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Nomad healing - Chenzo- - 03-21-2010

' Wrote:Hello,

or let nomads just regenerate only when full core output is available anywhere in space.

So shields and weapons would have to be fully charged for hull regeneration to begin. May be flhook it for nomad to also have 0 speed, so he would have to stop to regenerate.


This is a brilliant idea, as far as i can see it, there is no way you can modify the orginal idea of just sitting in the sun carona that would only wok for nomad ships, it will worlk for all ships, or none, as far as i know its impossible to stably create the orginal affect, the same goes for your idea aswell i think, but then again, i am not sure, this would be a cool idea though, if finally implamented into the game i surgest the above person's idea here that i quted into pratise.

Nomad healing - Tenacity - 03-21-2010

Can we switch this flamefest from nomad "healing" to nomad ships and equipment being immune to radiation damage?

Healing probably wont be added, ever. But radiation immunity isnt as big a deal.

Nomad healing - Shryke - 03-21-2010

Why would you need such a thing?

Nomad healing - darthbeck - 03-21-2010

' Wrote:Can we switch this flamefest from nomad "healing" to nomad ships and equipment being immune to radiation damage?

Healing probably wont be added, ever. But radiation immunity isnt as big a deal.

Yes it is. Think about what would happen if every nomad could just sit in the suns deathzone forever, luring other ships in.

Nomad healing - Blaze - 03-21-2010

Suns death zone will also kill nomads. The radiation immunity will allow them to play bounce bounce on the neutron star

Nomad healing - Tenacity - 03-21-2010

Quote:Yes it is. Think about what would happen if every nomad could just sit in the suns deathzone forever, luring other ships in.

Oh whoop, now the nomad can RP, and only the complete idiots on the server will die.

Y'know, if a nomad is sitting in the sun deathzone, any hostile with even a fraction of a brain will be able to stay out of weapon range.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-21-2010

Since when is the sun's deathzone the same as radiation? Radiation immunity wouldn't mean they can just fly into a sun.

Nomad healing - Mr.Fabulous - 03-21-2010

' Wrote:Oh whoop, now the nomad can RP, and only the complete idiots on the server will die.

Y'know, if a nomad is sitting in the sun deathzone, any hostile with even a fraction of a brain will be able to stay out of weapon range.

You also take out the fact that there can and WILL be lolcrafts out there who would take that advantage and $!$%@^ what you call "dumb" players while loling amongst themselves.

Oh... @Blaze - I augment your comment... I think it's been said before, but radiation immunity would allow Nomads to LOL you in ANY STAR SYSTEM to brain-implosion if they were given this...

and they will...

Nomad healing - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 03-21-2010

It will be abused.

Back on corsair times mostly we tried to lure hessians to the highier radiation sectors. Why? .. becouse Titan is a tank and can suffer much more damage than odin could at those times in a same period of time. Why you think nomads won't abuse this?

The answer they will. We all are players, and we all want to win pvp. You can act or lie that you don't but that will be just hypocrasy. Sometimes pvp brings to frustration in which even good player starts to act in abusive manner. That could happen. After luring few players near, lets say, neutron star of omega 41, voidrunners will just dodge, while odins/titans get eaten by neutron star. Or players simply retreat which will mean pvp death anyway.

No, this shouldn't be implented, nomads have enought of advatages already.

Nomad healing - Blaze - 03-21-2010

Nomads are given through SRP so I dont think there will be any lulwuts who are going to abuse this