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Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Printable Version

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RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Vigilantes - 08-11-2014

5 minutes after fight. I expected better.

Last time I checked, 3v2 was not a gank, especially with you having a broken admin ship that you destroyed like three cruisers prior. Especially that afterwards you got rolled by an [LN] that wasn't bothered with that other Blarghest that kept my attention occupied while you managed to get out of the fight through the lane.

Having I think 8 SNACs mounted on your ship and missing every single one makes me inclined to express that you weren't too good on that ship and it probably could have gone into more responsible hands.

Quote:Not even sure if any feedback will be of use to you, considering I feel your attitude to be not compactible with having mutual respect for each other.
Want my respect? Then don't run from the fight. Especially with an op ship like Garrett's Thor.


RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - SnakThree - 08-12-2014

You missed the point entirely. A member of your faction insulted me straight to my face, while I was still interacting with others. The circumstances are irrelevant. Your faction member broke the rule full well knowing that it was an insult as he admitted it.

Yet you choose to ignore this point and even go a further step to mock me. That only makes you look worse. I am already as horrible as I am, no need to remind me that or point out to the public as it is a known fact.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Vigilantes - 08-27-2014

Vigilantes will probably be having a bit of lore change as we just thought of something better. The way we turn out to roleplay in game differs slightly of what we meant to create, and the lore doesn't support that quite well. It's not 100% confirmed (because of that no previews until it's complete), but probably will happen.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Vigilantes - 08-28-2014

After 12 hours of hard work the new lore is completed, along with new graphics and style of transmissions. Please leave your feedback and remember it will probably be changed around a little bit based on it.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Gundam - 08-29-2014

I don't think that Navy or Police should even be friendly with them, since they are Vigilantes...police should treat them as any other unlawful/criminal, and that is actually what they do...taking law in their own hands...killing and beating to satisfy their own justice.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Mímir - 08-29-2014

Doesn't IND like own the LPI or something? And why are you unfriendly to LPI when you are LPI yourselves? Is your carrier still on a Navy ID, and how does that work out? Why not just change ID to something that suits the faction better - is it really only to have tlagsnet that you choose the LPI ID and if so isn't that kinda dodgy?

Besides from that, I think you guys are alright. I had fun fighting you.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Havok - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 01:36 PM)Mímir Wrote: Doesn't IND like own the LPI or something?

Yes. Though from my encounter with them they "aren't" LPI. So yeah, something they need to straighten out,

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Vigilantes - 08-29-2014

Quote:I don't think that Navy or Police should even be friendly with them, since they are Vigilantes...police should treat them as any other unlawful/criminal, and that is actually what they do...taking law in their own hands...killing and beating to satisfy their own justice.
The name is arbitrary, as it was previously said. And we had positive encounters with Navy (mostly 5th as [LN] are quite inactive), they just seem to appreciate our job. The Police is on unfriendly as in, we don't shoot them but we generally mock them and laugh at their inactivity. LSF hasn't given us any reason to hate them, and we once helped them with fighting Xenos in Colorado. And the last sentences make me feel like you haven't even bothered to read the story.

Quote:And why are you unfriendly to LPI when you are LPI yourselves?
We aren't, we just use the ID because since Vigilante ID was retired, there basically isn't another one that would suit our needs better. See below.

Quote:Is your carrier still on a Navy ID, and how does that work out?
We were going to apply for SRP on it, but first we need to develop more story with it, and that had proven to be a bit difficult until now since just now we got the cloak for it and can actually move around a bit more secretly.

Quote:Why not just change ID to something that suits the faction better - is it really only to have tlagsnet that you choose the LPI ID and if so isn't that kinda dodgy?
Not really, we were thinking about changing the ID to either Freelancer or Bounty Hunter but neither of them have the freedom to directly enforce the law in the way LPI ID allows for it.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Mímir - 08-29-2014

Ok, but I don't fully understand it. If you are *not* LPI, how do you have access to tlagsnet?

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Vigilantes - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 03:07 PM)Mímir Wrote: Ok, but I don't fully understand it. If you are *not* LPI, how do you have access to tlagsnet?

In the previous lore there were some dodgy mentions about hacking and so on, but we decided to get rid of them entirely and just bypass that information and leave it up to conspir[A]cy. We do use it from time to time but we don't mention it in roleplay, in other words.