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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - Mission Debrief Report - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - sharkboy - 12-06-2020

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Name : James Reyna

Operative ID : 46th|James.Reyna[R]

Other operatives present : 46th|Romeo-Darkbeat

Systems visited : New York

Encounter Description : Found Rogue and Fugitive next to the California Jumpgate in New York, engaged the Rogue ship.

Outcome : Rogue fled mid-fight and Fugitive claimed i was teleporting somehow then cloaked away into Detroit Debris Field, weird guy....pretty sure theres no form of tech that does so.

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - Blake Wayne Van Leer - 12-07-2020

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[Image: c8656cae0494590be4dee842a9afb7d4.png]
Name: Blake Wayne Van Leer

Systems visited:New York

Report: Recruit James Reyna first faced a rogue pilot with me - initially we both took on him at once, but I have vastly underestimated the skill of our recruit - it was a waste of resources, and LR-Mom.Fondler was forced by Reyna to mine his own ship with me barely helping. Needless to say - we can safely let him handle lone pirates on his own.
We then faced |=DSS=|CV-"Tundra" insurgency gunboat with Ensign Summers and Recruit Reyna. Clearly The Insurgents have lost the plot. They NOW CALL LIBERTY ROGUES THEIR COLLEAGUES - a clear proof that they became just common hoodlums and pirates
[] |=DSS=|CV-"Tundra": Fuller: I came to aid a colleague in need.

Long story short, Summers had an accident with torpedoes, my aim wasn't on point, but recruit Reyna, who I keep calling ensign by accident, finished the job on his fighter.

Recommendation: It might be time to look at Reyna, so I have an easier time in-field and stop calling him by wrong rank?

Van Leer Out.

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - romeodarkbeat - 12-08-2020

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[Image: AJHzLwe.png]

Name : Rear Admiral - Lower Half - Romeo Darkbeat

Operative ID :46th|LNS-Ulysses

Other operatives present : 46th|Leer,46th|HideoBlack,46th|James,Reyna[R],46th|Delta-22,LN-Breaker.One. 46th|LNS-Strike2 arrived in later, but the situation was already handled then.

Systems visited :New York

Encounter Description : The Ulysses recieved a distress call on the Libertonian Emergency Network. Upon arrival at the given coordinates, I found known Outcast scum MNS-Anaranjada threatening Rear Admiral Van Leer, who was training some of our recruits. As soon as the Ulysses arrived for support, another outcast, arrived at the scene. It was a trap.

Outcome : Well, they tried trapping a pack of wolves with two sticks of wood, because the Outcasts seemed to ignore that while I was commanding the only capital ship around, Van Leer was training pilots for the Delta Bomber squad, and it appears that Outcast capital ship design has it's speed issues. Leer told me to stand down and collect any escape pods I found, while the 4 Bombers, assisted by regular fleet pilot LN-Breaker.One, decimated the 2 targets without the need for my intervention.

All we had to on the Ulysses was to stay close, tractor our pilots escape pods and record the second target being taken down.

Recommendation : Since the fact, I have changed my vote to promote James Reyna to Ensign and I'm glad to have seen it firsthand in multiple occasions and that he was indeed promoted. While Mr. Reyna been with us for a short period he already showed great skill both on the cockpit and in leading his equals. Seeing him and Ms. Summers work together reminds me of my early days with Commander Hideo Black when we were both recruit, and we should encourage both recent additions to the Ensing Rank to share the lessons and the duty of leadership, taking on recruits to guide with us.

I gather that, by teaching and expecting leadership skills on ranks as "low" as Ensign, we will build a stronger and more capable Strike Force.

This is RADM Romeo Darkbeat, out.

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - romeodarkbeat - 12-08-2020

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[Image: VYiNKHn.png]

Name : Rear Admiral - Lower Half - Romeo Darkbeat

Operative ID :46th|LNS-Discipline

Other operatives present : TOO MANY TO COUNT

Systems visited :New York, HELL

Encounter Description : Recieved a distress signal from West Point, then arrived to see the biggest fleet engagement I have ever witnessed. We were instructed to follow the command of 5th|LNS-Kansas but... but I don't think... I don't think it was enough.

Outcome : I'm safe, in the medical bay of Salt Lake assisting the doctors who are treating the wounded. face is bloddy. lots dead. no time to waste.

This is RADM Romeo Darkbeat, out.

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - Lord Helmchen - 12-08-2020

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[Image: OtqETsM.png]
Name :Ensign Lady Camile Summers

Operative ID :46th|LNS-Lady.of.Leeds

Other operatives present : 46th|LNS-Strike4, 46th|Delta-22

Systems visited :New York

Encounter Description :A Outcast Dreadgnought

Outcome : Safe at Nolfork

Camile Looks Very Professional, but there is a small amused smile Visible on her Face. her Uniform is Perfect and her Hair bound to a Ponytail, her Commanders Barret in Hand as she is Standing at the Comm Station to send her Report.

Lady Camile Summers Patrole Report :::03:::

Lady Summers Speaking, Today I was on a Patrol in the New York System with 46th|Delta-22 Piloted by Recruit Will Brook, and 46th|LNS-Strike4 Commanded by James Reyna. as we encountered an Outcast Dreadgnought in the Jersey Debrie Field, we tried to get them to Peacefully Surender to Prevent Senseless Bloodsheet but the Crew of the Dreadnought didn't give us much other Choice than to Destroy it. the Strike 4 was our Bait during the Fight Reyna and his Crew were really Curagos to put themself in the Line of Fire of that Behemoth so that Recruit Brook and I Could Blast them to Pieces with our Long Range Weaponry. Recruit Brook was especially Courageous to Fly Close to the Enemy to Land Perfect Shots and Avoided the Debrie. the Lady of Leeds under my Command used the Siege Gun to Hit the Enemy from outside of their Weapons range. but sadly we couldn't avoid Damage Entirely. we had 2 Injured, one with a Cut in the Arm, the other with a Laceration on the forehead. both Crewwoman should be Ready to Return to Duty in the Next Days. the Lady of Leeds will get some Repairs and should be Ready to Return to Patrol Duty soon.

Camile Salutes and remains in the Position till the Transmission ends

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - romeodarkbeat - 12-11-2020

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[Image: yvlZg0K.png]

Name : Rear Admiral - Lower Half - Romeo Darkbeat

Operative ID :46th|Romeo-Darkbeat

Other operatives present : 46th|James.Reyna,46th|Greg.Splinter[R],46th|LNS-Freedomwings

Systems patrolled:New York

Encounter Description :Captain Arnold of the Freedomwings returned to active duty much to my joy, and we set up a simple patrol route so I could show recruit Greg the ropes. While patrolling in New York we found known roofian BoomBox, who stated his nasty intentions and fired at Ensign James Reyna in seconds, before he could find a peaceful solution.

Outcome : The scum thought that his backstabing and trigger-happy antics would work this time, as they worked on me quite a few times before, but he was mistaken. With great skill, stable aim and true professionalism, Reyna again shined as a pilot, this time ending the threat before it could run with his tail behind his back. I suggest HC speeds up the implementation of awards and medals for superior performance among the 46th members. If we only have promotions to reward these boys, I might start calling Reyna "Sir, yes, sir"" by the next month.

Below is footage of the procedure.

This is RADM Romeo Darkbeat, out.

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - sharkboy - 12-12-2020

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Name : James Reyna

Operative ID : 46th|James,Reyna

Other operatives present : Relevenger,Spire,Lord.Raiden

Systems visited : New York,Colorado

Encounter Description : Had info about a big jelly looking vessel roaming around New York, went to investigate and tried finding it. Although we weren't able to find the jelly we had a little chat with a Rogue sitting near Manhatten. Turns out he was also looking for the jelly and had the intention of working together to find said jelly. Well of course, we don't negotiate with Rogues. Pursued him while he fled into the Colorado system with the Relevenger behind me. Managed to pin him before he could take the trade lane and flee.


Outcome : I did as much damage as i could before returning to safety and had the Relevenger finish off the wounded Destroyer.

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - romeodarkbeat - 12-13-2020

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[Image: yvlZg0K.png]

Name : Rear Admiral - Lower Half - Romeo Darkbeat

Operative ID :46th|LNS-Ulysses

Other operatives present : Rear Admiral Lionel Camios in the 46th|LNS-Montpelier,Naval Operative Adam,Watson, Captain Harrison in the LPI-BW-Polstari

Systems patrolled:New York

Encounter Description :Upon patrol in New York on command of the Ulysses, I stumbled upon an Outcast capital ship, callsign MNS-Waldemar_Kasper. The captain seemed desperate, and to not have a basic grasp of our language. He did have though a bunch of crew in his cargo hold that he claimed to be his "hostages". Luckly, a regular secondary fleet operative by the name of Adam Watson was around to CD the terrorist, while I tried to stop a fleeing rogue, callsign Kossuth. As the Outcast supposedly had hostages, I let him go then tried to defuse the situation with MNS-Waldemar_Kasper and negotiate the release of the hostages.

But when I heard small arms firing on the comms of the Outcast ship and the captain stated clear intent of attack, not to mention they firing flaks at me, I decided to intervente.

Outcome : The Outcast appeared really confused and inexperienced, surely not ready to take a ship right into the Core of Liberty, and I did my best to finish my job there quickly and save the hostages. It seems a Heavy Mortar to the face at point blank is much more effective for diabling a capital ship than flaks, but I unfortunately only managed to rescue a single crew member, that was from the ship itself. It seems the whole hostage situation was a ruse to take some advantage off of Lady Liberty.

Below is footage of the final moments of the offending ship.

The Ulysses is moored on Norfolk, awaiting further instructions.

This is RADM Romeo Darkbeat, out.

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - James Horatio Creed - 12-14-2020

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Name :Fleet Admiral James Creed

Operative ID :46th|LNS-Tomahawk

Other operatives present : LNS-Nevada

Systems visited :New york

Encounter Description :Routine patrol of New York and had already had a communication from LNS-Nevada reference a smuggler in the area,then I had a freelancer turn up by the name of Tim_Skywalker who has been reported carrying illegal goods before.

I scanned him and he had Liberty ale on board so I let him proceed after he proceeded LNS-Nevada informed me that the vessel I had stopped was the one who was smuggling, so after a few minutes LNS-Nevada joined me and who should turn up again but Tim_Skywalker, so after scanning him we found out he had criminals aboard and they were packed so tight into his ship it looked a little cramped in there and also his ship was not a passenger rated vessel.
So we lectured him on his smuggling antics and he proceeded to explain that he was given the wrong cargo...... Likey story.
So I proceeded to fine him 5 million credits for the criminals and made him take them back to planet Pittsburgh and managed to sort out his mistake.

Due to his persistent smuggling activities we will need to watch this individual very carefully and I am giving authorisation for operatives to show no leniency to this individual because he obviously is trying to talk his way out of things and be cocky.

Outcome : Fined 5 million and relieved of his Criminal cargo and warned yet again about his smuggling activity as seen in the logs below

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Strike Force Reports - Lord Helmchen - 12-18-2020

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[Image: OtqETsM.png]
Name :Ensign Lady Camile Summers

Operative ID :46th|LNS-Lady.of.Leeds

Other operatives present : 46th|LNS-Lemon

Systems visited :Colorado

Encounter Description :A Outcast Dreadgnought and a Lost Commie

Outcome : Safe at Denver

Camile Looks Very Professional, but there is a small amused smile Visible on her Face. her Uniform is Perfect and her Hair bound to a Ponytail, her Commanders Barret in Hand as she is Standing at the Comm Station to send her Report.

Lady Camile Summers Patrole Report :::04:::

Lady Summers Speaking, Today I was on Guard Duty for the Base Near Denver that is Under Constant Attack by the Scum Lately. as we Slipped out of the Mooring we saw an Outcast Dreadgnouth Attacking that Base, but as he saw the Lady of Leeds Approaching he Quickly Retreated. looks like the Lady gets a Fearsome Reputation with the Criminals. after the Outcast Left a rather Rare Individual Approached a member of the Coalition the CPW-Okhotnik Admiral Van Leer Joined me and we talked a bit with the Communist. the Pilot appeared very Young and Refused to tell us its Name or Age. I had the Impression that the Pilot maybe had Stolen the Ship for a Joyride, and didn't Found its way back home now, then a Scout would never have shown himself that Open. it was a Weird but enjoyable Talk as I know from some Encounters as I was in Bretonian Service that Coalition Pilots often talk in Propaganda and Revolutionary Speeches. if our Suspicions are Right, then we maybe can Convince the Pilot to leave that Poor Life in the Omegas after he saw the Beauty of Liberty.

Camile Salutes and remains in the Position till the Transmission ends

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