrote:Just met with the Adjudicator of Bornholm..:j:.Jack.Matthews
Good RP. Was talking to him for well at 20 minutes while in the System about Crete and Junker life and such.
Keep it Up


Thanks mate, made my day:)It was a casual good talk.. great Rp on your side aswell;)

Junker Congress - chovynz - 09-16-2008

Im still not seeing any text. ALl i see is flash images and menus.
(On that website)

Junker Congress - worldstrider - 09-16-2008

' Wrote:Im still not seeing any text. ALl i see is flash images and menus.
(On that website)

//Sorry--got hit with three weeks in a row of working until almost midnight.

I have a lot of changes done on pages that will be linked. They should be on in the day tomorrow. I'll pretty it all up later.

The links aren't connected yet.

Junker Congress - ferongr - 09-16-2008

Mhm... But really, I tried traffic shaping on my router to simulate an ISDN line (128Kbps) and it took a loooooong time to load. I would support having a second version in plain html (flash sucks for web development anyway)

Junker Congress - worldstrider - 09-16-2008

' Wrote:Mhm... But really, I tried traffic shaping on my router to simulate an ISDN line (128Kbps) and it took a loooooong time to load. I would support having a second version in plain html (flash sucks for web development anyway)

When all browsers work uniformly and display properly with page standards, I'll stop using flash.

Flash is web development--the web just hasn't caught up yet. :P

Most of the site won't be in flash.

Junker Congress - worldstrider - 09-17-2008

Here's an update to the website: Congress

I'll probably use this as a template for all pages as I can develop it faster this way. No real content added to see yet--though several pages are done.

Downside is its the good old web standard stuff. Not everyone will see the same so let me know how it displays.