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A Military Grade Firework - Printable Version

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RE: A Military Grade Firework - Ikarus_Hagen - 07-10-2017

In the moment she pulled out her Rapier he reached for his gun.
Hm. I'm sorry, reflexes.
Taylor put back his gun, typing some stuff in his datapad. After he finished it he stepped out of the ship, looking through the bay. The frightening sound of ship weapons charging went through it.
Yeah, we shall keep it as "my" fault, not that your men brought them to me, not that your men worked on them. The only time I worked on them when I screw some screws in them to mount the one core into the ship. But the core which Arvestian worked with impulsed, that is clearly not my fault!
The last words were sharp. All the time he tried to stay calm, but now Taylor was really angry.
You as our leader should take some responsibility for it, or are you a bad leader? You should have cared for your men, but you just... this all here. Bring me to the Omaha and I will end this nightmare. Be happy that I will make your damn hangar and then take some holidays.
He started to go. As he passed "Gearing" he turned to "Nova".
Tell your men that they just have to connect the red wires, they hanging outside and they are clear to see. After that they can put in the Core. And don't forget to put a fuse between them.

RE: A Military Grade Firework - DarkTails - 07-10-2017

"My people have already fixed the issue.. the detonator was faulty, this one is on Detroit Munitions for the bad parts. We've gotten a new one are fixing the issue. As for your man, it's unfortunate, but we don't have the luxury to spare time for empathy. Not right now. Now.. if you'll excuse me.." Nova set her coffee down, before falling down herself, out like a light.

"Uh.." Her operative went to check on her. "Passed out due to exhaustion, then again, I haven't seen her sleep for the previous 12 days."

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Ikarus_Hagen - 07-10-2017

Taylor saw that. But he kept moving, his hands on his back, a bit smiling.
Out of my way.
He pushed the soldirs to the side as he walked out of the bay.
After some steps he turned around and looked for Gearing.

Any last instructions or do you want to push that sword in my face?
He was annoyed. Only this small tasks and he was free, but the boss kept at her place.
You know where the Omaha is, meet me there to introduce me.
After a few steps he disappeared from their sight.

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Spectre - 07-11-2017

As he walked out, Murray very swiftly sheathed her rapier, letting the scabbard hang as she dove down, picking up Nova and hucking her arm over her shoulder.
Murray muttered to herself as she began to walk the comatose operative out. "Someone better remind me to order her to sleep.. This is just absurd.."
Murray walked the length of the station with Nova over her shoulder until they reached bay 42, where the blueprinters were hard at work. She pulled Nova into one of the side offices, laying her down on the couch in there and pulling a blanket over her. While she wasn't sure why, she gave her operative a motherly kiss on the forehead, backing off and walking out, closing the door and looking to the bay.
"Okay. Your secondary boss is on the other side of this door sleeping. She's gotten less than six hours in the last two weeks, so if anyone wakes her up prematurely, I'm discharging you on the spot. Clear?"
The whole room stopped, nodding.
"Good. Now, someone get me that insubordinate little frick-wit."
She stormed out of the bay once more, the work a bit quieter with Nova sleeping nearby.

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Ikarus_Hagen - 07-11-2017

Finally he found the Omaha. He proceeded to the hangar of it, watchng for the men.
Hey, you! Who of the men here are working in the hangar of the Omaha?
Uhm, these over there.
Thanks. And don't tell anyone where exactly I am, I don't want to be disturbed while working.
With quick steps he approaced the chilling men.
Since your commander is not here I want you to tell me where the drones are supposed to stand.
Come on, I don't want to hear Murray sayin': "You cannot finish your work you incompetent fool."

The workers looked at him confused. After Taylor went to them and said loud and clearly "Now!" they stood up and followed him, one leading them into the Omaha.

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Spectre - 07-11-2017

As Driva and the men entered the Omaha's hangar, the many personnel that populated the ship were seen. Many of them, pilots, were gathered around several others, likely a new squadron being informed of their daily patrol through Alaska. In the far corner were four gleaming Liberty heavy fighters, three Guardians and a pristine Avenger with a red hammer painted on the side of the cockpit.
A man in dress blues approached them, taking Driva by the hand and shaking it.
"Operative. Welcome aboard. Cap'n Bradley, ship's CO. Guess you're wondering about where you're putting these bombs, hmm?"

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Ikarus_Hagen - 07-11-2017

This man surprised Taylor.
Yes... no, uhm, I think I have a location, but it sounds like you know where these bombs are supposed to stand.
Taylor looked at that man, his words in his mind.
Oh, uhm, I'm sorry, Sir! *salutes* I'm Liutenant Commander Ethan Taylor, you took me by surprise. You have a really nice ship. So, where shall the bombs be moved to?

RE: A Military Grade Firework - DarkTails - 07-11-2017

While Nova slept, her men worked to replace the faulty detonator on the explosive. Within the hour, Nova was up and working again, and soon after the explosives we're ready to be transferred to Omaha. After some 4 hours of nonstop work, the explosives were finally ready. Nova took out her communicator and connected it to Gearing. "Nova here, the bombs are ready to be moved to Omaha. And who's the idiot who let me sleep!?"

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Spectre - 07-11-2017

Bradley pointed to an area just to the right of the aforementioned fighters.
"Right there. I hope Murray knows what she's doing, storing those kinds of bombs on this ship.. but.. I 'trust' her judgement.."
He reached and grabbed Taylor's hand, shaking it.
"And it's good to see someone finally tell me these things are almost done.." He muttered, but it was still clearly audible to Taylor. "Damn froggies are gonna feel this one, eh..?"

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Ikarus_Hagen - 07-12-2017

Taylor looked at that place.
You don't have to worry, I have locked them... I don't know how often. They cannot detonate by pushing one button, there are at least two needed. Sir, I will start to introduce your men in their tasks, I will report the success soon.
He turned to the men and gestured that they had to follow him. Arrived at the place he introduced the men and took his communicator.
Gearing, Nova, please come to the Omaha, we need to unlock the bombs.