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Freelancer ship development - legeonation - 04-14-2007

No rest for the weary ship modeler. I'm going to go ahead and get started on the next ship. Its going to be some kind of very heavy fighter/ gunship name Virage. Its based off the SA-7 Silpheed from the Sega CD game. As of right now I've got most of the body and engine blocks roughed out. There is still quite a bit of modeling work to do but I'll have something in the next few days. Until then enjoy what I've gotten done tonight.

Freelancer ship development - Commodore - 04-14-2007

boy i wish i could do some great textuing like that how do you do that texturing?

Freelancer ship development - Qunitinius~Verginix - 04-14-2007

Wow these are really great man. HAve you submitted the two you already made to Igiss?

Verginix out

Freelancer ship development - legeonation - 04-14-2007

First don't mind the shader textures they're only place holders. Second both the Stinger and Tigershark have been sumbitted so hoperfully they'll be in game soon. :cool:

Freelancer ship development - TankTarget - 04-14-2007

Hey man AWESOME work... I am somewhat decent at this sort of thing but still looking to get better. A big help would be telling me what programs you used. For texturing and modeling both. Also where to get it and how much it costs....

Freelancer ship development - Commodore - 04-14-2007

i might also be making discovery models, but they wont be near as good as these.

Freelancer ship development - Qunitinius~Verginix - 04-14-2007

Awesome! Ir eally hope they amke it in LEgonation. You rock and I will be trying to fly both of thses when they get released.

Verginix out

Freelancer ship development - Commodore - 04-14-2007

I will fly them both too. THEY LOOK GREAT!!!

Freelancer ship development - fwolf - 04-15-2007

I dont like the yellow cockpit. I think its better to put it black or blue.

Freelancer ship development - Razr - 04-15-2007

Wow it's remarkable you really have a sense of style and creativity. I would keep making more hope to see soem in game I'll definately being flying those.