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Discordian Q & A - Kira1997 - 05-23-2007

Hehehe, religion...a construct of man and, with everything touched by man, flawed.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-23-2007

' Wrote:Hehehe, religion...a construct of man and, with everything touched by man, flawed.

A bit wide to be a good bash, Sir or Madam, but I shall respond.

What else do you expect of a religion dreamed up in a bowling alley in Walnut Creek, CA?

It was designed to contain flaws.

How else could the Creators force you to say: "Wait! That's bullpuckey!" Which, in turn, entices you to reread, think about what you read, understand what you read, and thus experience Pineal Evolution!

We may be crazy, but we ain't stupid.

Next Bash, please. Try to hit the mark this time..

Discordian Q & A - Kira1997 - 05-23-2007

Ahhhh, as with all religions, your endeavor is to ellicit ("force") a certain outcome ordained by a few. Religion should be done away with entirely for its sole purpose is to constrain and not illuminate. It places an artificial caste system upon the many for the aspirations of a few, regardless of its humble beginnings.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-23-2007

' Wrote:Ahhhh, as with all religions, your endeavor is to ellicit ("force") a certain outcome ordained by a few. Religion should be done away with entirely for its sole purpose is to constrain and not illuminate. It places an artificial caste system upon the many for the aspirations of a few, regardless of its humble beginnings.

Guilty, yer Honor.

Guilty as charged.

The "outcome" we hope to elicit, however, is not by edict, or pontification.

It is by guile and trickery and "mindf**king that we hope to elicit; not by force.

And the outcome we hope to elicit? The one feared by most "convential" religiions and their leaders...?

Using your own "H.E.A.D." , of course.

"Hedonistic Engineering and Development", tm Timothy Leary, et al.


(From "Schroedinger's Cat" by Robert Anton Wilson):

The majority of Terrans were six-legged, but we are not concerned with them. We are concerned with a tiny minority of Domesticated Primates who built pyramids and wrote books and eventually achieved Space Migration and entered into the Galactic Drama.

They were very clever primates--excellent at mimicry and even capable of creative thinking at times.

They never would have escaped from their planet and the boom-and-bust cycles of all life forms adapted to planetside living if it hadn't been for the H.E.A.D. Revolution.

HEAD means Hedonistic Engineering And Development. It consists of learning to use the primate brain for fun and profit.

At the time of our story the HEAD Revolution, after an underground existence of many centuries, included only about 2 percent of the domesticated primates on Terra. The rest of the domesticated primates were still using their brains for misery and failure.

They did not know they were misusing their brains. They thought there was something wrong with the universe. They called it the Problem of Evil.

Experts on the Problems of Evil were known as theologians. These were very erudite primates, skilled in primate logic, who wrote long books trying to answer the question "Why did God create an imperfect universe?"

"God" was their name for the hypothetical biggest Alpha-Male-Of-All. Being primates, they could not comprehend how anything could run if there weren't an alpha male in charge of it.

They assumed the universe was imperfect because it was obviously not set up for the convenience of domesticated primates.

The universe was not even designed for the convenience and comfort of the six-legged majority on Terra. the convenience and comfort of planetside species has very little to do with the cosmic drama.

A few of the primates had realized this. They were known as cynics.

Cynics were primates who realized the monotonous life-death cycle of terrestrial life, but were not imaginative enought to conceive of future evolution after longevity and escape velocity had been attained.

Planetary life is cyclical because planets themselves follow cyclical orbits around their Mother Stars.

The six-legged majority on Terra, for instance, followed a life script of four or more stages. In general, the pattern was: (1) the embrionic of egg form; (2) the larval period; (3) the pupal or chrysalis stage; (4) the adult insect. During each stage the biot or biological unit--the so-called individual--passed through a metamorphosis during which it was totally or partially transformed.

The same was true of the domesticated primates. Most of them passed through, and kept neurological circuits characteristic of the following four stages: (1) imprinting and using the self-nourishing networks of the primate brain--the neonate or infant stage (oral biosurvival consciousness); (2) imprinting and using the emotionsal-territorial networks of the primate brain--the "toddler" stage (anal status consciousness); (3) imprinting and using the semantic circuits--the verbal or conceptual stage (symbolic rational consciousness); (4) imprinting and using the socio-sexual circuits--the mating or parenting stage (tribal taboo consciousness).

It was all very mechanical--but that's the way planetside life is.

(And once again, hope you're having a good dead HEAD trip out there, Bob. Kallisti!)

Discordian Q & A - majkp - 05-23-2007

Bashing Eris. What does that mean?

We can bash someone to feel better. The trick is whether Eris can be considered as someone? So you either bash no one because you don't believe that Eris is someone or you believe that Eris is someone and you are bashing 'someone' who may not exist because there is no such evidence. And the more confused you are the deeper you fall into the Spiral of Chaos. Well there is also another option which is that you actally have the evidence that Eris exists and that only means you are not sane.

You can also bash someone for his/her misbehavior which you are only authorised to do when you are (or think you are) superior to the victim you are bashing, which, in Eris' case, either means that you think you are superior to someone who's existence you don't believe in or someone who's existence you believe in but having no evidence of it also keeps you uncertain, confused and again it leads you into the Chaos.

You can also bash someone you love whether he/she exists on not but then you have to explain what is the reason to so, which is pretty confusing itself, and there comes the Chaos again.

So no matter for what reason or how you are bashing Eris, she (and her Chaos) always wins and you are actually bashing yourself and she laughs. Easy.

You know what? I'm on a 2 days business trip and guess what? The server again crashed shortly after I left my home. Do you see the Fnords? Or did we just catch the lost F.U.C.K.U.P. unit red-handed?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-23-2007

Ahh, "Fnordie".

As seems more and more the case lately, the "four-legged" teaches the "two-legged". Excellent!

This brings to mind one definition of "God". "God" is simply the Universe, thinking about Itself."

So, it would be reasonable that "religion", including Discordianism, is humanity "bashing" itself?

Or, have I missed the mark completely?

As to your questions:

The Fnords are still elusive to sombunall, and the "Black Hats" still elude us as well.

We begin to think, however, that the old trickster "Dr. Who" may be somehow involved.

Keep your peepers open for any unidentified flying phoneboxes, eh?


Discordian Q & A - Kira1997 - 05-23-2007

' Wrote:Guilty, yer Honor.

Guilty as charged.

The "outcome" we hope to elicit, however, is not by edict, or pontification.

It is by guile and trickery and "mindf**king that we hope to elicit; not by force.

And the outcome we hope to elicit? The one feared by most "convential" religiions and their leaders...?

Using your own "H.E.A.D." , of course.

"Hedonistic Engineering and Development", tm Timothy Leary, et al.


(From "Schroedinger's Cat" by Robert Anton Wilson):

The majority of Terrans were six-legged, but we are not concerned with them. We are concerned with a tiny minority of Domesticated Primates who built pyramids and wrote books and eventually achieved Space Migration and entered into the Galactic Drama.

They were very clever primates--excellent at mimicry and even capable of creative thinking at times.

They never would have escaped from their planet and the boom-and-bust cycles of all life forms adapted to planetside living if it hadn't been for the H.E.A.D. Revolution.

HEAD means Hedonistic Engineering And Development. It consists of learning to use the primate brain for fun and profit.

At the time of our story the HEAD Revolution, after an underground existence of many centuries, included only about 2 percent of the domesticated primates on Terra. The rest of the domesticated primates were still using their brains for misery and failure.

They did not know they were misusing their brains. They thought there was something wrong with the universe. They called it the Problem of Evil.

Experts on the Problems of Evil were known as theologians. These were very erudite primates, skilled in primate logic, who wrote long books trying to answer the question "Why did God create an imperfect universe?"

"God" was their name for the hypothetical biggest Alpha-Male-Of-All. Being primates, they could not comprehend how anything could run if there weren't an alpha male in charge of it.

They assumed the universe was imperfect because it was obviously not set up for the convenience of domesticated primates.

The universe was not even designed for the convenience and comfort of the six-legged majority on Terra. the convenience and comfort of planetside species has very little to do with the cosmic drama.

A few of the primates had realized this. They were known as cynics.

Cynics were primates who realized the monotonous life-death cycle of terrestrial life, but were not imaginative enought to conceive of future evolution after longevity and escape velocity had been attained.

Planetary life is cyclical because planets themselves follow cyclical orbits around their Mother Stars.

The six-legged majority on Terra, for instance, followed a life script of four or more stages. In general, the pattern was: (1) the embrionic of egg form; (2) the larval period; (3) the pupal or chrysalis stage; (4) the adult insect. During each stage the biot or biological unit--the so-called individual--passed through a metamorphosis during which it was totally or partially transformed.

The same was true of the domesticated primates. Most of them passed through, and kept neurological circuits characteristic of the following four stages: (1) imprinting and using the self-nourishing networks of the primate brain--the neonate or infant stage (oral biosurvival consciousness); (2) imprinting and using the emotionsal-territorial networks of the primate brain--the "toddler" stage (anal status consciousness); (3) imprinting and using the semantic circuits--the verbal or conceptual stage (symbolic rational consciousness); (4) imprinting and using the socio-sexual circuits--the mating or parenting stage (tribal taboo consciousness).

It was all very mechanical--but that's the way planetside life is.

(And once again, hope you're having a good dead HEAD trip out there, Bob. Kallisti!)

Kudos, sir. Your position is intricate to say the least. However, simplicity of questioning serves man better than clothing a position in religion. Your stated desire of eliciting the use of our own "H.E.A.D." is a fallacy for man cannot not think. Your presumptions of a better way shows your "religion" has succumbed to temptations that befalls all, self-righteousness. In addition, I putforth thought is innate in man and only death negates (though I have yet to experience death so I must allow for thought in theory).

Plus, your challenge of "using of our own H.E.A.D." is, from my point of view, not much of a challenge. I levy upon you to "not think," and I contend it is an untenable goal, which none can achieve in life honestly.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-23-2007

' Wrote:Kudos, sir. Your position is intricate to say the least. However, simplicity of questioning serves man better than clothing a position in religion. Your stated desire of eliciting the use of our own "H.E.A.D." is a fallacy for man cannot not think. Your presumptions of a better way shows your "religion" has succumbed to temptations that befalls all, self-righteousness. In addition, I putforth thought is innate in man and only death negates (though I have yet to experience death so I must allow for thought in theory).

Plus, your challenge of "using of our own H.E.A.D." is, from my point of view, not much of a challenge. I levy upon you to "not think," and I contend it is an untenable goal, which none can achieve in life honestly.

Innate, perhaps; but surely atrophied to the point of blind obedience to the prevailing "paradigm".

The organ in question was apparently not only designed for the tedious uses most find sufficient; but also for glorious and amusing explorations into vistas not yet seen.

(And, I have a sneaking suspicion that you are completely aware of that, and are "having me on a bit".)

No matter. "Penso, quindi sono." or "Cogito, ergo sum.", if you prefer.

However, I prefer to believe "penso, quindi posso diventare."


Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 08-24-2008

Over a year.. sigh.. and not one Discordian Q to offer an A to..

When i came aboard, maybe 30-40 regulars resided here. I dare say most all of them knew what a Discordian was.

We lost our way.

We came back.

Goddess booted us out again.

Some of us came back.

Some heard the siren call of other realities, or out of necessity, had to return to "Reality Prime".

Damn, maybe it's time all you closet Discordians came out and joined us in a "Jake Day"!
Leave nuclear pies near jumpgates as you leave,
or a one F-ton cred card.

..Preferably, not together.

Or bring loads and loads of fertilizer and dump it around the Virginia jump hole..?

Or, we could get together in Kappa for a rousing game of "I sank it!"
(I win, 'cause i already sank Myanmar. Nyaa.)

Zukeenee, where the Thud are you???

The Pineal Creche is back in session. Fire away.

Discordian Q & A - Crassus - 08-29-2008

Well this is all very interesting but it's doing my head in.......think I'll just lie down on the floor and keep calm..........there that's better........*waits for mgt to sort it all out*