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Top 10 tips for traders - Printable Version

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Top 10 tips for traders - podgie_bear - 12-05-2010

No that's alright, I am happy trading on the other server. I pay out more money to pirates there, but they know how to roleplay so I don't mind paying them. After all that is why I play Freelancer, to roleplay with people!

Top 10 tips for traders - Evan_ - 12-05-2010

I think it's a bit of a hypocrisy saying that I'd gladly pay to roleplaying pirates, but not the rest.

I found that even a "2milordie" pirate adds to my immersion - as in making Sirius more dangerous.

Also the amount of roleplay (typed lines) depends on the traders reaction. I don't know how you act, but even the most sophisticated pirates can't do much more than dropping some preset lines if the target doesn't stop after a CD.

Top 10 tips for traders - jxie93 - 12-05-2010

' Wrote:Or are we going to end up with a server where the pirates have to rob each other because the traders have buggered off to another server?

I haven't checked in here for a while and I found this to describe our current server perfectly.

Pirate : trader ratio = 8 : 2

Top 10 tips for traders - hribek - 02-02-2011

Wasn't that the Miner:Trader ratio?

Top 10 tips for traders - ethang360 - 02-04-2011

I do believe you're right, that is probably close to the Miner:Trader ratio, as it could be for the Pirate:trader ratio. But that's what makes trading fun, not really the RP grovel that can occur while being violated, it's the many systems you can see, and millions you can make while playing "cat and Mouse." Whether it's the cliquish gangs hovering (tree stand hunters), or the opportunistic loners closing in (stalkers) to try to say hi (take your cash) or die, it always stings, but it is ALWAYS worth trying to get away with it. I know two things: I've made a hundred times the money trading that I've paid in fines, and that I'm not telling you my call signs. I find it fascinating to see how the pirate mind works whether it's the 2milordie, or slightly more refined. Cat and Mouse, Tom and Jerry. Really what isn't cool about that. Long live the makers. Long live the takers.

Top 10 tips for traders - AndrzejB - 02-06-2011

' Wrote:II've made a hundred times the money trading that I've paid in fines
Most traders do. There would be no caps and CAU8s if they haven't.
But it is no fun at all to be always the 'winning' side.

Another tip: never tell the pirate that you need money for the abovementioned CAU8 lawful battleship.

Top 10 tips for traders - Gemini893 - 03-24-2011

' Wrote:No that's alright, I am happy trading on the other server. I pay out more money to pirates there, but they know how to roleplay so I don't mind paying them. After all that is why I play Freelancer, to roleplay with people!

Which server did you go to? I found great role play on the server I usually frequent too, both as a trader and as a pirate. (most the pirates on this server wouldn't last where I play because they'd be handed sanctions for lack of role play)

I only really play here when I feel like being a jerk since that fits with everyone's version of RP here.

Top 10 tips for traders - Zeonae - 07-12-2011

So far, I was able to experience number 1, 4 and 5.:PSome pirates are harsh, but at the same time, some of them can be quite generous.Makes it fun to RP with them.:)