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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Jinx - 07-03-2009

it was pretty clear that the price would only cut down the amount of ships when the price was high enough to really "hurt".

the population of the bad battleships would be cut down if they d cost 1.8 billion. of course ... it cuts down this part of the population that some people consider to be the "good part" - while it leaves the "bad part". turning it around ( making it cheaper ) doesn t solve it - but only allows the "good part" to get what the "bad part" has.

when it comes to administration of who has the priviledge to play one ( which has been discussed lengthy and very often ) - everyone that is around and owns a battleship is naturally of the opinion that he deserves one. - i don t think there is a single player on the forum that considers himself to be "unworthy".

so its very easy to speak only of those others who don t come to the forum. - but just imagine that...

especially those that are active on the forum and think of themselves to be "good RPers" - what if YOU asked for the "right" to fly a battleship - and got denied? ( unthinkable? - but like i said... EVERYONE thinks of himself as a good enough RPer )

so i voted "no". - lower prices increase the battleships ( which are - and i get tired to say it sometimes - not really common anyway compared to every other shipclass )

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Cyberanson - 07-03-2009

I voted 'no'. The prices are good as they are, if not even too low.

Of course this is a RP server, but the RP should have a logical base. And it is not logical at all, when there is one single player, who plays alone and commands a battleship. These huge entites require much more support units, fuel suppliers and so on... things that one single person cannot accomplish.

Personally I liked the approach to let the corresponding factions decide, who deserves the battleship and who does not. It is way more logical to give the licenses to the factions only, because they have the infrastructure to run battleships. They work together to get the cash and fly the big ones together with a fleet of fighters. That is a good approach for solid RP and not single battleships floating around capwhoring the systems...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Lucas_Fernandez - 07-03-2009

I vote: NO!

my suggestion be more expensive, everyone run with BS too

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Altaris - 07-03-2009

NO! as well.

That would only increase numbers of Battleships on server which means only one thing: BS spamm. The server would transform itself into Battleship server. And tbh... Trade ships and Battleships only? That is not freelancer. Besides i agree with increase of their price.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Tomtomrawr - 07-03-2009

Yes, yes, YES!

These prices are ungodly for a ship that can be taken down by two skilled bomber pilots. It took me months to make enough money for one and I hated it because it couldn't do squat (I tried the rp but no one gave a crap, kept telling me to shut up).

Although those prices for a capital ship seem abit low, I would suggest in the 300 - 400 million credit margain.

But why is an Armour Upgrade costing more than the bloody ship! Those higher priced upgrades should be down-priced before I get killed by boredom trying to trade to buy one!

I fully support this, give my signiture and offer any help if you need another positive hand in the court room trying to get this passed.

I see what people mean by saying it will increase the battleship spammers, but the higher prices aren't stopping them anyway. Besides, three or four skilled bombers could take down a battleship no sweat, so just increase your bomber count and make stricter rules to sanction oorp capital ship captains and there we go.

Another thing, the weapons of Battleships cost incredible amounts, they should be lowered abit aswell, not as much as the battleship but certainly abit.


Not Amused

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Dejavu - 07-03-2009

I dont think the price of the battleships should be made lower, this is because everyone would have one if they were lowered, it would be like a lolcap festival out there. The only price that should be lowered I think is the cap 8 armour, theres to much of a price gap between cap 7 and 8 (//well if I remember rightly there was.)
I've had my experience of a battleship and got quite bored with it after little over a month because there was nothing to do with it. I was pretty reluctant to sell it after trading for a week to get one but nevermind, it was fun at first but then loses all its plus sides.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - swift - 07-03-2009

I'd actually also be for a universal decrease in prices.
Cheaper fighters, especially.

For example.
Reduce the cost of setting up a VHF/and other Fighters by from the atm 30ish million to say 20.

Reduce the bomber one from the atm 45ish one to 35 or 30.

The gunboat and cruiser one could stay the same, or be downed by 10% at most. Their prices aren't inflated really.

And reduce the battleship one by say 20%, thus making a standard Cap 6 battleship reduced from 1.2 million to 960k.
That's not so bad, is it?

Armors I actually do think don't need to be lowered in price that much. Cap 5 and 6 armors aren't that expensive. Heck, I bought a Cap 7 from Ross for 300 million recently.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Irra - 07-03-2009

I voter Yes (Armor upgrades) It appears you guys didn't ever read whole question

Most of you No! guys are voting no ... it not just about BS price reduction its about cap armor too ... i BS price are good and seems no one care about armor ... because you are just talking about damn BS price ....
Name of Topic might me Prices on Battleships but ready carefully omg ...

I think bigger problem is armor upgrade then BS price ... well who cares ...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - DiscoveryAccount - 07-03-2009

Quote:I'd actually also be for a universal decrease in prices.

No, I think reducing the price of every ships isn't necessary at all. It's already easy enough as it is to acquire a ship and fully equip it. If it's too easy, players are going to fee like they've seen everything even faster.

And yeah, the capital armor upgrade mark 8 price should be revised like I said in one of my previous post.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Faxxon - 07-03-2009

Defo reduce armor prices for cap ships. Its rather a buzzkill saving up 300mil or whatever for a LABC to find you need another 900mil just to make the damn thing worthy in battle.