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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Smug JackS - 12-10-2006

To: Rhineland Military
From: London Drugs, Inc: JackS

So, I was running my cargo of luxury consumer goods through Rhineland space, and two of your supposed military shoots up my cargo, and blows me outta the sky.

My boss says I should come here, and tell yous that I should get paid for my losses, seein as us junkers are neutral to your military.

I am thinkin that you need to check your reps, coz us junkers ain't no pirates!

I'm owed 2500 units @180 each, and 400 units @200 each (bots and bats)

Make check payable to my boss, Kingpin, I wants nothin to do with yous.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 12-10-2006

Report update continued:

The following vessels are unwelcome in rheinland space for shooting, without warning or cause, RM ships Scepter, Ice, Zypher, if they refuse to leave destroy them.

Also the trader tesla was fined $2 million for failing to stop for an inspection, no further action required.

Also a hosile ship LDinc smuggler jack was destroyed after appearing infront of my ship.

(OOC* it was red on my HUD so i shot it, it's not my fault the junkers hate me and I'm not going to screw my rep with rhienland up just to appease the LDinc either. The junkers hate all companies and yet nothing was shooting the LDinc character, despite the numerous company ships and the station being within range...)

Also a SCRA vessel ID'd as the frog sped through rhienland space and evaded our pursuit.

Several other vessels scanned.

continued upate ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Koolmo - 12-10-2006

Be that as it may, I expect compensation for the lost cargo, just because something is red in your HUD doesn't mean you have to shoot at it.


OOC: and Frog has a capital 'F'

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Smug JackS - 12-10-2006

marauder,Dec 10 2006, 01:37 AM Wrote:Also a hosile ship LDinc smuggler jack was destroyed after appearing infront of my ship.

(OOC* it was red on my HUD so i shot it, it's not my fault the junkers hate me and I'm not going to screw my rep with rhienland up just to appease the LDinc either. The junkers hate all companies and yet nothing was shooting the LDinc character, despite the numerous company ships and the station being within range...)

Typical Hot shot 'ace' pilot can't pay attention to who's who. As the boss says, just coz it's red don't mean ya have ta shoot. Did ya scan, Mr. Military Hot shot? Or didja just 'see red?'

Junkers might hate ya coz you're busy shootin em outta space.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-10-2006

Smuggler=Millitary shoots you=dead=no refund becuaes abosultly absurd.

Like the time Dab said they would change you everytime you shot a Wraith ship. lol That was funny.

Lance Schmetterling Out

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wolfpack98 - 12-10-2006

OOC: Marauder, just cause they're red doesn't mean SHOOT. Junkers are red to me, but I do not shoot a player who has a Junker ID or tag or whatever until I scan them and if they're carrying contraband, demand it then kill.

We're not playing phantoms here. Ask *THEN* shoot. Not the other way around.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kane - 12-10-2006

Comm ID: Admiral Krieg

Captain Marauder, consider yourself warned to check the identification of ships that appear red. If it is a pirate ship, shoot. If it is a Junker, demand to see cargo and escort them to their destination. Under no circumstances are they to be left to their own devices, especially these "London Drug" people.

And to the so-called "kingpin" of LDI, there will be no refund. Nobody makes demands of the Rhineland Military. While my captain may have been in error, I see no reason to help people who are admitted smugglers and criminals. And as a word of caution, we have a zero tolerance policy on criminals; if you are found to be breaking any of our laws you will be given one opportunity to surrender yourself unto an RM tribunal, and after that the automatic sentence is termination with extreme prejudice.

Krieg out.

Message Ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wolfpack98 - 12-10-2006

COMM ID: Erich Hartmann
To: Rheinland Admirality

Recently, three rather rash individuals, Specter, ICE and Zypher have been roaming around Rheinland Un-checked. Myself and three others have repeatedly found ourselves hunting them down. ICE and Zypher have both suffered the consequences but Specter continues to Shield-Run.

And somehow he has managed to find himself a Rheinland Battleship. Even with the combined forces of two Wrath VHF's and Zetsumai's Eagle (Many thanks to Zetsumai for her instrurmental assistance) we were unable to deal with the heavy ship. The Battlestar kerberos came in and helped us deal with the ship.

I must request that we assign additional Battleships to New Berlin. We cannot continue to rely on the Kerberos forever.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-10-2006

LM Reporting.

I have a friend, who got some info from his cousin, that a Ship with the tag "Inquisition" will help in the defence of ANY lawful faction in need of assistance for no cost. We should look into this.

Lance Schmetterling Out
For the Chancellor!

ooc: Yes, I klnow the Inquisitor guy is me, but i want that char to get some good fights in!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 12-10-2006

_Transmit to: All Rheinland Operatives
Comm ID: Nickolaus Reinhardt
Re: Report Overview

Destroy on site.
Allied with Corsairs. Fired on RH vessels.
Known tags: RACS (Capital Ship), RAHF (Heavy Fighter)
Known vessels: Procrastinator (Corsair Dread), Dreadnaught (Corsair Dread), Antarg (Cruiser), Frog (Cruiser)

Destroy on site.
Fired on RH vessels without cause. Possible Hessian alliance. Blood Dragon affiliation.
Known tags: (NovaPG)-
Known vessels: Hotblack., Detoxication

Advise caution. May be hostile. May need psychiatric attention.
Known tags: [ELF]
Known Affiliations: Hacker, Gaian
Known vessels: Count_Coup, Nasrudin

L.D. Inc.
Treat as Freelancer.

Known tags: [Wraith]
Known vessels: Shadow, Onepu

Unknown Affiliation :
Markus_Janson (ship not reported): $4 million fine or destroy on sight.
blueShift (ship not reported): $4 million fine or destroy on sight.
spydakid (ship not reported): $2 million fine or destroy on sight. Possibly smuggler.
Messiah (ship not known): $2 million fine or destroy on site.
Scepter (Rheinland Battleship): Destroy on sight. Ship too dangerous to remain intact.
Ice (Bomber): Destroy on sight. Ship too dangerous to remain intact.
Zypher (Bomber): Destroy on sight. Ship too dangerous to remain intact.

This is the most up-to-date faction status I can gather. Read it over, and memorize it. That is all.

End transmission_
_Transmit to: Admiral Krieg
Comm. ID: Komet

I put forth my formal resignation from the Rheinland Military. I am getting much too tired for this job, and feel I can no longer properly perform my duties as Admiral. I suggest that my second be promoted to replace me.

I have made him commander of my flagship, to be renamed as he wishes. I regret nothing that has been done in Rheinland, apart from the loss of our esteemed Chancellor, whom I hope may return one day. Lady Pryde was quite a leader...

I am becoming to reminiscent... That is all for now. I expect to receive a reply in good time.

End transmission_