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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Printable Version

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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Zig - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:I think he would do that myself. He does seem to have the " know-how" and things.

C'mon, everybody, let's go burn a witch! Bring your own torch, though.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - johnpeter - 05-25-2009

What the hell? Do you mean someone hacked it?

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - RockCrystal - 05-25-2009

Guys, the admins already said, there's no blaming anyone until we have proof. We do not have proof Tenacity did this, and I personally think it's unlikely from what I know of him.
More likely some nooblet hacker who was upset at being killed/banned.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Fletcher - 05-25-2009

I blame Hack. The name is a dead giveaway.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Axe Zye - 05-25-2009

How exactly were you attacked? Virusses somehow infested the server, DDoS'ing, Admin takeover screwing stuff around, or did they actually come to your house and started hitting things?

Surely as much as that is known...

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Fletcher - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:How exactly were you attacked? Virusses somehow infested the server, DDoS'ing, Admin takeover screwing stuff around, or did they actually come to your house and started hitting things?

Surely as much as that is known...
Could also be a Brute Force attack via Botnets, very nasty kind of attack... Denial of Service is a git.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - casero - 05-25-2009

Tomo was tired of the server.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Zapp - 05-25-2009

*sits back and laughs maniacally*

*breaks down crying*


Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - johnpeter - 05-25-2009

This is me::P

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - TGD - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:C'mon, everybody, let's go burn a witch! Bring your own torch, though.

but i dont have a torch:(